
Rockford Sun

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Village of Pecatonica Public Works Committee met Sept. 5

Village of Pecatonica Public Works Committee met Sept. 5.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order- The meeting was called to order by Committee Chairman Tom Gipe at 6:00 pm on Tuesday September 5, 2023.

2. Roll call – Chairman Tom Gipe, Trustee Collin Hardy and Trustee Bill Determan were present.

Also in attendance were, Village President Tom Heister, Trustee Gerald Howard, Public Works Director Nick Berry, Village Engineer Jason Stoll and John Lilja of Cahoy.

3. Additions/Corrections to the Agenda

Add #13. Discuss Completion of Creek Cleaning Project.

4. Approve the Agenda -

A motion was made by Trustee Determan and seconded by Trustee Hardy to approve the agenda as amended Discussion. A roll call vote was taken. All in favor Motion approved 3-0-0.

5. Public Comment-


6. Review JETCO Limited Change Order Proposal for the Water Tower Rehabilitation Project with Recommendation to the Village Board

Jason Stoll reviewed the proposed change order from JETCO in the amount of $9910.00. Discussion. This repair needs to be completed while the tower is empty. This would be the best time to complete the repair.

A motion was made by Trustee Determan and seconded by Trustee Hardy to send the JETCO change order proposal for the Water Tower Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $9,910.00 to the full board for approval. Discussion. A roll call vote was taken. All in favor Motion approved 3-0-0.

Village President Tom Heister requested that Jason Stoll have a complete list of the change orders regarding the Water Tower Rehabilitation Project for the board to review at the next meeting, this list is to include both credits and new charge change orders.

7. Discuss Well #3 Change Orders with Possible Recommendation to Village Board

Jason Stoll gave a recap of the Special Public Works Committee Meeting on August 21, 2023. Both Bennett Construction Inc. and Cahoy contacted their insurance to see if there would be coverage for the repairs. Both reached out to Jason and told him it was not covered under insurance. Cahoy also revisited the proposed cost and they were unable to adjust the numbers. The committee still feels that the Village has not taken over the property and the responsibility of the repairs should not fall on the village. The committee went on to review the findings of both the original inspection from August 2021 and the most recent inspection noting that there was information in the first inspection that should have possibly been a red flag. Both reports show a void, vertical fracture and a shift at the hole orientation between the 194 feet and 203 feet. In light of this information, the village is asking Cahoy to send a copy of the original inspection for the engineer and the village to review. No action was taken at this time and this will be Tabled.

8. Discuss Fehr Graham Well House #3 Change Order with Recommendation to the Village Board Tabled

9. Review 3rd Street Improvement Bids with Recommendation to the Village Board The committee reviewed the bids and Jason Stoll answered questions from the committee.

A motion was made by Trustee Determan and seconded by Trustee Hardy to send the Helm Civic Bid in the amount of $121,248.00 to the full board for approval. Discussion. A roll call vote was taken. All in favor Motion approved 3-0-0.

10. Discuss Fehr Graham Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for the 3rd Street Project with Recommendation to the Village Board

A motion was made by Trustee Determan and seconded by Trustee Hardy to send the Fehr Graham Engineering fees in the amount of $7275.00 to the full board for approval. Discussion. A roll call vote was taken. All in favor Motion approved 3-0-0.

11. Public Works Report

No report at this time

12. Discuss Invoice for Water Main Break Clean-up

Nick Berry reviewed the billing from First Onsite for the emergency clean up to a resident’s property due to a water main break in the amount of $738.95. Discussion. The committee reviewed the billing and gave approval for it to be paid on the next Village warrant list.

13. Discuss Completion of Creek Cleaning Project

Nick reviewed the invoices from Kelsey Excavating for the Creek Cleaning Project, the invoices total is $15,420.00 which comes in under the approved project budget. The project has been completed. This project was previously approved at the board level and the committee agreed it can be sent to be paid on the next warrant list. Discussion. A roll call vote was taken. All in favor Motion approved 3-0-0.

14. Adjourn

A motion was made by Trustee Hardy and seconded by Trustee Determan to adjourn the meeting. All in favor meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm
