
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Winnebago County Board met June 22

Winnebago County Board met June 22.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call to Order - Chairman Joseph Chiarelli

2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance - Board Member Dave Tassoni

3. Agenda Announcements - Chairman Joseph Chiarelli

4. Roll Call - Clerk Lori Gummow

5. Awards, Presentations, Public Hearings and Public Participation

A. Awards – None

B. Presentation – Rockford Area Venues and Entertainment - Annual Update

C. Public Hearings – None

D. Public Participation – John Mitchell, President of Winnebago-Boone Farm Bureau, presenting the Allies in Agriculture plaque to the Board

Rev. Earl Dotson, Sr., Create Manufacturing Jobs for National Security, Pro

Denzil Wynter, Disrespect for Treatment of Citizens by Sheriff Police, Con

Joan Sage, Comcast Government and Regulatory Affairs Manager, Comcast Franchise Agreement, Pro

6. Approval of Minutes - Chairman Joseph Chiarelli 

A. Approval of May 25, 2023 minutes

B. Layover of June 8, 2023 minutes

7. Consent Agenda - Chairman Joseph Chiarelli 

A. Raffle Report

B. Auditor’s Report

8. Appointments (Per County Board rules, Board Chairman appointments require a 30-day layover unless there is a suspension of the rule).

9. Reports of Standing Committees - Chairman Joseph Chiarelli

A. Finance Committee - John Butitta, Committee Chairman

1. Committee Report

2. Resolution Authorizing the Renewal of a Cable Television Franchise Agreement with Comcast of Illinois/Indiana/Ohio, LLC

3. Resolution Authorizing the Renewal of a Cable Television Franchise Agreement with Spectrum Mid-America, LLC (Charter Communications)

4. Ordinance Amending Recorder’s Predictable Fee Schedule to Institute Mandated Increase to Rental Housing Support Program State Surcharge to be Laid Over

5. Ordinance for a Budget Amendment for Violent Crime Reduction in Illinois Communities (VCRIC) Grant Extension to be Laid Over

6. Ordinance for a Budget Amendment for Circuit Clerk PT Staff to be Laid Over

B. Zoning Committee - Jim Webster, Committee Chairman Planning and/or Zoning Requests:

1. Committee Report

C. Economic Development Committee - John Sweeney, Committee Chairman

1. Committee Report

D. Operations and Administrative Committee. - Keith McDonald, Committee Chairman 

1. Committee Report

E. Public Works Committee - Dave Tassoni, Committee Chairman

1. Committee Report

2. (23-023) Resolution to Request Permission from IDOT for Intermittent Closure of IL Route 75 for the GFNY Rockford Cycling Event

County Cost: $00.00 C.B. District: 1, 2, 5 3. (23-024) Resolution Authorizing the Obligation Retirement of Bond Payments from MFT Funds (Section 14-00563-00-GB)

Cost: $199,750 C.B. District: County Wide

F. Public Safety and Judiciary Committee - Brad Lindmark, Committee Chairman 

1. Committee Report

2. Resolution Authorizing the Chairman of the County Board to Execute an Agreement with the City of Loves Park for Dispatch Services

3. Resolution Authorizing Execution of a First Amendment to the Public Safety Sales Tax Agreement by and Between the County of Winnebago, Illinois, 17th Judicial Circuit Court and Remedies Renewing Lives

4. Resolution Authorizing the Chairman of the County Board to Execute a Winnebago County Mental Health Board Funding Agreement and Service Agreements

5. Resolution to Approve Execution of Amendment #2 under ICJIA award #419060 (Violent Crime Reduction in Illinois Communities Program)

6. Resolution to Approve Execution of Sub-award Agreement #2 under ICJIA award #419060 (Violent Crime Reduction in Illinois Communities Program)

10. Unfinished Business - Chairman Joseph Chiarelli

Appointments read in on April 13, 2023

A. Board of Review, Annual Compensation: $27,809.86

1. Pamela Cunningham (Reappointment), Winnebago, Illinois, 2-year term, May 2023 to May 2025

2. Jay Dowthard (Reappointment), Rockford, Illinois, 2-year term, May 2023 to May 2025

11. New Business - Chairman Joseph Chiarelli (Per County Board rules, passage will require a suspension of Board rules).

12. Announcements & Communications .- Clerk Lori Gummow

A. Correspondence (see packet)

13. Adjournment - Chairman Joseph Chiarelli
