Village of Roscoe Committee of the Whole Met Oct. 20.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
Administrator Scott Sanders called the Tuesday, September 15, 2020 Committee of the Whole Meeting to order at 6:51 P.M
Present: President Szula, Trustee Petty, Plock, Gustafson, Keene, Dunn and Mallicoat.
3.1 Approval of October 6, 2020 COTW minutes. Administrator Sanders entertained a motion, Trustee Plock made a motion to approve; seconded by Trustee Keene. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Mallicoat, Dunn, Keene, Gustafson, Plock and Petty - YES. Motion Passed: 6-0-0
4. PUBLIC COMMENT (limited to 3 minutes per speaker)
5.1 Review and discussion of the first draft of the 2021 budget. Administrator Scott Sanders presented the first draft of the 2021 budget. He wanted to start with some comments. First is that there was a fair amount of design work that was approved and went into the reserve. He did receive a more accurate estimate from Fehr Graham for the end of 2020. He explained that the commitment made in 2020 has been moved to 2021. The projected revenues are closer to the 2017 numbers given the 2020 revenues are different then expected, given the past year. Trustee Plock asked if the capital projects are in the budget. Sanders stated no that it is not due to the past year revenues. Trustee Keene asked if The Village of Roscoe is fully staffed. Chief Evans explained that they are running lean with 1 officer position open. Trustee Keene asked if there was a critical need for the officer position to be filled. Chief Evans stated that she would like to have another officer but they have had the same amount of staff for many years. Trustee Dunn asked if they did hire another officer would it deplete the overtime pay. She explained that the overtime is due to vacation time coverage and that is usually always going to be the case with the overtime. Sanders stated that the budget does contemplate bringing the public park employees back. Trustee Gustafson wanted to know of the rest of the board would be willing to do patch repairs and not spend the $150,000 for road repairs this year in able to maintain the level of services of Village employees. She explained that there can be minimal cut backs on items this coming year due to the 2020 pandemic. Sanders explained that he agrees with cutting back items that do not have an extreme urgency to be done at this time.
7. PUBLIC COMMENT (Limited to 3 minutes per speaker)
Administrator Sanders entertained a motion, Trustee Petty made a motion to enter executive session; seconded by Trustee Plock. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Dunn Mallicoat, Gustafson, Petty, Keene and Plock- YES. Motion Passed: 6-0-0
Administrator Sanders entertained a motion, Trustee Gustafson made a motion to return from executive session; seconded by Trustee Petty. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Petty, Keene, Plock, Gustafson, Dunn and Mallicoat- YES. Motion Passed: 6-0-0
There was no action taken in executive session.
Administrator Sanders entertained a motion to adjourn at 9:06 P.M. Trustee Petty made a motion to approve; seconded by Trustee Keene. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Mallicoat, Dunn, Petty, Gustafson and Plock- YES. Motion Passed: 6-0-0