
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Machesney Park Village Board met June 20

Village of Machesney Park Village Board met June 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Johnson.

Invocation was given by Associate Pastor Andrew Cagle followed by the pledge lead by Trustee Terri Bailey. Following Roll Call, a moment of silence was given in memory of USMC Corporal Nathan Carlson.

Present: Mayor Steve Johnson, Trustees Joe Seipts, Jake Schmidt, James Kidd, Aaron Wilson, Terri Bailey, and Erick Beck

Present: Clerk Robbin Snodgrass

Village Attorney Tom Green

Village Engineer Chris Dopkins

Director of Public Works Mitch Hilden

Treasurer Deb Alms

Finance and HR Manager Michelle Johannsen

Management Analyst Dylan Moffitt

Public Safety Supervisor Deputy Chief Anthony Miceli

The Journal of Proceedings for the Regular Board Meeting from May 16, 2022 were approved per typewritten copy submitted by the Clerk on a motion by Trustee Schmidt and seconded by Trustee Kidd. Motion carried by Voice Vote.

Treasurer Deb Alms presented the Treasurer’s Report as of June 10, 2022 reflects the total of all funds to be $29,497,724.38. A motion was made by Trustee Wilson second by Trustee Seipts to accept the Treasurer’s Report and place it on file. Motion approved. On Roll Call: 7 ayes (Trustees Beck, Seipts, Schmidt, Kidd, Wilson, Bailey, and Mayor Johnson)

Communications: Clerk Snodgrass shared that Mayor would be recognizing Pig Minds for 10 years of service in the community.

Clerk Snodgrass then introduced Resident Spencer Cushing, 7311 Mildred Road, who spoke to the Village Board (2.204 ADDRESSING MEETINGS) opposing from the agenda item 1 under Unfinished Business, Ordinance 18-22, Variance to Allow a Fence where there is no Principal Structure, 7315 Mildred Road.

Warrant: Trustee Wilson presented the warrant in the amount of $1,124,160.31 and moved for its passage; second by Trustee Schmidt. Motion approved on Roll Call: 7 ayes (Trustees Seipts, Schmidt, Kidd, Wilson, Bailey, Beck, and Mayor Johnson)


A. Mayor Johnson reported on the following:

∙ Sent Condolences to the Paul Stralow Family. Paul was a Village Trustee for 25 years and will be greatly missed.

∙ On Monday, June 13 he attended the Law Enforcement Torch Run event.

∙ Lastly, Mayor Johnson, reminded everyone about the Park Chambers Legislative – State of the State address July 20th given by Senator Dave Syverson.

B. Attorney Tom Green had no report.

C. Village Administrator James Richter II left no report.

D. Finance and HR Manager Michelle Johannsen had no report.

E. Superintendent of Public Works Mitch Hilden had no report.

F. Village Engineer Chris Dopkins reported that demolition is underway on flood buyout project on Wilshire. In addition, Harlem Road project is underway. Lastly, the Indigo project will be underway soon.

G. Public Safety Supervisor Deputy Chief Anthony Miceli congratulated Harlem High School Boys and Girls Bowling Teams for coming home National Champs.


A. District #1 Trustee Seipts, Planning and Economic Development Chair had no report.

B. District #2 Trustee Schmidt, Administration & Finance Vice-Chair had no report. C. District #3 Trustee Kidd, Public Improvements and Safety Chair had no report.

D. District #4 Trustee Wilson, Administration and Finance Chair Administration and Finance shared that the A&F committee considered Resolution 36-R-22 and would be sending it to board with a positive approval tonight.

E. District #5 Trustee Bailey, Public Improvements and Safety Vice-Chair had no report.

F. District #6 Trustee Beck, Planning and Economic Development Vice - Chair had no report.

CONSENT AGENDA - Mayor Johnson noted that the next item is the Consent Agenda. He asked Staff to introduce all items to be considered under the Consent Agenda. Finance and HR Manager Michelle Johannsen presented the items under Consent Agenda as follows:

1. Ordinance 20-22, Special Use Permit for an Open Sales Lot in the Commercial Community (CC) District, 8414 N. Second St. Final Reading

2. Ordinance 21-22, Variance for the Distance an Open Sales Lot is located from a Residential Use, 8414 N. Second St. Final Reading

3. Ordinance 22-22, Variance from Parking Requirements for an Open Sales Lot, 8414 N. Second St. Final Reading

4. Ordinance 25-22, Variance from Freestanding Sign Regulations, 7918 Scott Lane, First Reading

5. Ordinance 26-22, Text Amendment to Zoning Code, Amending Regulations for Wind Operated Energy Devices, First Reading

6. Ordinance 27-22, Approve the Purchase of 3 Vacant Lots Located in the Floodplain, First Reading

7. Ordinance 28-22, Amending the Village’s FOIA Policy, First Reading

8. Resolution 28-R-22, Approving a Pilot Operating Agreement with Bird Rides, Inc.

9. Resolution 29-R-22, Authorizing the Village’s Appointment to the Northern Illinois Land Bank Authority Board of Trustees

10. Resolution 30-R-22, Awarding the Construction Contract for the Indigo Lane Improvements

11. Resolution 31-R-22, Entering into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Loves Park regarding the Harlem Road improvements and maintenance responsibilities

Mayor Johnson asked if there were any items to be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Mayor Johnson asked for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion made by Trustee Bailey and second by Trustee Wilson. The motion was approved on roll call: 7 ayes (Trustees Seipts, Schmidt, Kidd, Wilson, Bailey, Beck, and Mayor Johnson)

Trustee Seipts made a motion for rules to be waived and Ordinance 27-22 be brought back for second reading. Second by Trustee Schmidt. The motion was approved on roll call: 7 ayes (Trustees Seipts, Schmidt, Kidd, Wilson, Bailey, Beck, and Mayor Johnson) Mayor Johnson asked for a motion to approve Ordinance 27-22 for final reading. Motion made by Trustee Kidd and Second by Trustee Bailey. The motion was approved on roll call: 7 ayes (Trustees Seipts, Schmidt, Kidd, Wilson, Bailey, Beck, and Mayor Johnson)


21. Unfinished Business:

1. Ordinance 18-22, Variance to Allow a Fence where there is no Principal Structure, 7315 Mildred Rd. Final Reading. Motion made by Trustee Kidd and second by Trustee Seipts. Staff report was given by Carrie Houston. Discussion followed. The motion was approved on roll call: 4 ayes (Trustees Seipts, Kidd, Wilson, and Bailey) 3 nays (Trustee Beck, Trustee Schmidt, and Mayor Johnson)




ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Trustee Kidd to adjourn; second by Trustee Seipts. Motion carried by Voice Vote.

Meeting adjourned at 6:24 p.m.
