
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Rockford resident asks if others oppose CRT

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The Illinois State Capitol building. | Wikipedia

The Illinois State Capitol building. | Wikipedia

Rockford resident Carly Chandler is recruiting all of the help she can find in battle to put an end to the critical race theory movement.

“Is anyone opposing CRT?” Chandler recently posted on Facebook. “I would like to attend the school board meetings with anybody who would like to go whenever they are. This needs to be ended immediately. My kids cannot hear any of this brainwashing, garage hatred. We must stop this.”

Chandler already has the support of plenty of CRT critics who see the situation the same way she does.

Former Republican state Rep. Jeanne Ives recently sang the praises of a group of School District 99 parents who came together at a local school board meeting to take a stand against CRT.

“Tonight a group of brave parents and residents of D99 school district discussed their opposition to critical race theory instruction in their schools,” Ives said in a post to Facebook. “When a few speakers incorrectly stated that there was a bill mandating it, the superintendent arrogantly asked them to show him the bill. The speakers mixed up the mandate for universities to begin teaching CRTL – Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading standards as directed by (the Illinois Joint Committee on Administrative Rules). But they were right that that mandate will flow into the K-12 schools. And they were right that CRTL instructs in CRT.”

Ives argues it was all by design and part of CRT supporters' plan to get what they want when it comes to changing the system to formally include elements of the controversial teachings.

“The school leaders questioned the speakers knowing that D99 has already infused CRT-altype training into their schools,” she said. “Diversity, equity and inclusion training uses much of the same foundational tenets as CRT. So keep speaking up, D99 parents, because the district leaders want to intimidate you rather than have honest conversations. Be respectful when you do confront the bullies. And show up to the next meeting.”

Critics of the system argue the real victims are children.

“The sort of psychological and emotional abuse, to say nothing of the academic vacuousness, that school children are being subjected to may appeal to the sliver of the population that consists of fringe white far-left neurotics and militant degenerates, but it does not curry favor with ordinary American families from all walks of life,” a recent The Federalist article argues. “A recent survey found that three-quarters of respondents were ‘somewhat or strongly opposed’ to schools teaching that white people are inherently privileged, while people of color are inherently oppressed and victimized.”

Several states, including Idaho, Iowa, Florida and Texas, have already banned CRT teachings or are in the process of seeking to do so.