
Rockford Sun

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

City of Rockford Code & Regulation Committee met Aug. 28

City of Rockford Code & Regulation Committee met Aug. 28.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:



1. Pepper Drive/Alpine Road/Mulford Road

Traffic Commission recommends approval to remove the Through Street designation for Pepper Drive from Alpine Road to Mulford Road

2. Pepper Court/Pepper Drive

Traffic Commission recommends approval to establish a one-way stop control at the intersection of Pepper Court and Pepper Drive with Pepper Court stopping for Pepper Drive

3. Cinnamon Lane/Pepper Drive

Traffic Commission recommends approval to establish one-way stop control at the intersection of Cinnamon Lane and Pepper Drive with Cinnamon Lane stopping for Pepper Drive

4. Cardamon Lane/Pepper Drive

Traffic Commission recommends approval to establish one-way stop control at the intersection of Cardamon Lane and Pepper Drive with Cardamon Lane stopping for Pepper Drive

5. Thyme Drive/Pepper Drive

Traffic Commission recommends approval to establish one-way stop control at the intersection of Thyme Drive and Pepper Drive with Thyme Drive stopping for Pepper Drive

6. Bent Tree Court/Pepper Drive

Traffic Commission recommends approval to establish a one-way stop control at the intersection of Bent Tree Court and Pepper Drive with Bent Tree Court stopping for Pepper Drive

7. Foxborough Lane/Pepper Drive

Traffic Commission recommends approval to establish one-way stop control at the intersection of Foxborough Lane and Pepper Drive with Foxborough Lane stopping for Pepper Drive

8. Sherbrooke Road/Pepper Drive/Sherbrooke Road

Traffic Commission recommends approval to establish one-way stop control at the intersection of Sherbrooke Road and Pepper Drive with Sherbrooke Road stopping for Pepper Drive

9. Norfolk Close/Pepper Drive

Traffic Commission recommends establishing one-way stop control at the intersection of Norfolk Close and Pepper Drive with Norfolk Close stopping for Pepper Drive

10. Flambeau Drive/Pepper Drive

Traffic Commission recommends establishing one-way stop control at the intersection of Flambeau Drive and Pepper Drive with Flambeau Drive stopping for Pepper Drive

11. Ramblewood Lane and Pepper Drive

Traffic Commission recommends approval to establish all-way stop control at the intersection of Ramblewood Lane and Pepper Drive, thus repealing the existing traffic control of Pepper Drive stopping for Ramblewood Lane

12. Dierks Drive and Arnold Avenue

Traffic Commission recommends approval to establish one-way stop control of Dierks Drive stopping for Arnold Avenue

13. No Action Item

Traffic Commission recommends that “No Action” be taken on the request to establish an all-way stop control at the intersection of Spring Brook Road and Shaw Woods Drive, thus repealing the existing traffic control of Shaw Woods Drive stopping for Spring Brook Road

14. 5946 Weymouth Drive

Zoning Board of Appeals recommends denial for a Variation to increase the maximum permitted six (6) residents to eight (8) residents for community-based housing in an R-1, Single-Family Residential Zoning District at 5946 Weymouth Drive (Oxford House Athelstan/Applicant)

15. 1234 National Avenue

Zoning Board of Appeals recommends denial for a Variation to increase the maximum permitted six (6) residents to nine (9) residents for community-based housing in an R-1, Single-Family Residential Zoning District at 1234 National Avenue (Oxford House Indigo Bird/Applicant)

16. 6274 Brigantine Lane

Zoning Board of Appeals recommends denial for a Variation to increase the maximum permitted six (6) residents to 13 (thirteen) residents for community based housing in an R-1, Single-Family Residential Zoning District at 6274 Brigantine Lane (Oxford House Rock River/Applicant)

17. 3522 Applewood Lane

Zoning Board of Appeals recommends denial for a Variation to increase the maximum permitted six (6) residents to eight (8) residents for community-based housing in an R-1, Single-Family Residential Zoning District at 3522 Applewood Lane (Oxford House Ernest/Applicant)

18. 5383 Pepper Drive

Zoning Board of Appeals recommends denial for a Variation to increase the maximum permitted six (6) residents to nine (9) residents for community-based housing in an R-1, Single-Family Residential Zoning District at 5383 Pepper Drive (Oxford House Waylon/Applicant)

19. 602 Hollister Avenue

Zoning Board of Appeals recommends approval for a Special Use Permit for a coffee shop and restaurant with a drive-through in a C-2, Limited Commercial Zoning District at 602 Hollister Avenue (RP Rockford, LLC/Applicant)

20. 4301 North Main Street

Zoning Board of Appeals recommends approval for a Modification of Special Use Permit#019-18 for a Planned Mixed-Use Development to the existing funeral home, crematory and special event center with indoor and outdoor events to add a cemetery, and to convert the former clubhouse into a single-family residence in a C-1, Limited Office Zoning District at 4301 North Main Street (Majestic Hippopotamus, LLC/Applicant)

21. 2837 11th Street

Liquor and Tobacco Advisory Board recommends approval for the Sale of Packaged Liquor (Class PKG) in conjunction with a gas station and mini-mart in a C-3, General Commercial Zoning District at 2837 11th Street (Yara 9, LLC/Ankit Patel dba Amoco Mart/Applicant)

22. 2837 11th Street

Liquor and Tobacco Advisory Board recommends approval for the Sale of Tobacco Products in conjunction with a gas station and mini-mart in a C-3, General Commercial Zoning District at 2837 11th Street (Yara 9, LLC/Ankit Patel dba Amoco Mart/Applicant)

23. Proposed Amendments to Chapter 3 (Liquor) of the City of Rockford Code of Ordinances Establishing a Downtown Social District

24. Proposed Amendment to Chapter 3 (Liquor and Hookah) of the City of Rockford Code of Ordinances to Permit On-Site Consumption of Alcohol at Authorized Hookah Lounges

25. Project Labor Agreement (PLA) Policy

