City of Carlyle Street and Alley Committee and City Council Met Feb. 8.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee and council:
Call to Order/Roll Call
The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Hodapp at 5:30 p.m. at Case Halstead Library located at 550 6th Street, Carlyle, IL 62231. Committee members present included John Hodapp, Scott Diekemper (via Zoom), and Bruce Hilmes. Others present included Joe Behrman, Mayor Judy Smith, Andy Brackett, and Martha Reinkensmeyer.
Approval of Minutes
After reviewing the minutes from the December 21, 2021 meeting, Scott Diekemper made a motion to approve the minutes. John Hodapp seconded the motion. After a voice vote, all were found in favor.
Street & Alley Shed Fence/Gate Replacement Settlement
Andy stated that a driver for Waste Management struck the rolling gate on the south side of the Street & Alley shed. The quote for the repair is $6,634 and Waste Management’s insurance is willing to pay for the repair. Andy asked the Committee to make a motion to approve the settlement. John Hodapp made a motion to approve the settlement from Waste Management for the fence repairs. Bruce Hilmes seconded the motion. After a voice vote, all were found in favor.
Rebuild Illinois Funds Intent Letter
Andy reminded the Committee that Rebuild Illinois will be sending out six payments over three years, but the money received must be committed to a project. The first two payments received have been used to bolster the MFT funds and will be used for general maintenance. IDOT must be told by February 16th what the first two payments will be earmarked for. A discussion was then held on replacing bridges/culverts in town. Bruce Hilmes then made a motion to approve using the first two disbursements of Rebuild Illinois Funds for general maintenance. Scott Diekemper seconded the motion. After a voice vote, all were found in favor.
Street Signs Quote
Andy informed the Committee that he has received the quote from Newman signs for the final street sign replacement. The quote is for $13,342.91. This amount will allow Street and Alley to finish replacing the signs in town and have extra signs on hand. Scott Diekemper made a motion to approve the quote from Newman Signs. Bruce Hilmes seconded the motion. After a voice vote, all were found in favor.
Old Business
Andy said that he has sent an email to Kent and Doug from HMG to set up a meeting about resurfacing the Fish Hatchery subdivision. A discussion was then held regarding which section of the streets to start the project on and the drainage system. Andy also mentioned that the City should start working on the ADA transition plan for intersections. He also hopes to have a proposal from Byrne and Jones at the next meeting for Krebs Hill.
New Business
John asked Andy if it was possible to replace the blacktop on the entire ninth block of Fairfax Street on the south side of the street with hot patch. Water does not drain well on that section of street and is causing infrastructure issues. Mayor Smith stated that the County is appreciative of the handrail that was installed in front of the Clinton County Courthouse by the Street and Alley Department.
Executive Session
The Committee did not enter executive session so there were no executive session items on which to vote.
With no further business to discuss, Bruce Hilmes made a motion to adjourn. Scott Diekemper seconded the motion. Finding all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 5:52 p.m.