
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Belvidere City Council Met March 15

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City of Belvidere City Council Met March 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Convened in the Belvidere Council Chambers, 401 Whitney Blvd, Belvidere Illinois at 7: 00 p.m.

Call to order by Mayor Chamberlain.

1) Roll Call: Present: D. Arevalo, R. Brereton ( by teleconference), M. Fleury, W. Frank, M. Freeman ( by teleconference), M. McGee ( by teleconference), T. Porter, T. Ratcliffe ( by teleconference), D. Snow and C. Stevens.

Absent: None.

Other staff members in attendance:

Budget and Finance Director Becky Tobin, Public Works Director Brent Anderson, Community Development Planner Gina DelRose, Director of Buildings Kip Countryman by teleconference), Fire Chief Al Hyser, Police Chief Shane Woody, City Attorney Mike Drella and City Clerk Sarah Tumipseed.

2) Pledge of Allegiance:


3) Public Comment: None.

4) Approval of Minutes:

A) Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of the Belvidere City Council of March 1, 2021; as presented.

Motion by Ald. Porter, 2" a by Ald. Fleury to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of the Belvidere City Council of March 1, 2021. Roll Call Vote: 10/ 0 in favor. Ayes: Arevalo, Brereton, Fleury, Frank, Freeman, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow and Stevens. Nays: None. Motion carried.

5) Public Hearing: None.

6) Special Messages and Proclamations: None.

7) Approval of Expenditures: General & Special Fund Expenditures: $ 1, 365, 747. 43 Water & Sewer Fund Expenditures: $ 345, 876.43

Motion by Ald. Snow, 2nd by Ald. Arevalo to approve the General & Special Fund Expenditures in the amount of$ 1, 365, 747.43. Roll Call Vote: 10/ 0 in favor. Ayes: Brereton, Fleury, Frank, Freeman, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe, Stevens, Snow and Arevalo. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Motion by Ald. Fleury, 2nd by Ald. Porter to approve the Water& Sewer Fund Expenditures in the amount of$345, 876.43. Roll Call Vote: 10/ 0 in favor. Ayes: Fleury, Frank, Freeman, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow, Stevens, Arevalo and Brereton. Nays:

None. Motion carried.

8) Committee Reports and Minutes of City Officers:

A) Monthly Report of Belvidere Police Department Overtime for February 2021.

B) Monthly Report of Belvidere Fire Department Overtime for February 2021.

C) Monthly Report of Community Development Department/Planning Department for February 2021.

D) Monthly Report of Building Department Revenues, Residential Building Permits for February 2021.

E) Monthly General Fund Report for February 2021.

F) Monthly Water/Sewer Fund Report February 2021.

G) Monthly Financial Report for February 2021.

Let the record show these reports were placed on file.

H) Minutes of Committee of the Whole— Building, Planning and Zoning and Public Works of March 8, 2021,

Motion by Ald. Arevalo, 2nd by Ald. Snow to approve the minutes of Committee of the Whole— Building, Planning and Zoning and Public Works of March 8, 2021. Roll Call Vote: 10/ 0 in favor. Ayes: Frank, Freeman, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow, Stevens, Arevalo, Brereton and Fleury. Nays: None. Motion carried.

9) Unfinished Business:

A) Ord. # 524H— 2nd Reading: An Ordinance Granting a Special Use to Allow Indoor Commercial Entertainment( Video Gaming) with the NB, Neighborhood Business District( 600 Logan Avenue). Tabled March 1, 2021.

10) New Business:

A) Ord. # 529H— I" Reading: An Ordinance Budgeting for all corporate purposes for the City of Belvidere, Boone County, Illinois for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2021 and ending April 30, 2022.

B) Ord.#530H—1st Reading: An Ordinance Amending Sections 26- 80 and 26- 82, Of the City of Belvidere Municipal Code to Eliminate Expiration of a Business Registration License.

Let the record show that Ordinances# 529H and# 530H were placed on file for first reading.

C) Resolution# 2021- 5 — A Resolution Authorizing Certain Annual Parades for 2021.

Motion by Ald. Snow, 2" d by Ald. Fleury to adopt Res. # 2021- 5. Roll Call Vote: 10/ 0 in favor. Ayes: Freeman, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow, Stevens, Arevalo, Brereton, Fleury and Frank. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Motions forwarded from Committee of the Whole— Building, Planning and Zoning and Public Works of March 8, 2021.

A) Motion to approve the Special Use Extension for 982 Belvidere Road( Video Gaming). Roll Call Vote: 10/ 0 in favor. Ayes: McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow, Stevens, Arevalo, Brereton, Fleury, Frank and Freeman. Nays None. Motion carried.

B) Motion to approve the Special Use Extension for 1550 Pearl Street( Video Gaming). Discussion took place. Roll Call Vote: 8/ 2 in favor. Ayes: Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow, Arevalo, Brereton, Fleury, Frank and McGee. Nays: Freeman and Stevens. Motion carried.

C) Motion to approve the low bid from Globe Construction, in the amount of 147, 620. 00, for the City' s annual sidewalk program. The unit prices are 8. 15/ sf; for removal and replacement of 4" sidewalk and $ 7. 20/ sf for removal and replacement of 6" sidewalk. This work will be paid for from Line Item 01- 5- 310- 6003 and Line Item# 41- 5- 110- 7900. Discussion took place. Clint Morris spoke from the audience. Roll Call Vote: 8/ 2 in favor. Ayes: Ratcliffe, Snow, Arevalo, Brereton, Fleury, Frank, Freeman and McGee. Nays: Stevens and Porter.  Motion carried.

D) Motion to approve the low bid from Area Services, in the amount of 23, 404. 98, for the 2021 landscape maintenance program. This work will be paid for from Street Department Line Items# 0 1- 5- 310- 6002 and# 01- 05- 3 10- 6826. Roll Call Vote: 10/ 0 in favor. Ayes: Snow, Stevens, Arevalo, Brereton, Fleury, Frank, Freeman, McGee, Porter and Ratcliffe. Nays: None.  Motion carried.

E) Motion to approve the low bid from Tree Care Enterprises, in the amount of 51, 600.00, for tree work from May 1, 2021 to April 30, 2022 for the City of Belvidere. This work will be paid for from Forestry Funds. Discussion took place. Roll Call Vote: 10/ 0 in favor. Ayes: Stevens, Arevalo, Brereton, Fleury, Frank, Freeman, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe and Snow. Nays: None. Motion carried.

F) Motion to approve the low bid from LawnCare by Walter, in the amount of 350.00 per mowing, for the mowing of Water Department Sites. This work will be paid from Water Department Line Item# 61- 5- 810- 6040. Discussion took place. Roll Call Vote: 10/ 0 in favor. Ayes: Arevalo, Brereton, Fleury, Frank, Freeman, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow and Stevens. Nays: None. Motion carried.

G) Motion to approve the low bid from LawnCare by Walter, in the amount of 720. 00 per mowing, for the mowing of the Public Works Sites. This work will be paid from Street Department Line Item# 01- 5- 310-6002. Roll Call Vote: 10/ 0 in favor. Ayes: Brereton, Fleury, Frank, Freeman, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow, Stevens and Arevalo. Nays: None.

Motion carried.

H) Motion to approve the low bid from LawnCare by Walter, in the amount of 225. 00 per mowing, for the Farmington Ponds. This work will be paid from the Farmington Pond Maintenance Fund. Roll Call Vote: 10/ 0 in favor. Ayes: Fleury, Frank, Freeman, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow, Stevens, Arevalo and Brereton. Nays: None.  Motion carried.

I) Motion to authorize the Belvidere Police Department to hire an entry level police officer to backfill for the experienced officer being assigned to the COSSAP grant position. Discussion took place including Amanda Mehl ( by teleconference) with the Boone County Health Department. Motion by Ald. Freeman, 21d by Ald. Stevens to table until after May 1, 2021. Discussion took place. Roll Call Vote to table: 6/ 4 in favor. Ayes: Frank, Freeman, McGee, Porter, Stevens and Brereton. Nays: Ratcliffe, Snow, Arevalo, and Fleury.  Motion to table carried.

11) Adjournment:

Meeting adjourned at 7: 44p. m. Aye voice vote carried. Motion carried.
