Village of Machesney Park Officials | Facebook
Village of Machesney Park Officials | Facebook
Village of Machesney Park Board of Trustees met Jan. 21.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
I. Invocation
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call and Declaration of Quorum
IV. Approval of Minutes from January 6, 2025
V. Treasurer’s Report - Deborah Alms
VI. Communications - Sarah Cortinas
VII. Warrant - Aaron Wilson
VIII. Administrative Reports
1. President - Steve Johnson
2. Attorney - Tom Green
3. Village Administrator - James Richter II
4. Finance and Human Resources Director - Shannon Hansen
5. Community Development and Building Coordinator - Izzy Mandujano
6. Public Works Director - Mitch Hilden
7. Village Engineer - Chris Dopkins
8. Public Safety Supervisor - Deputy Chief Josh Gesner
IX. Committee and Trustee Reports
1. District #1 – Planning & Economic Development, Chair - Joe Seipts
2. District #2 – Planning & Economic Development, Vice-Chair - Jodi Stromberg
3. District #3 – Public Improvement & Safety, Vice-Chair - James Kidd
4. District #4 – Administration & Finance, Chair - Aaron Wilson
5. District #5 – Administration & Finance, Vice-Chair - Terri Bailey
6. District #6 –Public Improvement & Safety, Chair - Julie Boggie
X. Consent Agenda
1. Resolution 01-R-25, Final Plat Born Development
2. Resolution 03-R-25, Redevelopment Agreement with Stuhr Commercial
XII. Old Business
XIII. New Business
XIII. Public Comment
XIV. Closed Session
XIV. Adjourn