
Rockford Sun

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

City of Rockford Code & Regulation Committee met July 13

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City of Rockford Code & Regulation Committee met July 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:


Attendee Name





Ann Thompson-Kelly

City of Rockford



Franklin C. Beach

City of Rockford



Joseph Chiarelli

City of Rockford



Karen Hoffman

City of Rockford



Tuffy Quinonez

City of Rockford



Other Attendees:

Chairman Chiarelli announced that the meeting was being held remotely because it has been determined that an in-person meeting is not practical or prudent.

Ald. Thompson-Kelly attended the meeting via teleconference


1. Committee recommends reversing the Zoning Board of Appeals' approval for a Zoning Map Amendment from R-3, Multi-Family Residential Zoning District to a C-2, Limited Commercial Zoning District at 4321 West State Street (Rockford DG, LLC – Mark Bush/Applicant). Karl Franzen, Director of Community and Economic Development explained that this item was previously laid over. The meeting was laid over to give the alderman of the ward an opportunity to speak with the developer. He noted that Staff supports the request.

Alderman Linda McNeely is the alderman of the ward. She expressed her opposition to the request. She further explained that she attended the ZBA meeting when this item was first presented. She was surprised that the item was moving forward because she had spoken to the developer and expressed her concerns with constructing a General Dollar Store at the subject location considering that it would be less than a mile away from another Dollar Store located on Springfield. She commented that she hoped that the developer would consider putting another type of retail business in the area because it is needed. She asked that the Code & Regulation Committee members support her wishes to deny this request.

Ald. Thompson-Kelly noted that she had reviewed the designs for the subject project, and in her opinion, it is the worst design of any Dollar Store that she has seen, and she will not be supporting the request.

Ald. Hervey expressed her support for the denial, and agreed that the designs were not good. She expressed her concerns about guidelines for developers.

The Committee reversed the Zoning Board and denied the zoning request.


MOVER: Tuffy Quinonez, Alderman

SECONDER: Karen Hoffman, Alderman

AYES: Thompson-Kelly, Beach, Chiarelli, Hoffman, Quinonez

2. 1060 West Riverside Boulevard and 3600 North Main Street

Liquor and Tobacco Advisory Board recommends:

a. Denial for the Sale of Liquor by the Drink in conjunction with a restaurant and video gaming terminals in a C-2, Limited Commercial Zoning District; and

b. Approval for the Sale of Liquor by the Drink in conjunction with a restaurant in a C-2, Limited Commercial Zoning District at 1060 West Riverside Boulevard and 3600 North Main Street (Fiesta Tequila of Rockford Inc./Applicant) Chairman Chiarelli announced that this item will lay over.


3. Committee recommends approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Rockford and Rockford Housing Authority (RHA) for Part 58 Environmental Review Services for RHA Projects. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance. Mr. Franzen informed the Committee that the City of Rockford is the responsible entity for the Rockford Housing Authority because it is the unit of government that exercises land use control over their projects, which is a HUD regulation that the City is bound to. He further explained that when environmental reviews are done, Rockford Housing Authority has the responsibility of hiring a consultant. However, the City of Rockford does review the work and sign off that they comply with all aspects of Part 58. Staff has determined that it would be best practice to have an intergovernmental agreement between the City of Rockford and the Rockford Housing Authority that clarifies the specific roles and responsibilities to request, complete, and document environmental reviews for Rockford Housing Authority projects, including submission of necessary documentation and cost recovery for expenses incurred by the City.


MOVER: Tuffy Quinonez, Alderman

SECONDER: Franklin C. Beach, Alderman

AYES: Ann Thompson-Kelly, Franklin C. Beach, Joseph Chiarelli, Tuffy Quinonez

ABSTAIN: Karen Hoffman


1. Rockford Fire 911 3k Family Run

Committee Meeting Monday, July 13, 2020 5:30 PM

Scheduled for August 15th from 7a.m. – 11a.m. The event location will be at 391 North Trainer Road Tim Hinkens, City of Rockford Engineer explained that this event is hosted by the Rockford Firefighters. Permission has been requested for street closures. All costs will be paid by the event organizers. Mr. Hinkens also noted that the event organizers are aware of the COVID restrictions, and the event is contingent upon any differing restrictions at the time of the event.


MOVER: Tuffy Quinonez, Alderman

SECONDER: Ann Thompson-Kelly, Alderman

AYES: Thompson-Kelly, Beach, Chiarelli, Hoffman, Quinonez

2. Ramp River Run

Scheduled for August 29th from 6 a.m. – Noon. The run will begin at 7:30 a.m. The run location will be at 202 Market Street at Water Street – City Market Pavilion Mr. Hinkens explained that the event organizers, the RAMP organization are requesting street closures, permission for a banner permit, permission for electric and permission for use of the City Market Pavilion Space. All costs will be paid by the event organizers. Mr. Hinkens also noted that the event organizers are aware of the COVID restrictions, and the event is contingent upon any differing restrictions at the time of the event.

Before the meeting adjourned, Chairman Chiarelli wished Alderman Chad Tuneberg a happy birthday.

With no further business before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned.


MOVER: Tuffy Quinonez, Alderman

SECONDER: Ann Thompson-Kelly, Alderman

AYES: Thompson-Kelly, Beach, Chiarelli, Hoffman, Quinonez
