Village of Rockton Administration Committee met Feb. 20.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Chairman Danielson called the regular meeting of the Administration Committee to order at 5:30 pm. Members present: Mayor Peterson, Dan Baumgartner, Scott Danielson and Justin York Staff present: Dan Barber, Tricia Diduch and Chief Hollinger
Also present: Angela Ketelsen & Dave Winters
Motion by Mr. York, second by Mr. Baumgartner, to waive the reading of and approve the minutes of February 6, 2023. All ayes. Motion approved 3-0.
Mr. Danielson stated that the information that Ms. Diduch sent out in reference to the downtown website looks good.
Mr. Danielson said that even though there has been a lot of interest in the Sonoco property, there is no real plan moving forward. Mr. Danielson requested that this be placed on the agenda in the next few weeks for further discussion. Mayor Peterson said that there is another party that is possibly interested in the property that would like to develop it as a venue/restaurant.
Mr. Danielson inquired if there was any further information regarding the outdoor patio at Al’s Main Street Tap. Ms. Diduch stated that she spoke with Atty. Szeto in regards to the property acquisition for Al’s and that he wanted to make sure that the Village Board was okay with the amount that the Village would be asking for. Mr. Barber said that he would put a hard number together on the project and add the engineering costs as well. Mayor Peterson commented that the Village needs to make sure the numbers are accurate.
Mr. York stated that the purchase requisition for Stalker Radar for a message trailer in the amount of $19,650 is up for approval at the Village Board meeting on February 21, 2023. Chief Hollinger advised the Committee that there is a 90 day lead time for the message trailer and that the Rockton Lions Club donated $10,000 towards the purchase. Chief Hollinger said that that the remaining $9,650 will be paid for out of next year’s budget. The Committee was okay with this.
Mr. York discussed Azure AD premium licensing for Village computers with the Committee. Mr. York explained the premium licensing which costs $3,216/ year would provide advanced security features that the Village’s information technology (IT) provider would have to install. Mr. York said that this would consist of geoblocking which would block some attackers, but may still allow some to get in. Mr. York stated that he would also like to get a quote for Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) as well. Mr. Danielson stated that this is a good path to continue on and commented that this should be looked at as a capital expense for the Village. Mr. York emphasized that if the Committee would like to discuss this security topic in further detail then they need to go into executive session to do so. Mr. York added that since the Village will be acquiring the Goldie Floberg building soon, the Village also needs to start thinking about what the plan is going to be so that they aren’t wasting any money. Mr. York stated that there is a year lead time in getting equipment into the building before we can start transitioning staff to that location. Mr. York also suggested that we include the Village’s IT contractor, Jeff Garcea, in these meetings as well.
Mr. Baumgartner discussed the water/sewer rates with the Committee. Mr. Baumgartner stated that he received confirmation from Ms. Hughes that tiered water rate billing is an option and can be done with the Village’s billing system. Mr. Danielson said that there may be budgeting challenges if the Village implemented a tiered water rate billing system. Mr. Barber stated that we would have to submit usage amounts to an accountant to come up with accurate numbers for budgeting, but that he does have a company that can do a presentation in regards to financial planning for the Committee. Mayor Peterson commented that the Village Board needs to figure this out soon so that we can start working on the budget for next year. Mr. Winters suggested that the Village create a new commercial rate for water usage. Mayor Peterson said that a conversation about a commercial rate is worth having. Mr. York stated that the Village needs to accrue more funds so that Mr. Barber can complete projects that need to get done. Mr. York said that the Village needs to see if increasing the commercial usage rate is even viable at this point.
Chief Hollinger advised the Committee that the police department is in the process of testing for new police officers and that the written test will be administered tomorrow (February 21st).
Chief Hollinger stated that he is currently working on the police budget for next fiscal year.
Chief Hollinger said that Ms. Hughes’ replacement will be starting soon. Chief Hollinger stated that he hired Jen Mayborne and that she is coming from the Winnebago County Records Department.
Chief Hollinger added that Sgt. Jobst will be returning to duty.
Chief Hollinger stated that he is going to help go through items at the Goldie Floberg building once the Village acquires the property. Chief Hollinger said that he will help determine what can be used, what can be placed up for auction and what should be thrown away.
Ms. Diduch stated that everyone who has had a chance to look at the downtown website are very pleased with it. Ms. Diduch said that the website focuses more on tourism for the Village.
Ms. Diduch advised the Committee that she has a meeting tomorrow morning in reference to the mural at Pocket Park.
Ms. Diduch stated that Yeti Fest went really well and that they had approximately 2,000 visitors for the event.
Motion by Mr. Baumgartner, second by Mr. York to adjourn at 6:21 pm.