Village of Roscoe Committee of the Whole met March 5.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
The Committee of the Whole meeting was called to order by Administrator Sanders on Tuesday, March 5,2019 at 6:50P.M.
Present: Trustees Petty, Mallicoat, Gustafson, Baxter and Swanson. Absent: Trustee Szula
3.1 Approval of February 19, 2019 COTW Minutes. Administrator Sanders entertained a motion to approve the minutes. Trustee Petty made the motion; seconded by Trustee Swanson. Voice Call Vote: All Ayes present, No Nays heard. Motion Passed 5-0-1
4. PUBLIC CON{MENT (Limited to 3 minutes per speaker) None
5.1 Discussion and Authorization for solicitation of quotes for installation of bullet resistant panels at Village Hall dais A few Trustees requested a discussion regarding some sort of bullet proof measure for the dais. Trustee Petty voiced her concerns for the need to have protection should an active shooting situation occur. Administrator Sanders researched a couple of different products. Bullet proof panels had a cost estimate of around $2500.00 for 8 levels of protection based on the ammunition and type of weapon being used. Public Works would be able to install them which would save on labor costs. Ballistic blankets could also be an option. They could be tacked to the dais or even be used as a draping while crawling to safety. Trustee Gustafson suggested dividing into two topics; one being the materials, the other being active shooter training. Trustee Petty encouraged the Board to consider all options for the safety of this Board and future ones as well. Trustee Mallicoat commented that at a local school orientation it was brought to the parent's attention that the Village of Roscoe is a prime community for an active shooting incident. Trustee Mallicoat made a motion to solicit quotes and bring back to the COTW; seconded by Trustee Petty Roll call Vote: Trustees Mallicoat and Petty - Yes. Trustees Swanson, Baxter and Gustafson - No. Motion Failed 2-3-l
5.2 Discussion and Recommendation to the Board for approval of issuing Bid Package for installation of playground equipment at Chicory Ridge Park. Trustee Swanson made the motion; seconded by Trustee Petty. Roll call Vote: Trustees Mallicoat, Swanson, Baxter, Gustafson and Petty - Yes. Motion Passed 5-0-1
Trustee Petty requested a diagram showing the location of the playground equipment for Chicory Ridge.
Trustee Custafson commented that she would like a report on the condition of the parks and the readiness for the various spring programs. This would include contracts for the various teams as well.
7. EXECUTIVE SESSION (If necessary) None
Scott Sanders entertained a motion to adjourn at P.M. Trustee Gustafson made the motion; seconded by Trustee Mallicoat. Voice Call Vote: All Ayes Present - No Nays heard. Motion approved 5-0-1