
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Rockford Traffic Commission met June 8

City of Rockford Traffic Commission met June 8.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:


Attendee Name





Bill Rose

City of Rockford



Scott Capovilla

City of Rockford


Dock Ward

City of Rockford


Don Bissell

City of Rockford


Dorien Peterson

City of Rockford


Jason DoBran

City of Rockford


Jeremy Carter

City of Rockford


Patrick Yarbrough

City of Rockford


Michael Slife

City of Rockford


Mike Rotolo

City of Rockford


Ron Priddy

City of Rockford


Tom Okite

City of Rockford


Kerry Lin

City of Rockford



The minutes of the last regular meeting held on May 11, 2022, were approved as submitted.


A. New Business

1. Request in the 11th Ward, by Dennis Keirn, 2016 23rd Avenue, to establish “No Parking Any Time” on the north side of 23rd Avenue from 15th Street to 575’ east of 15th Street, thus repealing the existing restriction of “No Parking Any Time” on the north side of 23rd Avenue from 475’ to 575’ east of 15th Street. (K. Lin explained that trucks parking on the north side of 23rd Avenue make it difficult for drivers to exit the Imperial Punch parking lot. Commission recommended establishing “No Parking Any Time” on the north side of 23rd Avenue from 15th Street to 575’ east of 15th Street, thus repealing the existing restriction of “No Parking Any Time” on the north side of 23rd Avenue from 475’ to 575’ east of 15th Street. Motion by M. Rotolo, seconded by R. Priddy, Voted 7- 0).


AYES: Capovilla, Bissell, DoBran, Rotolo, Priddy, Okite, Lin ABSENT: Rose, Ward, Peterson, Yarbrough, Slife

2. Request in the 2nd Ward, by Jacob Hennelly, 525 Welty Avenue, to establish an all-way stop at the intersection of Welty Avenue and Greenwood Avenue, thus repealing the existing 2-way stop at the intersection of Welty Avenue and Greenwood Avenue. (This and the following item were discussed together. The requestor commented that speeding is a concern on Welty Avenue. K. Lin commented that a speed study was performed and while there was a speed of 66 mph recorded, the average and 85th percentile speeds were not excessive. It was also pointed out that there was only one accident at the Jackson Street intersection and that was due to a stop sign being disregarded. There is a large disparity in traffic volumes which can increase the disregarding of unwarranted stop signs. Commission recommended taking “No Action”. Motion by J. DoBran, seconded by R. Priddy, Voted 7-0).


AYES: Capovilla, Bissell, DoBran, Rotolo, Priddy, Okite, Lin ABSENT: Rose, Ward, Peterson, Yarbrough, Slife

3. Request in the 2nd Ward, by Jacob Hennelly, 525 Welty Avenue, to establish an all-way stop at the intersection of Welty Avenue and Jackson Street, thus repealing the existing 2-way stop at the intersection of Welty Avenue and Jackson Street. (See above. Commission recommended taking “No Action”. Motion by J. DoBran, seconded by R. Priddy, Voted 7-0).


AYES: Capovilla, Bissell, DoBran, Rotolo, Priddy, Okite, Lin ABSENT: Rose, Ward, Peterson, Yarbrough, Slife

4. Request in the 2nd Ward, by Jacob Hennelly, 525 Welty Avenue, to remove the “Through Street” designation from Welty Avenue from Rural Street to East State Street. (This item was put on the agenda in case either of the previous items were approved. Commission recommended taking “No Action”. Motion by T. Okite, seconded by R. Priddy, Voted 7-0).


AYES: Capovilla, Bissell, DoBran, Rotolo, Priddy, Okite, Lin ABSENT: Rose, Ward, Peterson, Yarbrough, Slife

5. Request in the 1st Ward, by Blair Brearley, 5050 Arbutus Road, to establish an all-way stop at the intersection of Arbutus Road and Williamsburg Road, thus repealing the existing one-way stop control of Williamsburg Road stopping for Arbutus Road. (K. Lin explained that the traffic volumes were low and there were no accidents at this intersection. J. DoBran stated that police recently monitored the area and did not find any ticketable speeding issues. T. Okite, who lives in the nearby vicinity, commented that he has not experienced any problems at this intersection. Commission recommended taking “No Action”. Motion by J. DoBran, seconded by S. Capovilla, Voted 7-0).


AYES: Capovilla, Bissell, DoBran, Rotolo, Priddy, Okite, Lin ABSENT: Rose, Ward, Peterson, Yarbrough, Slife

6. Request in the 11th Ward, by City Staff, to establish “No Parking Any Time” on the west side of 9th Street from 4th Avenue to 50’ south of 4th Avenue. (K. Lin explained that this request was to improve a sight triangle issue. Commission recommended establishing “No Parking Any Time” on the west side of 9th Street from 4th Avenue to 50’ south of 4th Avenue. Motion by T. Okite, seconded by M. Rotolo, Voted 7-0).


AYES: Capovilla, Bissell, DoBran, Rotolo, Priddy, Okite, Lin ABSENT: Rose, Ward, Peterson, Yarbrough, Slife

7. Request in the 3rd Ward, by Isaac Braun, Oak Street Health, to establish a “Passenger Loading Zone” on the south side of East State Street from 20’ east of Madison Street to 45’ east of Madison Street, thus repealing the existing “1 Hour Parking” restriction on the south side of East State Street from 20’ east of Madison Street to 45’ east of Madison Street. (This and the following item were discussed together. K. Lin explained that Oak Street Health prefers using East State Street for loading and unloading their patients. S. Capovilla asked whether the restriction could have a day/time limit. K. Lin replied that staff would reach out to Oak Street Health to verify if that would be acceptable. Commission recommended that this item be laid over to the July Traffic Commission. Motion by T. Okite, seconded by S. Capovilla, Voted 7-0).

RESULT: LAID OVER Next: 7/13/2022 6:00 PM

8. Request in the 3rd Ward, by Isaac Braun, Oak Street Health, to establish “2 Hour Parking” on the east side of Madison Street from 40’ south of East State Street to 60’ south of East State Street, thus repealing the existing “Passenger Loading Zone” on the east side of Madison Street from 40’ south of East State Street to 60’ south of East State Street. (See above. Commission recommended that this item be laid over to the July Traffic Commission. Motion by T. Okite, seconded by S. Capovilla, Voted 7-0).

RESULT: LAID OVER Next: 7/13/2022 6:00 PM


The meeting was closed at 6:30 PM
