
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Rockford City Council met Nov. 18

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Rockford City Mayor Tom McNamara | City of Rockford Website

Rockford City Mayor Tom McNamara | City of Rockford Website

City of Rockford City Council met Nov. 18.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:


A. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance

B. Roll Call

C. Acceptance of the Journal

1. Journal of Proceedings for the Strategic Planning Session held on September 30, 2024.

2. Journal of Proceedings for the City Council meeting held on October 21, 2024.

3. Journal of Proceedings for the Special City Council meeting held on November 12, 2024.


1. Proclamation declaring the week of November 17 - 23, 2024 to be "National Apprenticeship Week" in the City of Rockford, Illinois.

2. Proclamation declaring November 22, 2024 to be "Her Sister Youth Empowerment Day" in the City of Rockford, Illinois.


A. Public Hearing for 2025 Municipal Budget and Appropriation Ordinance.


A. Planning and Development Committee

1. Memorandum from Sarah Leys, Deputy Director of Community and Economic Development Department, regarding the REGROW Tier 1 Award recommendations.

Referred to Planning and Development Committee.

2. Memorandum from Anna Garrison, Economic Development Manager, regarding a proposed Funding Agreement with River District Association.

Referred to Planning and Development Committee.

3. Memorandum from Anna Garrison, Economic Development Manager, regarding a proposed Resolution for the Commercial Corridor Property Revitalization Program.

Referred to Planning and Development Committee.

4. Memorandum from Anna Garrison, Economic Development Manager, regarding a proposed Resolution for the TIF Commercial and Industrial Rehabilitation Program.

Referred to Planning and Development Committee.

B. Code and Regulation Committee

1. Liquor and Tobacco Advisory Board’s Agenda for the meeting to be held on November 19, 2024 and Minutes from that meeting for consideration at the Code and Regulation Committee meeting on November 25, 2024.

Referred to Code and Regulation Committee.

2. Zoning Board of Appeals’ Agenda for the meeting to be held on November 19, 2024 and Minutes from that meeting for consideration at the Code and Regulation Committee meeting on November 25, 2024.

Referred to Code and Regulation Committee.

C. Finance and Personnel Committee

1. Memorandum from Timothy Hinkens, City Engineer/Interim Public Works Director, regarding the 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program (CIP).

Referred to Finance and Personnel Committee.

2. Memorandum from Sarah Leys, Deputy Director of Community and Economic Development Department, regarding approval to execute a $1,035,000 Grant Extension Agreement with the Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) for their Homeowner Assistance Fund Home Repair program. Referred to Finance and Personnel Committee.


1. Tino Gordon

2. Prophet Yusef

3. Kenn Dickens

4. Cypress Wolf

5. John Tac Brantley


A. Planning and Development Committee

1. Committee recommends approval of the Development Agreement with N TRAK for the demolition and future redevelopment of 2729 Kishwaukee Street (former Rock River School). The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

B. Code and Regulation Committee

1. Committee recommends sustaining the Traffic Commission's approval to establish a "20 mph School Zone Speed Limit" restriction on Shaw Woods Drive from Spring Creek Road to Northcliffe Lane. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

2. Committee recommends approval of the Annexation of 2821 North Bell School Road. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

3. Committee recommends approval of the Annexation of 3738 South Main Street. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

4. Committee recommends approval of the Annexation of 4555 Spring Creek Road. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

5. Committee recommends approval for authorization to place for sale the city-owned property located at 813, 819, 821 and 825 West State Street (PINs: 11-22-286-015, 013, 006 and 005) and 111 and 125 Kilburn Avenue (PINs: 11-22-286-012 and 001) now known as 815 West State Street (PIN: 11-22-286-016). The parcel is located on the northeast corner of West State Street and Kilburn Avenue. The minimum bid will be $1,000.00 with preference given to nearby not-for-profit organizations.

The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

6. Committee recommends approval of the proposed Short-Term Rental Ordinance. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

C. Finance and Personnel Committee

1. Committee recommends approval of the vouchers in the amount of $25,525,481.77 as approved at the Finance and Personnel Committee meeting held on November 12, 2024.

2. Committee recommends approval of the 2025 Budget and Appropriation Ordinance. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

3. Committee recommends approval of the 2024 Tax Levy Ordinance prepared by the Finance Director and accepted in the amount of $56,379,842 for the levies in the Corporate, Police Protection, Police Pension, Fire Protection, Fire Pension, Street and Bridge, Judgments, Public Library, Public Library Maintenance of Buildings, Illinois Municipal Retirement, Unemployment Compensation, Worker’s Compensation, and Auditing Funds. The final City levy amount will be approximately $48,243,392.

4. Committee recommends approval of the 2024 Property Tax Abatements. For 2024, the debt service levy is $11,199,865.00 and will be abated in its entirety. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

5. Committee recommends approval of the 2025 Fee Schedule. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

6. Committee recommends approval of the 2025 Salary Ordinance that includes a two percent (2%) General Wage increase for non-represented employees. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

7. Committee recommends approval of the jurisdictional transfer between the City of Rockford and County of Winnebago transferring jurisdiction to the City for Linden Road from Alpine Road East to city limits. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

8. Committee recommends approval of the jurisdictional transfer between the City of Rockford and County of Winnebago transferring jurisdiction to the City for Bell School Road from Argus Drive to Guilford Road. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.


A. Planning and Development Committee

B. Code and Regulation Committee

1. Committee recommends sustaining the Zoning Board of Appeals' approval for a Special Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development consisting of a strip center for a Halal/Kosher grocery store, a convenience store, a dry cleaner, restaurants, a community center, three (3) office buildings, twenty-eight (28) duplexes, twenty-five (25) 4-unit buildings, and sixteen (16) 4-unit townhomes in a C-1, Limited Office Zoning District and R-3, Multi-Family Residential Zoning District at 3xx, 5xx, and 9xx South Mulford Road and 61xx East State Street (District 815, LLC/Applicant).

The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

C. Finance and Personnel Committee



1. Appointment of Keyana Coleman to the Rockford Housing Authority Board to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Jessica Wilson for a term ending March 2025. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this appointment is up for passage).


A. Planning and Development Committee

1. Committee recommends approval and acceptance of the Green Infrastructure Grant Opportunities Application to Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) in the amount of $550,894.00 for the Northwest Concrete Drainageway. The grant requires a City cost match of $183,631.00. The funding source is the CIP General Fund.

2. Committee recommends approval and acceptance of the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) Budgetary Line Grant for Mason Avenue Reconstruction in the amount of $400,000.00. The grant does not require a cost match. The City's 1% Infrastructure Sale Tax will fund any additional cost.

B. Code and Regulation Committee

C. Finance and Personnel Committee

1. Committee recommends approval of the Award of Contract: Fire Station 6 Building Renovation - Phase 1 (Bid No. 924-FD-101) to Ringland Johnson, Inc., of Cherry Valley, Illinois in the amount of $421,035.00.

This is a one-time purchase. The funding source is American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds.

2. Committee recommends approval of the Award of Non-Competitive Contract: Staff Scheduling Software from Target Solutions Learning LLC, dba Vector Solutions, of Tampa, Florida in the estimated annual amount of $29,423.50 (based on annual rates). Annual price adjustments are considered at renewal only. The contract duration is one (1) year with one (1) possible one-year extension option. The funding source is the Fire Department Operating Budget.

3. Committee recommends approval of the Award of Non-Competitive Contract: PS Trax Software for Asset Inventory to Station Automation, Inc., dba PS Trax, of Littleton, Colorado in the estimated annual amount of $27,929.44 (based on annual rates). Annual price adjustments are considered at renewal only. The contract duration is one (1) year with three (3) possible one (1) year extension options. The funding source is the Fire Department Operating Budget.

4. Committee recommends approval of the Non-Competitive Purchase Contract: StarChase Vehicle Mounted and Handheld Tagging and Tracking Technology to StarChase, of Virginia Beach, Virginia in the amount of $125,888.00. The funding source is the DCEO Phase One Grant.


A. Planning and Development Committee

1. An ordinance approving a Development Agreement with N-TRAK for the demolition and future redevelopment of 2729 Kishwaukee Street (former Rock River School).

B. Code and Regulation Committee

1. An ordinance establishing a "20 mph School Zone Speed Limit" restriction on Shaw Woods Drive from Spring Creek Road to Northcliffe Lane.

2. An ordinance approving the Annexation of 2821 North Bell School Road. 3. An ordinance approving the Annexation of 3738 South Main Street. 4. An ordinance approving the Annexation of 4555 Spring Creek Road.

5. An ordinance approving the authorization to place for sale the city-owned property located at 813, 819, 821 and 825 West State Street (PINs: 11-22- 286-015, 013, 006 and 005) and 111 and 125 Kilburn Avenue (PINs: 11-22-286-012 and 001) now known as 815 West State Street (PIN: 11-22- 286-016). The parcel is located on the northeast corner of West State Street and Kilburn Avenue.

6. An ordinance approving the Short-Term Rental Ordinance.

7. An ordinance approving a Special Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development consisting of a strip center for a Halal/Kosher grocery store, a convenience store, a dry cleaner, restaurants, a community center, three (3) office buildings, twenty-eight (28) duplexes, twenty-five (25) 4-unit buildings, and sixteen (16) 4-unit townhomes in a C-1, Limited Office Zoning District and R-3, Multi-Family Residential Zoning District at 3xx, 5xx, and 9xx South Mulford Road and 61xx East State Street (District 815, LLC/Applicant).

C. Finance and Personnel Committee

1. An ordinance approving the 2025 Budget and Appropriation Ordinance.

2. An ordinance approving the 2024 Tax Levy Ordinance prepared by the Finance Director and accepted in the amount of $56,379,842 for the levies in the Corporate, Police Protection, Police Pension, Fire Protection, Fire Pension, Street and Bridge, Judgments, Public Library, Public Library Maintenance of Buildings, Illinois Municipal Retirement, Unemployment Compensation, Worker’s Compensation, and Auditing Funds. The final City levy amount will be approximately $48,243,392.

3. An ordinance approving the 2024 Property Tax Abatements. For 2024, the debt service levy is $11,199,865.00 and will be abated in its entirety.

4. An ordinance approving the 2025 Fee Schedule.

5. An ordinance approving the 2025 Salary Ordinance that includes a two percent (2%) General Wage increase for non-represented employees.

6. An ordinance approving the jurisdictional transfer between the City of Rockford and County of Winnebago transferring jurisdiction to the City for Linden Road from Alpine Road East to city limits.

7. An ordinance approving the jurisdictional transfer between the City of Rockford and County of Winnebago transferring jurisdiction to the City for Bell School Road from Argus Drive to Guilford Road.


A. Motion to Convene into Closed Session in order to discuss Labor Negotiation matters.

