
Rockford Sun

Friday, September 27, 2024

Winnebago County Board Operations & Administrative Committee met June 20

Webp 13

Aaron Booker, Winnebago County Board Member - District 1 | Winnebago County Website

Aaron Booker, Winnebago County Board Member - District 1 | Winnebago County Website

Winnebago County Board Operations & Administrative Committee met June 20.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

A. Call to Order

B. Roll Call

C. Approval of Minutes – June 6, 2024

D. Public Comment – This is the time we invite the public to address the Operations and Administrative Committee with issues and concerns. We ask you to limit your comments to three minutes. Personal attacks or inappropriate language of any sort will not be tolerated. We will allow a maximum of five speakers on a first come basis with sign up at the meeting. Speakers may not address zoning matters which are pending before the ZBA, the Zoning Committee or the County Board. Personnel matters or pending or threatened litigation may not be addressed in open session. An individual may speak a maximum of three times per calendar year on the same topic. This prohibition shall include the repetition of the same topic in a statement on what is purported to be a different topic. After acknowledgement by the chair, please stand and state your name. Thank you. E. Resolution Awarding Lower-Level Roof Replacement at Juvenile Justice Center Using CIP PSST Funds Cost: $107,814 F. Resolution Awarding Renewal for Onsite Wellness Clinic Services 

G. Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Industrial Building Lease by and between the County of Winnebago, Illinois and JMD Real Estate Holdings, LLC for the property located at 516 Green Street, Rockford, Illinois

H. Ordinance Amending Section 2-88 [Appointments to Commissions, Boards, Authorities, or Special Districts] of the Winnebago County Code relating to the Rules of Procedure of the County Board of the County of Winnebago, Illinois

 I. Future Agenda Items 

J. Adjournment
