
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Roscoe Committee of the Whole met March 19

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Village of Roscoe Committee of the Whole met March 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:


The Cornmittee of the Whole meeting was called to order by Administrator Sanders on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 at 7:20P.M.


Present: Pro Tcmpore Szula; Trustees Petty, Mallicoat, Gustafson, Baxter and Swanson


3.1 Approval of March 5, 2019 COTW Minutes. Administrator Sanders entertaincd a motion to approve the minutes. Trustee Swanson made the motion; seconded by Tnrstee Petty. Voice Call Vote: All Ayes present, No Nays heard. Motion Passed 5-0-0

4. PUBLIC COMMENT (Limited to 3 minutes per speaker) 



5.1 Discussion and Recommendation to Board for approval of Bid specifications for 2019 Class D Road Patching Program, estimated project budget of $75,000. Rick Bates, Supervisor of Public Works stated that flat work was added as well as a category for concrete removal. Brandon Boggs, Village Engineer will be leading the project. The Class D program is a unit price bid and based on a large scale of potential patchwork or other improvcments. Trustee Gustafson questioned the budgetcd dollar amount based on years passed along with the winter that we have had. Administrator Sanders replied that last year the Village did three times the usual amount of road repairs. He said that each year the project amount will be based on resource allocation. There is a finite amount of money for residential roads. He predicted that next year the allocated budget will be higher. President Pro Tempore Szula reminded the Board that last year there were several public safety issues at different intersections which is why the dollar amount for Class D patching was higher. Administrator Sanders commented that the amount can be rcevaluated if needed. Trustce Gustafson recommcnded that the budgeted amount be raised now as opposed to waiting and made a motion to send to the Board for approval that the Class D program for this year be raised to $120,000.00. Trustee Mallicoat seconded the motion. Roll Catl Vote: Trustees Baxter, Swanson, Mallicoat, Petty and Gustafson - Yes. Motion Passed 5-0-0

5.2 Discussion and Recommendation to the Board for approval of extending contract with Tree Care Enterprises for Emergency Tree Trimming and Removal Services for calendar year 2019 for an amount NTE $35,000. This is a unit price bid (similar to Class D Patching) $15,000.00 is budgeted for Public Works and $20,000.00 for Parks. This was put out to bid 4 years ago and Tree Care Enterprises was the only bid submitted. The Village extended the contract three years in a row. Last year it was put out to bid again they werc thc only bidder. Administrator Sanders entertained a motion to approve extendirlg the contract with Tree Care Enterprises until the calendar year 2020. Trustee Swanson made the motion; seconded by Trustee Petty. Roll Call Vote: Trustees Petty, Baxter, Swanson, Mallicoat and Gustafson - Yes. Motion Passed 5-0-0


Trustee Gustafson requested an update on parks and agreements with the people who are playing ball. Administrator Sanders said that both organizations have turned in their schedules and have been asked to submit their proof of insurance and health department certifications for the upcoming season. Both ofthe agreements for renewal will be on the Aprit 2'd Agenda.

It was agreed that CAD RMS can have its own separate line item on thc budgct



8. EXECUTM SESSION (If necessary) 



Scott Sanders entertained a motion to adjoum aI 7:34P.M. Trustee Petty made the motion; seconded by Trustee Swanson. Voice Call Vote: All Ayes Present - No Nays heard. Motion approved 5-0-0
