Winnebago County Board met Feb. 24.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order - Chairman Joseph Chiarelli
2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance - Board Member Angela Fellars
3. Agenda Announcements - Chairman Joseph Chiarelli
4. Roll Call - Clerk Lori Gummow
5. Awards, Presentations, Public Hearings, and Public Participation
A. Awards – None
B. Presentations – Animal Services 2021 Annual Report, Brett Frazier
State’s Attorney 2021 Annual Update, SA J. Hanley
C. Public Hearings – None
D. Public Participation – Yes
E. Proclamation – “Black History Month” in Winnebago County, Illinois presented to David Ruffin and Paulette Gilbert, Ethnic Heritage Museum
6. Approval of Minutes - Chairman Joseph Chiarelli
A. Approval of January 13, 2022 minutes
B. Layover of February 10, 2022 minutes
7. Consent Agenda - Chairman Joseph Chiarelli
A. Raffle Report
B. Auditor’s Report
8. Appointments (Per County Board rules, Board Chairman appointments require a 30 day layover unless there is a suspension of the rule).
A. John F. Sweeney – Winnebago County Board District 20
9. Reports of Standing Committees - Chairman Joseph Chiarelli
A. Finance Committee - Jaime Salgado, Committee Chairman
1. Committee Report
2. Resolution to Exercise Option to Purchase (310 S. Church, 320 Chestnut and 324 Chestnut)
3. Ordinance for the Approval of a Budget Amendment for the Winnebago County Coroner’s Office to be Laid Over
4. Ordinance for Approval of Budget Amendment for the Violent Crime Reduction in Illinois Communities Program to be Laid Over
5. Ordinance to Amend Budget for Smart Probation, Innovations in Supervision Initiative to be Laid Over
B. Zoning Committee - Jim Webster, Committee Chairman
Planning and/or Zoning Requests:
1. Committee Report
C. Economic Development Committee - Jas Bilich, Committee Chairman
1. Committee Report
2. Resolution Establishing the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Funds for Economic Impact Program Policy
3. Resolution Electing to Opt-In to the Illinois Electronics Recycling Program for Program Year 2023
4. Resolution Re-Committing a Previously Approved Grant Providing $30,000 from Winnebago County Host Fees to Rockford Park District Foundation for Improvements of the West Rock Wake Park Development
D. Operations & Administrative Committee - Keith McDonald, Committee Chairman
1. Committee Report
E. Public Works Committee - Dave Tassoni, Committee Chairman
1. Committee Report
2. (22-001) Resolution Declaring as Surplus Highway Department Vehicles and Equipment and Authorizing Sale
Cost: $ N/A C.B. District: County Wide
3. (22-002) Award of Bid for the 2022 County General Letting
Cost: $1,457,885 C.B. District: County Wide
4. (22-003) Resolution Authorizing the Appropriation of MFT Funds for the Maintenance of County Highways
Cost: $ 5,754,000 C.B. District: County Wide
5. (22-004) Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Local Public Agency Engineering Services Agreement with Chastain & Associates, LLC for Riverside Boulevard (CH 55) between Material Avenue and Sage Drive and For Appropriating Motor Fuel Tax Funds (Section 21-00624-00-RS)
Cost: $520,000 C.B. District: 17 & 20
6. (22-005) Resolution Authorizing a Master Service Agreement with Frost Control Systems, Inc. for Four Pavement Temperature Sensors and Cameras
Cost: $9,900/yr. for 2 Years C.B. District: County Wide
F. Public Safety and Judiciary Committee - Burt Gerl, Committee Chairman
1. Committee Report
2. Resolution Accepting Award and Authorizing Services Agreements for Smart Probation: Innovations in Supervision
3. Resolution Accepting Award and Authorizing Service Agreement for the Violent Crime Reduction in Illinois Communities (VCRIC) Program
4. Resolution Awarding an Agreement with Benchmark Analytics
10. Unfinished Business ...Chairman Joseph Chiarelli
A. Howard Union Cemetery, Read in January 13, 2022, Compensation: None
1. Mike Alberstett (Reappointment), Davis, Illinois, June 2021 – June 2027
Finance Committee
A. An Ordinance to Opt-out of Preferential Assessment for Affordable Rental Housing Construction and Rehabilitation Pursuant to Property Tax Code, 35 ILCS 200/15-178 Laid Over from February 10, 2022 Meeting
11. New Business - Chairman Joseph Chiarelli
(Per County Board rules, passage will require a suspension of Board rules).
12. Announcements & Communications - Clerk Lori Gummow
A. Correspondence (see packet)
13. Closed Session to Discuss Labor Negotiations
14. Adjournment ...Chairman Joseph Chiarelli
Next Meeting: Thursday, March 10, 2022