
Rockford Sun

Friday, September 27, 2024

Winnebago County Board Pecatonica Prairie Trail Commission met June 21

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Aaron Booker, Winnebago County Board Member - District 1 | Winnebago County Website

Aaron Booker, Winnebago County Board Member - District 1 | Winnebago County Website

Winnebago County Board Pecatonica Prairie Trail Commission met June 21.

Here is the agenda provided by the commission:

Call to Order

1. Roll Call -

2. Approval of Minutes – March 15, 2024

3. Presentation –

4. Treasurer’s Report –

5. Special Accounts Report –

6. Legislation –

(24-001) Resolution Establishing the Pecatonica Prairie Trail Commission Budget for FY 2025, 2026 & 2027

(24-002) Resolution Establishing the Date, Time and Location of Each Meeting of the Pecatonica Prairie Trail Commission for FY 2025

7. Reports –

a. Staff –

i. Winnebago County –

ii. Stephenson County –

b. Publicity / Marketing

8. Old Business –

9. New Business –

10. Adjourn / Recess –
