
Rockford Sun

Friday, September 20, 2024

City of Rockford City Council met Dec. 18

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Timothy J. Durkee, Alderman - Ward 1 | City of Rockford Website

Timothy J. Durkee, Alderman - Ward 1 | City of Rockford Website

City of Rockford City Council met Dec. 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


Mayor McNamara called the meeting to order at 5:37 p.m.

A. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance

The Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance took place during the Special Finance and Personnel Committee meeting which was held prior to this meeting.

B. Roll Call

Attendee Name





Tim Durkee

City of Rockford



5:50 PM

Jonathan Logemann

City of Rockford



Chad Tuneberg

City of Rockford



5:44 PM

Kevin Frost

City of Rockford



Gabrielle Torina

City of Rockford



Aprel Prunty

City of Rockford



Janessa Wilkins

City of Rockford



Karen Hoffman

City of Rockford



Bill Rose

City of Rockford



Franklin C. Beach

City of Rockford



Isidro Barrios

City of Rockford



Gina Meeks

City of Rockford



Jeffrey Bailey

City of Rockford



Mark Bonne

City of Rockford




There were no proclamations presented at this meeting.


A. Planning and Development Committee

B. Code and Regulation Committee

1. Memorandum from Jacob Rubin, Assistant City Attorney, regarding the Annexation of 3900 South Main Street. Referred to Code and Regulation Committee.

2. Memorandum from Jacob Rubin, Assistant City Attorney, regarding the Annexation of 47xx South Main Street. Referred to Code and Regulation Committee.

3. Zoning Board of Appeals’ Agenda for the meeting to be held onDecember 19, 2023 and Minutes from that meeting for consideration at the Code and Regulation Committee meeting on January 8, 2023. Referred to Code and Regulation Committee.

4. Liquor and Tobacco Advisory Board’s Agenda for the meeting to be held on December 19, 2023 and Minutes from that meeting for consideration at the Code and Regulation Committee meeting on January 8, 2023. Referred to Code and Regulation Committee.

5. Memorandum from Nicholas Meyer, Legal Director, regarding an amendment to the City of Rockford Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4,Article II, Division I & II (Dogs). Referred to Code and Regulations Committee.

C. Finance and Personnel Committee

1. Alderman Frost opened a bid for the sale of a portion of the city-owned property located at 421 College Avenue. The bid was received from Fred Brechlin of Rockford, Illinois in the amount of $500.00. Referred to Finance and Personnel Committee.

2. Memorandum from Carrie Hagerty, Finance Director, regarding the American Rescue Plan Implementation Phase 3. Referred to Finance and Personnel Committee.

3. Memorandum from Nicholas Meyer, Legal Director, regarding a request for a partial release of city liens recorded against the property located at307 North Hinkley Avenue. Referred to the Finance & Personnel Committee.


1. Joan Sage from Comcast provided the council members with emergency contact information for Xfinity and she informed citizens that Xfinity offers four hours of internet service to its customers during power outages. She also spoke about the success of Comcast's Internet Essentials program and how it was positively impacting the lives of residents.

2. Denzil Wynter indicated he recently completed the Citizens Police Academy training and he reported it very helpful. He stated there was still work to be done in our community but he expressed his appreciation to Chief Redd for her efforts.

3. John Tac Brantley shared he received a trailer full of Christmas gifts that were donated and he stated they would be distributed to children in the community. He also reported he organized after school tutoring for several grade school students.

4. Prophet Yusef quoted a passage of scripture and recited a poem encouraging individuals that were struggling to not quit and persevere through difficult times.


A. Planning and Development Committee

1. 2023-285-CR - Committee recommends approval of the 2024 Annual Action Plan. This plan directs the expenditure of CDBG, HOME and ESGprogram funds for the next year. The Legal Director shall prepare theappropriate ordinance.

Alderman Wilkins, on behalf of the Planning and Development Committee, read in the committee report and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne

NAYS: Tim Durkee

2. 2023-286-CR - Committee recommends approval of a proposed Redevelopment Agreement between the City of Rockford and Classic

Cuts for a one-time TIF reimbursement from the South Main-Rock Street TIF Fund in the amount of $25,000. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

Alderman Wilkins, on behalf of the Planning and Development Committee, read in the committee report and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne

3. 2023-287-CR - Committee recommends approval of the Preliminary Conditional Set-Aside of HOME (HOME Investment Partnerships Program) Funds for Lafayette Apartments at 411 Mulberry Street. The federal funding source is the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME). The maximum amount of funding, based on gap financing, is $650,000. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

Alderman Wilkins, on behalf of the Planning and Development Committee, read in the committee report and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne

B. Code and Regulation Committee

1. Committee recommends sustaining the Liquor and Tobacco Advisory Board's approval for a Modification of an existing Liquor License for a 50% stock purchase in a C-4, Urban Mixed-Use Zoning District at 205 West State Street (Erik Carlson/John Murray/Downtown Rockford Restaurant, LLC dba The District Bar and Grill/Applicants). Subject to conditions. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance. Alderman Torina, on behalf of the Code and Regulation Committee, read in the committee report and moved to lay this item over. Alderman Frost seconded the motion. The item was then laid over.

RESULT: LAID OVER Next: 1/8/2024 5:45 PM

2. Committee recommends sustaining the Liquor and Tobacco Advisory Board's approval of a Modification of an existing Liquor License for a 50% stock purchase in a C-2, Limited Commercial Zoning District at 752 and 908 West Riverside Boulevard (Erik Carlson/John Murray/Northtown Restaurant, LLC dba Half Baked/Applicant). Subject to conditions. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

Alderman Torina, on behalf of the Code and Regulation Committee, read in the committee report and moved to lay this item over. Alderman Frost seconded the motion. The item was then laid over.

RESULT: LAID OVER Next: 1/8/2024 5:45 PM

C. Finance and Personnel Committee

1. 2023-288-CR - Committee recommends approval of the vouchers in the amount of $14,016,396.03 as approved at the Finance and Personnel Committee meeting on December 11, 2023.

Alderman Frost, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the committee report and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne

2. 2023-289-CR - Approval of the General Wage Increase for Non Represented Employees

Alderman Frost, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the committee report and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne


A. Mayor McNamara

Mayor McNamara congratulated Alderman Beach on receiving the Winnebago County Community Champion Award during the 2023 Excalibur and Excelsior Awards Ceremony. He thanked Alderman Beach and his wife, Sonja, for their decades of service and dedication to this community.

Mayor McNamara mentioned this was the last City Council meeting of 2023 and he shared that looking back 2023 had been a challenging yet productive year. He stated that many of the aldermen had faced personal and professional challenges and he expressed his appreciation for their commitment and dedication during difficult times.

B. Alderman Bonne

Alderman Bonne congratulated Alderman Beach on his Excalibur Award. He thanked the sponsors of the Excalibur and Excelsior Awards for their efforts to recognize and celebrate individuals that were making an impact to improve this community.

C. Alderman Rose

Alderman Rose recognized and thanked city staff for their time, dedication, professionalism and service to this community. He also wished everyone Happy Holidays.

D. Alderman Wilkins

Alderman Wilkins expressed her appreciation to everyone that reached out and contacted her over the past month while she experiencing health issues.

Alderman Wilkins announced that Edge Community Fellowship located at 2000 Kilburn Avenue was hosting a Meet Santa and Mrs. Clause event on Saturday, December 23, 2023 from noon to 3:00 p.m.

E. Alderman Bailey

Alderman Bailey congratulated the new Fire Recruit Candidates who recently graduated and he wished them all great success.

F. Alderman Prunty

Alderman Prunty thanked the sponsors that organized the pre-screening of the Color Purple and she encouraged citizens to read the book and see the movie once it was released.

Alderman Prunty announced a Kwanzaa Celebration would be held on December 30, 2023 from 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the African American Resource Center at Booker Washington.


1. Appointment of Ken Oliver to the Community Action Agency Board for a term expiring December 2026. This appointment will fill the vacant Client Sector position. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this appointment will be up for passage after December 6, 2023.)

Mayor McNamara read in the appointment and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne

2. Appointment of Joan Velazquez to the Community Relations Commission for a term expiring November 2026. This appointment will fill the vacancy created by the passing of Jay Ware. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this appointment will be up for passage after December 6, 2023.)

Mayor McNamara read in the appointment and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne

NAYS: Tim Durkee

3. Appointment of James McDowell to the Community Relations Commission for a term expiring August 2024. This appointment will fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Brett Owens. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this appointment will be up for passage after December 6, 2023.)

Mayor McNamara read in the appointment and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne

NAYS: Tim Durkee

4. Reappointment of Scott Baier to the Electrical Board for a term expiring December 2026. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this reappointment will be up for passage after December 6, 2023.)

Mayor McNamara read in the reappointment and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne

5. Reappointment of Mark Primm to the Electrical Board for a term expiring December 2026. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this reappointment will be up for passage after December 6, 2023.)

Mayor McNamara read in the reappointment and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne

6. Reappointment of Ryan Marshall to the Mechanical Board for a term expiring December 2028. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this reappointment will be up for passage after December 6, 2023.)

Mayor McNamara read in the reappointment and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne

7. Appointment of Simone Cameron to the Rockford Housing Authority (RHA) for a term expiring August 2024. This appointment will fill the vacancy created by the resignation of NeAngela Dixon. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this appointment will be up for passage after December 6, 2023.)

Mayor McNamara read in the appointment and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne


A. Planning and Development Committee

1. 2023-263-R - Committee recommends approval of an application and acceptance of a grant award from the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) Tourism Attractions Grant for the Davis Park Master Plan Implementation.

Alderman Wilkins, on behalf of the Planning and Development Committee, read in the resolution and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne

B. Code and Regulation Committee

C. Finance and Personnel Committee

1. 2023-264-R - Committee recommends approval of the Award of Bid: City-Wide Inlet Repairs 2024 to DPI Construction, Inc., of Pecatonica, Illinois for an estimated annual cost of $300,000 based on unit pricing.

The contract duration is one-year with four (4) possible one-year extension options. Annual price adjustments for CPI considered at contract renewal only. The funding source is Street Division Operating Budget/CIP General Fund.

Alderman Frost, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the resolution and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne

2. 2023-265-R - Committee recommends approval of the Award of Bid:

Alpine Dam Rehabilitation Phase II to DPI Construction, Inc., of Pecatonica, Illinois in the amount of $2,765,432.10. The project is estimated to be completed by September 30, 2024. The funding source is CIP General Fund.

Alderman Frost, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the resolution and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne

3. 2023-266-R - Committee recommends approval of the Award of Construction Engineering Agreement: Downtown Streetscape Main Street (Chestnut to Elm) to H.R. Green, Inc., of McHenry, Illinois in the amount of $90,505.00. The project is estimated to be completed by June 28, 2024.

The funding source is 1% Infrastructure Sales Tax.

Alderman Frost, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the resolution and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne

4. 2023-267-R - Committee recommends approval of the Award of Bid:

Downtown Streetscape - Main Street (Chestnut to Elm) to DPI Construction, of Pecatonica, Illinois in the amount of $452,424.55. The project is estimated to be completed by June 28, 2024. The funding source is 1% Infrastructure Sales Tax.

Alderman Frost, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the resolution and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne

5. 2023-268-R - Committee recommends approval of the Award of RFP:

Materials Testing Services 2024 to Geocon Professional Services, of Rockford, Illinois for an estimated annual cost of $200,000, based on unit pricing. The contract duration is one (1) year with four (4) one-year extension options. Annual price adjustments considered at contract renewal only. The funding source is 1% Infrastructure Sales Tax/Motor Fuel Tax funds.

Alderman Frost, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the resolution and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne

6. 2023-269-R - Committee recommends approval of the Award of Non Competitive Contract: Police Communication Radio Upgrade - Components and Installation, to Rock River Services Company, of Rockford, Illinois in the amount of $53,410.00. The Department is seeking to purchase the equipment from, and have the installation completed by, Rock River Services Company. Rock River Services is the authorized reseller for Motorola Solutions mobile radio systems in our area and has provided similar equipment in the past and currently maintains said equipment. The funding source is FY 2023 Police Department Operating Budget.

Alderman Frost, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, readin the resolution and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne

7. 2023-270-R - Committee recommends approval of the Award of Joint Purchasing Contract: Firefighting Turnout Gear to Delta Fire & Safety, of Port Neches, Texas for an estimated amount of $225,000 based on unit pricing. The contract duration is one-year. The contract pricing was obtained through the Houston-Galveston Area Council Cooperative Purchasing Agreement that was competitively bid. The funding source is Fire Department Operating Budget.

Alderman Frost, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the resolution and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne

8. 2023-271-R - Committee recommends approval of the Award of Non Competitive Contract: Loose Equipment and Supplies to Air One Equipment of South Elgin, Illinois in the amount of $50,000. The loose equipment and related supplies include: self-contained breathing apparatus masks, lenses, components, replacement nozzles, hose, hand tools, in addition to extrication equipment. The loose equipment and supplies will be purchased from January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024. The funding source is Capital Equipment/Fire Department Operating Budget.

Alderman Frost, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the resolution and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne

9. 2023-272-R - Committee recommends approval and acceptance of the modification of the Emergency Management Performance (EMP) Grant Award from the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) in the amount of $42,948.73. The grant requires a cost match in the amount of $42,948.73, which is already included as part of a budgeted salary. The grant term is from 10/1/2022 through 9/30/2025. These funds will be used to pay a portion of the already budgeted salary of the individual designated as the City of Rockford Emergency Management Director.

Alderman Frost, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the resolution and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne

10. 2023-273-R - Committee recommends approval and acceptance of the Office of Head Start, Head Start/Early Head Start Continuation Application Grant Award for the period of 4/1/2024 - 3/31/2025. Head Start is also seeking approval of the Self-Assessment Report, Self Assessment Work Plan and Program Goals. The grant does require a Non-Federal cost match of $2,148,597. The City of Rockford will receive the below amounts to provide services:

1. $5,171,205 Head Start Program Operations

2. $53,781 Head Start Training and Technical Assistance

3. $3,318,876 Early Head Start Program Operations

4. $50,524 Early Head Start Training and Technical Assistance

Alderman Frost, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the resolution and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne

11. 2023-274-R - Committee recommends approval of the Contract Renewal - Medical Stop Loss Insurance 2024 to Tokio Marine HCC Insurance, of Houston, Texas for contract amount/rates $25.09 per employee per month for Single Enrollment and $90.49 per employee per month for Family Enrollment. This is an 18% increase as compared to 2023. The total estimated annual premium is $1,016,194 based on current number of health insurance participants. The contract duration is one-year. The funding source is the Health Insurance Fund.

Alderman Frost, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the resolution and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne

12. 2023-275-R - Committee recommends approval of the 2022 Budget Surplus Plan.

1. Public Infrastructure for Auburn Street and Neighborhoods ($13.4 million)

2. Replace Fire Station 10 and redevelop former Magna Shopping Center site ($10 million)

3. Homeowner Rehab Program ($1 million)

4. Fund Pending Legal Claims ($2 million)

5. Davis Park ($3 million)

6. Fire Department Communication System and Radios ($2.5 million)

Alderman Frost, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the resolution and placed it up for passage.

Alderman Bonne moved to amend the committee recommendation for the resolution to reflect the following change:

Remove item 1 (Auburn Street Reconstruction and Neighborhood Improvement) and replace it with:

A. $5 million allocated toward the Fire Pension;

B. $5 million allocated toward the Police Pension;

C. $3.4 million allocated to Ward funds.

Alderman Durkee seconded the motion. After much discussion the MOTION TO AMEND FAILED by a roll call vote of 5 to 9 (Aldermen Durkee, Logemann, Tuneberg, Beach and Bonne voted "Aye").

Mayor McNamara then called for a vote for item 1. The roll call vote was 12 to 2 (Aldermen Durkee and Bonne voted "No").

Alderman Beach then made a motion to lay over item 2, seconded by Alderman Meeks. The MOTION FAILED with a roll call vote of 4 to 10 (Aldermen Tuneberg, Frost, Beach and Meeks voted "Aye").

Mayor McNamara then called for a vote for item 2. The roll call vote was unanimous - 14:0.

Mayor McNamara then called for a vote for item 3. The roll call vote was 13:1 (Alderman Durkee voted "No").

Mayor McNamara then called for a vote for item 4. The roll call vote was unanimous - 14:0.

Mayor McNamara then called for a vote for item 5. The roll call vote was 11 to 2 (Aldermen Tuneberg and Frost voted "No" and Alderman Beach was away). After the vote was taken, Alderman Beach returned and requested that his vote be entered as a "No". The final vote was 11 to 3 (Alderman Tuneberg, Frost and Beach voted "No").

Mayor McNamara then called for a vote for item 6. The roll call vote was unanimous - 14:0.

13. 2023-276-R - Renewal of Contract: Workers' Compensation Excess Coverage 2024 to Safety National Casualty Corporation, of St. Louis, Missouri for the contract amount/rates: Premium is based on estimated annual payroll of $99,606,516 at $.2392 per $100 of payroll, for a total estimated annual premium of $238,259. The contract duration is one-year.

The funding source is Workers' Compensation Fund.

Alderman Frost, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the resolution and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne

D. Legislative and Lobbying Committee

1. 2023-277-R - Committee recommends approval and confirmation of priority items for the City of Rockford's Legislative and Lobbying efforts in the Illinois General Assembly.

Alderman Prunty, on behalf of the Legislative and Lobbying Committee, read in the resolution and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne


A. Planning and Development Committee

1. 2023-245-O - An ordinance approving the 2024 Annual Action Plan.

Alderman Wilkins, on behalf of the Planning and Development Committee, read in the ordinance and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne

NAYS: Tim Durkee

2. 2023-246-O - An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Agreement between the City of Rockford and Classic Cuts for a one-time TIF reimbursement from the South Main-Rock Street TIF Fund in the amount of $25,000.

Alderman Wilkins, on behalf of the Planning and Development Committee, read in the ordinance and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne

3. 2023-247-O - An ordinance approving the Preliminary Conditional Set Aside of HOME (HOME Investment Partnerships Program) Funds for Lafayette Apartments at 411 Mulberry Street. The federal funding source is the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME). The maximum amount of funding, based on gap financing, is $650,000.

Alderman Wilkins, on behalf of the Planning and Development Committee, read in the ordinance and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne

B. Code and Regulation Committee

1. An ordinance approving a Modification of an Existing Liquor License for a 50% stock purchase in a C-4, Urban Mixed-Use Zoning District at 205 West State Street (Erik Carlson/John Murray/Downtown Rockford Restaurant, LLC dba The District Bar and Grill/Applicants).

RESULT: HELD OUT Next: 1/8/2024 5:45 PM

2. An ordinance approving a Modification of an Existing Liquor License for a 50% stock purchase in a C-2, Limited Commercial Zoning District at 752 and 908 West Riverside Boulevard (Erik Carlson/John Murray/Northtown Restaurant, LLC dba Half Baked/Applicant).

RESULT: HELD OUT Next: 1/8/2024 5:45 PM

C. Finance and Personnel Committee

1. 2023-248-O - An ordinance approving the General Wage Increase for Non-Represented Employees.

Alderman Frost, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, read in the ordinance and placed it up for passage.


AYES: Durkee, Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne


1. Motion to Adjourn

Alderman Beach moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Alderman Durkee.

MOTION PREVAILED with a unanimous voice vote. The meeting was adjourned at 8:13 p.m.


AYES: Durkee, Logemann, Tuneberg, Frost, Torina, Prunty, Wilkins, Hoffman, Rose, Beach, Barrios, Meeks, Bailey, Bonne



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