
Rockford Sun

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Carlyle City Council met Oct. 28

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Carlyle City Mayor Judy Smith | City of Carlyle Website

Carlyle City Mayor Judy Smith | City of Carlyle Website

City of Carlyle City Council met Oct. 28.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Carlyle City Council was called to order by Mayor Judy Smith, at 7:00 p.m. at the Case Halstead Library, 550 6th Street, Carlyle, IL.

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Aldermen present were Tammy Peters, Jim McClaren, Scott Diekemper, Jeremy Weh, John Hodapp, Jeff Taylor, Mike Jansen, and Bruce Hilmes.

City employees present were City Administrator Brad Myers, Chief of Police Mark Pingsterhaus, and City Clerk Rita Jurgensmeyer.

Others present were Kelly Ross, Rob Dorman, Bob Crippen, Bill Leith, Drew Drummond, Tiffany Wesselmann, and Kylie Wesselmann.

Alderman Jeff Taylor made a motion to approve the minutes from October 14, 2024. Alderman Jeremy Weh seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved by roll call vote. Aye: Tammy Peters, Jim McClaren, Scott Diekemper, Jeremy Weh, John Hodapp, Jeff Taylor, Mike Jansen, and Bruce Hilmes. Nay: none.

Alderman Jeremy Weh made a motion to approve the transfers from Fund 1 General Fund to Fund 3 Street and Alley for $60,000.00, Fund 4 Police for $150,000.00, Fund 20 Library $10,000.00, for a total of $220,000.00. Alderman Jeff Taylor seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved by roll call vote. Aye: Jim McClaren, Scott Diekemper, Jeremy Weh, John Hodapp, Jeff Taylor, Mike Jansen, Bruce Hilmes, and Tammy Peters. Nay: none.

Alderman Jeremy Weh made a motion to approve the payment of the claims against the city. The motion was seconded by Alderman John Hodapp and was unanimously approved by roll call vote. Aye: Scott Diekemper, Jeremy Weh, John Hodapp, Jeff Taylor, Mike Jansen, Bruce Hilmes, Tammy Peters, and Jim McClaren. Nay: none.

Mayor Judy Smith reminded everyone that on October 31st they will have business trick-or-treat from 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. She added that several different locations around are having trunk-or-treat. The same night will be city-wide trick-or-treat from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Mayor Smith said that leaf vac started today. She added that leaves should be raked out to the curb and to make sure they are away from poles, fire hydrants, other vehicles parked on the street so they can get close to get them. They made one pass through town today and they will start up again tomorrow. City Administrator Brad Myers added that they should not put them in the street but up to the curb.

Mayor Judy Smith reminded everyone that petitions for the upcoming April 2025 election are available for pickup at city hall. The first day of filing for mayor, city clerk, alderman ward one, two, three, and four is November 12th. The last day to file is November 18th.

City Administrator Brad Myers reported that the water intake work started today. It should take about a week to complete and should last 20 – 30 years.

Bob Crippen spoke in public comments. He said he is looking into moving his shop from Beckemeyer to Carlyle. He is looking at the Gutter Supply building. He wants to talk about the property line in front of the building that is only 20’. He said it makes it really difficult to get to the west side of the building. He is wondering if the city is interested in selling part of the ground in front of the building or selling off the whole section. City Administrator Brad Myers showed where the city owns the portion of the ground that Bob Crippen is talking about. He said that he would be approaching the council about this issue even though it cannot be voted on tonight. He said that it can be discussed tonight and he will put it on the next council meeting agenda. Alderman John Hodapp asked if he wants to vacate part of the property or all the property. Bob Crippen said he wants to get a 30’ strip of the property to allow easier access. City Administrator Brad Myers said that the city has approximately 56’ from the blue line to the edge of the property. Mayor Smith said that anytime the city is looking to buy or sell property the first thing they do is have it surveyed to determine definite boundaries. Alderman John Hodapp asked if there is water or sewer lines there. City Administrator Brad Myers said he would have to check. Alderman Hodapp said that is a concern if the city needs an easement there.

City Administrator Brad Myers said that the Christmas in Carlyle shirts were approved in the Finance Committee meeting and was forwarded to the city council. City Administrator Brad Myers said they received two bids. The one the Finance Committee selected is Fire Tees, Kylee Wesselmann. City Administrator Brad Myers read the prices for the T-shirts, sweatshirts, and hoodies and all the sizes they come in. He added that $2.00 of each purchase goes back to Christmas in Carlyle.

Alderman Jeff Taylor made a motion to approve the bid from Fire Tees. Alderman Jim McClaren seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved by roll call vote. Aye: Jeremy Weh, John Hodapp, Jeff Taylor, Mike Jansen, Bruce Hilmes, Tammy Peters, Jim McClaren, and Scott Diekemper. Nay: none.

City Administrator Brad Myers said the public works mutual aid agreement was on the last agenda but it was not quite finished. He said some of the counties had not responded but it was determined that the city go ahead and accept the agreement and the other counties can join later. The mutual aid agreement does allow other communities to help out if needed. Currently it is the city of Carlyle, the city of Breese, and Carlyle Southwest water district. He added that if there are any issues rather man made or natural disaster or if anyone has a problem the city that has a problem will ask assistance from one of the other cities. It will need to be described with exactly what is needed and the other cities can say what they can help with. It is a minimum 12-hour commitment to help out. The cost to whomever calls for help falls to the city offering the help.

Alderman John Hodapp made a motion to approve the public works mutual aid agreement. Alderman Jeremy Weh seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved by roll call vote. Aye: John Hodapp, Jeff Taylor, Mike Jansen, Bruce Hilmes, Tammy Peters, Jim McClaren, Scott Diekemper, and Jeremy Weh. Nay: none.

Mayor Judy Smith reported for the Street and Alley Department saying that if anyone has not been by the project on 17th Street they need to go by and look at it. She said they had done a wonderful job. They are putting a ditch in on the west side of 17th Street to hopefully pull the water that is coming down and going onto Clinton Street. They have put one culvert in and they are putting another culvert in from Livingston Street up to Clinton Street so they don’t have the deep ditch in front of the houses.

Chief of Police Mark Pingsterhaus said that on Halloween they will have two marked squad cars out that will be handing out candy.

Chief of Police Mark Pingsterhaus explained the purchase of eight Taser 7’s. He said they currently have S26 tasers. They will be sunsetting the current tasers so when the battery goes dead the taser will be useless. Chief Pingsterhaus said he put in for an ILEAS grant to purchase the new tasers but the State of Illinois lowered the amount of taser grants. He did not get the grant. He checked with the risk management insurance company and they have a grant for a maximum of $10,000.00. He did receive the grant for $10,000.00. The quote for the taser 7 for the first year is $23,520.00. The grant from the insurance will cover 50% of the quote up to $10,000.00. The first payment will be $23,520.00. The second and third year will be $1,207.50/year.

Alderman Jeff Taylor made a motion to approve the purchase of the taser 7’s. Alderman Jeremy Weh seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved by roll call vote. Aye: Jeff Taylor, Mike Jansen, Bruce Hilmes, Tammy Peters, Jim McClaren, Scott Diekemper, Jeremy Weh, and John Hodapp. Nay: none.

Chief of Police Mark Pingsterhaus explained the ordinance regulating homelessness within the city limits of Carlyle. This ordinance was recommended by IML and he gave it to City Attorney Joe Heiligenstein and he reworded it for the City of Carlyle.

Alderman Mike Jansen made a motion to approve the ordinance regulating homelessness within the city limits. Alderman Jeff Taylor seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved by roll call vote. Aye: Mike Jansen, Bruce Hilmes, Tammy Peters, Jim McClaren, Scott Diekemper, Jeremy Weh, John Hodapp, and Jeff Taylor. Nay: none.

Chief of Police Mark Pingsterhaus explained the need for an ordinance for placing stop signs at Lakeside Liquors. He said they have had complaints about cars coming out of the south entrance. If stop signs are placed an ordinance was needed to enforce the stop signs. He said Sunny Tut, the owner, is asking for the stop signs and he is willing to sign the ordinance that City Attorney Joe Heiligenstein made up.

Alderman Jeremy Weh made a motion to approve the ordinance for placing stop signs at Lakeside Liquors. Alderman Jeff Taylor seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved by roll call vote. Aye: Bruce Hilmes, Tammy Peters, Jim McClaren, Scott Diekemper, Jeremy Weh, John Hodapp, Jeff Taylor, and Mike Jansen. Nay: none.

At 7:22 p.m. Alderman Jim McClaren made a motion to go into executive session to discuss 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. Alderman Jeremy Weh seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved by roll call vote. Aye: Tammy Peters, Jim McClaren, Scott Diekemper, Jeremy Weh, John Hodapp, Jeff Taylor, Mike Jansen, and Bruce Hilmes. Nay: none.

At 7:47 p.m. the council returned to regular session.

At 7:47 p.m. Alderman Jeff Taylor made a motion to adjourn. Alderman Jim McClaren seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved by roll call vote. Aye: Scott Diekemper, Jeremy Weh, John Hodapp, Jeff Taylor, Mike Jansen, Bruce Hilmes, Tammy Peters, and Jim McClaren. Nay: none.
