
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Rockford City Council met Jan. 6

Webp 6

Aprel Prunty, Alderman - Ward 6 | City of Rockford

Aprel Prunty, Alderman - Ward 6 | City of Rockford

City of Rockford City Council met Jan. 6.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:


A. Roll Call


A. Planning and Development Committee

1. Memorandum from Sarah Leys, Deputy Director of Community and Economic Development Department, regarding the 2025 Funding Agreement with Rockford Area Arts Council (RAAC). Referred to Planning and Development Committee.

2. Memorandum from Jeremy Carter, City Traffic and Development Engineer, regarding the approval of an application and acceptance of the Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Asphalt Art Initiative Grant. Referred to Planning and Development Committee.

B. Code and Regulation Committee

1. Memorandum from Jacob Rubin, Assistant City Attorney, regarding an Annexation Agreement for 54xx 35th Street. Referred to Code and Regulation Committee.

2. Traffic Commission’s Agenda for the meeting to be held on January 8, 2025 and Minutes from that meeting for consideration at the Code and Regulation Committee meeting on January 27, 2025. Referred to Code and Regulation Committee.

C. Finance and Personnel Committee

1. Memorandum from Timothy Hinkens, City Engineer/Interim Director of Public Works, regarding a City-State Intergovernmental Agreement for IL-70 (Kilburn Avenue) Resurfacing (Safford Road to Glenwood Avenue). Referred to Finance and Personnel Committee.

2. Memorandum from Timothy Hinkens, City Engineer/Interim Director of Public Works, regarding a City-ComEd Agreement for Madison Street Improvements (ComEd Line Relocation). Referred to Finance and Personnel Committee.


A. Planning and Development Committee

1. Approval of the 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan, 2025 Annual Action Plan, and Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnerships Program and Emergency Solutions Grant Program). The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

B. Code and Regulation Committee

1. Plat No. 2 of Sports Factory Subdivision

2. Request for a Modification of an existing liquor license for an additional Video Gaming Terminal at 3301 11th Street (Nilufar Kabir/Opsahl Tavern, Inc. dba Opsahl Pizza/Applicant). The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

3. 2930 Grinnell Court and 29xx South Alpine Road

Zoning Board of Appeals recommends approval for a Special Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development consisting of two (2) 4-unit townhomes, a 5-unit townhome, and a 6-unit townhome in an R-3, Multi-Family Residential Zoning District at 2930 Grinnell Court and 29xx South Alpine Road (Attorney Jim Rodriguez for Omni Rockford, LLC/Applicant)

The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

4. 839 North Perryville Road

Zoning Board of Appeals recommends approval for a: a. Variation to increase the landmark style sign from eight (8) feet to twelve (12) feet; and

b. Variation to increase the maximum permitted square footage from sixty-four (64) square feet to one hundred and fifteen (115) square feet in a C-1, Limited Office Zoning District at 839 North Perryville Road (Attorney Gino Galluzzo for Timothy J. Leake/Applicant).

The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

C. Finance and Personnel Committee

1. Approval of Vouchers in the amount of $17,778,485.59.

2. Approval of Addendum to Amendment of Asset Purchase Agreement with Metro Fiber Solutions, of Rockford, Illinois in the amount of $1.00. This is a one-time payment. The funding source is the Information Technology Operating Budget. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.



1. Reappointment of Kerry Harlacher to the Building Board of Appeals for a term expiring June 2027. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this reappointment will be up for passage after January 15, 2025.)

2. Reappointment of Mokhtar Mohamed to the Building Board of Appeals for a term expiring June 2029. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this reappointment will be up for passage after January 15, 2025.)

3. Reappointment of Bill Hatfield to the Civilian Oversight Board for a term expiring December 2027. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this reappointment will be up for passage after January 15, 2025.)

4. Appointment of Sana Siddiqui to the Community Relations Commission for a term expiring December 2026. This appointment will fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Nikki Lynch. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this appointment will be up for passage after January 15, 2025.)

5. Reappointment of James McDowell to the Community Relations Commission for a term expiring August 2027. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this appointment will be up for passage after January 15, 2025.)

6. Reappointment of Jurea Crudup to the Community Relations Commission for a term expiring October 2027. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this appointment will be up for passage after January 15, 2025.)

7. Reappointment of Scott Garwick to the Community Relations Commission for a term expiring October 2027. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this reappointment will be up for passage after January 15, 2025.)

8. Reappointment of William Martin to the Community Relations Commission for a term expiring October 2027. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this reappointment will be up for passage after January 15, 2025.)

9. Reappointment of Carrie Hagerty to the Fire Pension Board for a term expiring October 2027. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this reappointment will be up for passage after January 15, 2025.)

10. Appointment of Brad Benedict to the Historic Preservation Commission for a term expiring August 2026. This appointment is to fill the vacancy created by the passing of Kathleen Kline. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this appointment will be up for passage after January 15, 2025.)

11. Reappointment of Amanda Becker to the Historic Preservation Commission for a term expiring July 2027. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this reappointment will be up for passage after January 15, 2025.)

12. Reappointment of Maureen Kirschmann to the Historic Preservation Commission for a term expiring October 2027. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this reappointment will be up for passage after January 15, 2025.)

13. Reappointment of Raed Salem to Mechanical Board for a term expiring June 2029. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this reappointment will be up for passage after January 15, 2025.)

14. Reappointment of Scott Laue to the Police Pension Board for a term expiring August 2026. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this reappointment will be up for passage after January 15, 2025.)

15. Reappointment of Marcia Mueller to the Police Pension Board for a term expiring October 2027. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this reappointment will be up for passage after January 15, 2025.)

16. Appointment of Kevin Schwitters to the RAVE Board for a term expiring June 2025. This appoint will fill the vacancy created by the passing of Dan McMahon. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this appointment will be up for passage after January 15, 2025.)

17. Reappointment of Craig Thomas to the RAVE Board for a term expiring June 2029. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this reappointment will be up for passage after January 15, 2025.)

18. Reappointment of Dorien Peterson to the Traffic Commission for a term expiring December 2029. (Pursuant to Rule 18, this reappointment will be up for passage after January 15, 2025.)


A. Planning and Development Committee

1. A Resolution calling for a Public Hearing and convening a Joint Review Board in connection with a new Madison and Oak Tax Increment Financing District.

B. Code and Regulation Committee

C. Finance and Personnel Committee

1. Award of Bid: Water Division Electrical Services to Mechanical Inc., and Morse Electric, both of Freeport, Illinois also William Charles Electric, and Miller Engineering Co., both of Rockford, Illinois for an estimated contract amount of $125,000.00 (based on unit pricing). The contract duration is through December 31, 2025 with four (4) possible annual extension options. Annual price adjustments for CPI considered at contract renewal only.

2. Award of Joint Purchasing Contract: Four (4) Pierce Enforcer PUC Pumpers (Engines) and One (1) Pierce Velocity 105' HDL PUC Aerial (Ladder) from MacQueen Equipment, LLC, of Saint Paul, Minnesota in the amount of $7,285,000.00. This is a one-time purchase. The funding sources are Capital Lease Funds and Fire Department Capital Budget.

3. Award of Joint Purchasing Contract: Four (4) Demers MPX170 Ford F550 4x4 Diesel Type Ambulances from MacQueen Equipment, LLC, of Saint Paul, Minnesota in the amount of $1,539,084.00. This is a one-time purchase. The funding sources are Capital Lease Funds and Fire Department Capital Budget.

4. Void Contract Award and Take New Bids: Lead Service Line Replacement Program Phase 7 (Bid No. 824-PW-084). Future bids will be updated according to the funding requirement and will not include the vendor’s election for the local business downward adjustment.

5. Resolution approving appropriation of Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds for Improvement under the Illinois Highway Code - Region 1 Planning Council FY-2025 Funding (24-00667-00ES) in the amount of $91,308.49.

6. Renewal of Contract: Workers' Compensation Excess Coverage 2025 to Safety National Casualty Corporation, of St. Louis, Missouri for the contract amount/rates: Premium is based on estimated annual payroll of $99,606,516.00 at $0.2479 per $100.00 of payroll, for a total estimated annual premium of $246,925.00. The contract duration is one-year. The funding source is the Workers' Compensation Fund.

7. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Winnebago County for Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance 2024 Grant. The total award is $322,910.00 with 60% ($193,746.00) staying with the City and 40% ($129,164.00) going to the County.


A. Planning and Development Committee

1. An ordinance approving the 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan, 2025 Annual Action Plan, and Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnerships Program and Emergency Solutions Grant Program).

B. Code and Regulation Committee

1. An ordinance approving the Modification of an existing liquor license for an additional Video Gaming Terminal at 3301 11th Street (Nilufar Kabir/Opsahl Tavern, Inc. dba Opsahl Pizza/Applicant).

2. An ordinance approving a Special Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development consisting of two (2) 4-unit townhomes, a 5-unit townhome, and a 6-unit townhome in an R-3, Multi-Family Residential Zoning District at 2930 Grinnell Court and 29xx South Alpine Road (Attorney Jim Rodriguez for Omni Rockford, LLC/Applicant).

3. An ordinance approving a Variation to increase the landmark style sign from eight (8) feet to twelve (12) feet and a Variation to increase the maximum permitted square footage from sixty-four (64) square feet to one hundred and fifteen (115) square feet in a C-1, Limited Office Zoning District at 839 North Perryville Road (Attorney Gino Galluzzo for Timothy J. Leake/Applicant).

C. Finance and Personnel Committee


A. Motion to Convene into Closed Session in order to discuss Pending Litigation matters.

