
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Machesney Park Village Board met July 18

Village of Machesney Park Village Board met July 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Johnson.

Invocation was given by Village Clerk Robbin Snodgrass followed by the pledge lead by Trustee Erick Beck.

Present: Mayor Steve Johnson, Trustees Joe Seipts, James Kidd, Aaron Wilson, and Erick Beck

Absent: Trustees Jake Schmidt and Terri Bailey

Also Present: Clerk Robbin Snodgrass

Village Attorney Tom Green

Village Administrator James Richter II

Village Engineer Chris Dopkins

Director of Public Works Mitch Hilden

Treasurer Deb Alms

Finance and HR Manager Michelle Johannsen

Management Analyst Dylan Moffitt

The Journal of Proceedings for the Regular Board Meeting from July 5, 2022 were approved per typewritten copy submitted by the Clerk on a motion by Trustee Wilson and seconded by Trustee Kidd. Motion carried by Voice Vote.

Treasurer Deb Alms presented the Treasurer’s Report as of July 11, 2022 which reflects the total of all funds to be $29,934,941.57. A motion was made by Trustee Beck second by Trustee Seipts to accept the Treasurer’s Report and place it on file. Motion approved. On Roll Call: 5 ayes (Trustees Beck, Seipts, Kidd, Wilson, and Mayor Johnson) 2 absent (Trustees Schmidt and Bailey)

Communications: Clerk Snodgrass shared about attending the recent Municipal Clerk of Illinois Conference held in Elk Grove Village and was grateful for the opportunity to participate in the educational sessions. Next Clerk Snodgrass introduced the following people who wished to address the board prior to the vote on Ordinance 29-22 that is under new business tonight.

1) Neil Kasicki, 3587 Thyme Drive, Rockford, shared a power point in support of the rezoning from (R2) to (R4).

2) David Nerovich, 335 Roberts Road, Inverness, IL, shared in support of rezoning.

3) Margaret (Maggie) Kasicki, 3587 Thyme Drive, Rockford, shared in support of rezoning.

4) Mark Barrick, 114 North Pier, Machesney Park, opposed the rezoning.

5) Jerry Gibson, 5376 Sunbird Drive, Loves Park, opposed the rezoning.

Warrant: Trustee Wilson presented the warrant in the amount of $1,501,428.57 and moved for its passage; second by Trustee Beck. Motion approved on Roll Call: 5 ayes (Trustees Beck, Seipts, Kidd, Wilson, and Mayor Johnson) 2 absent (Trustees Schmidt and Bailey)


A. Mayor Johnson reported on the following:

• Mayor Johnson reminded everyone about the Park Chambers Legislative – State of the State event July 20th from 4 pm to 6 pm with Keynote Speaker Senator Dave Syverson.

• Mayor Johnson invited all to attend “National Night Out” held this year at Harlem High School on August 2nd.

• Lastly Mayor Johnson reminded everyone of the 75th Birthday Bash for the City of Loves Park and shared the activities planned on July 30th.

B. Attorney Tom Green had no report.

C. Village Administrator James Richter II had no report.

D. Finance and HR Manager Michelle Johannsen had no report.

E. Superintendent of Public Works Mitch Hilden had no report.

F. Village Engineer Chris Dopkins reported Harlem Road project is continuing with minimal challenges. Lastly, the Indigo project is ahead of schedule.

G. Public Safety Supervisor Deputy Chief Anthony Miceli left no report.


A. District #1 Trustee Seipts, Planning & Economic Development Chair had no report.

B. District #2 Trustee Schmidt, Administration & Finance Vice-Chair left no report.

C. District #3 Trustee Kidd, Public Improvements & Safety Chair had no report.

D. District #4 Trustee Wilson, Administration & Finance Chair shared that the A&F committee considered Ordinance 35-22 and would be sending it to board with a positive recommendation on August 1, 2022.

E. District #5 Trustee Bailey, Public Improvements & Safety Vice-Chair left no report.

F. District #6 Trustee Beck, Planning & Economic Development Vice - Chair had no report.


Mayor Johnson noted that the next item is the Consent Agenda. He asked Staff to introduce all items to be considered under the Consent Agenda. Village Administrator James Richter II presented the items under Consent Agenda as follows:

1. Ordinance 30-22, Zoning Map Amendment for the Mobile Home (MH) District to the Light Industrial (IL) District, 11499 Summerwood Dr. First Reading

2. Ordinance 31-22, Special Use Permit for Self-Storage in the Light Industrial (IL) District, 11499 Summerwood Dr. First Reading

3. Ordinance 32-22, Variance from the Building Materials Industrial Design Standard, 11499 Summerwood Dr. First Reading

4. Ordinance 33-22, Zoning Map Amendment from the Commercial Neighborhood (CN) District to the Single-Family Residential (R1) District, 6819 N. Second St. First Reading

5. Ordinance 34-22, Special Use permit for the Outdoor Storage in the light Industrial (IL) District, 1234 Shappert Dr. First Reading

6. Ordinance 36-22, Increasing the Number of Class A Liquor Licenses and Approving a Class A Liquor License for 1554 West Lane, Final Reading

7. Resolution 37-R-22, Authorizing a Contract with CivicPlus, LLC Corporation for Codification Services.

8. Resolution 38-R-22, Authorizing a Compensation and Benefits Study for Village Staff.

9. Resolution 39-R-22, Approving a Redevelopment Agreement with FDP WINSTON-SALEM, LLC for 8750 N. Second St.

10.Resolution 40-R-22, Authorization to publicly Bid the 2022 pavement Maintenance Program.

Mayor Johnson asked if there were any items to be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Mayor Johnson asked for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion made by Trustee Wilson and second by Trustee Kidd. The motion was approved on roll call, 5 ayes (Trustees Beck, Seipts, Kidd, Wilson, and Mayor Johnson) 2 absent (Trustees Schmidt and Bailey)


NEW BUSINESS: Ordinance 29-22, Zoning Map Amendment from the Two-Family Residential (R2) District to the Multi-Family Residential (R4) District, 8782 Victory Ln. First Reading. A motion was made by Trustee Kidd and failed due to lack of a second.

PUBLIC COMMENT: Trustee Kidd shared thoughts regarding Ordinance 29-22.


ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Trustee Kidd to adjourn; second by Trustee Seipts. Motion carried by Voice Vote.

Meeting adjourned at 6:29 p.m.
