Village of Pecatonica Economic Development Committee met July 13.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order- The meeting was called to order by Committee Chairman Marilyn Wilke at 6:00pm.
2. Roll call – Trustees Marilyn Wilke, Paula Hachmeister, Kathy Doty, and Committee Member Jeff Sterling were present. Committee Members Margaret Larson and Bob Squires were absent.
3. Additions/Corrections to the Agenda- None
A motion made to approve the agenda Jeff Sterling second by Paula Hachmeister. All in favor motion approved.
4. Approve Minutes for June 8, 2020-
A motion made by Jeff Sterling second by Paula Hachmeister to approve the June 8, 2020 minutes. All in favor motion approved.
5. PublicComment-None
6. Review Current Financial Reports- The committee reviewed the final reports for Fiscal year 2020 and also the current financials. Discussion The committee discussed the balance for the new lamp post in the amount of $90,894.00.
7. Purchase of flags - Joe Musso- Joe presented the committee with money to purchase a flag in memory of a classmate that had passed away. He also asked the committee for 20 additional flags to replace damaged flags. Discussion
A motion made by Kathy Doty to approve the purchase of 13 additional flags second by Paula Hachmeister. Discussion all in favor motion approved.
8. Grant Program Applications- Marilyn discussed with the committee that we have received three application to date. The date to turn in applications has been extended to August 31, 2020. The Grants will be awarded in September 2020. The work will need to be completed and paid receipts return to Economic Development committee by April, 2021 to receive the grant money.
9. Memorial Plaques for Light Post- Marilyn has talked with Nick Berry and Northstar is unable to make new plaques. They will continue to looking into other companies in Rockford that may be able to create a plaque to be mounted on the cement base. Jeff Sterling is going to work with Nick Berry to get a list of names for the replacement plaques. Marilyn informed the committee that there will also be an additional cost involved with the lamp post project, the cement that has been replaced around the lamp poles is expected to cost $. Discussion.
10.New Business- Banner sponsorship in regards to the banner that runs across Main Street. Jeff Sterling has spoken with Bill Smull in regards to German American state bank to sponsor the banner. Jeff Sterling will submit a proposal to the village for an agreement of how many weeks per year.
11.Showcase Business of the month- Peabudy’s North was named the business of the month.
12. Adjournment - A motion made by Kathy Doty to adjourn meeting second by Paula
Hachmeister meeting adjourned at 6:43pm.