City of South Beloit City Council Met March 1.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
CALL TO ORDER: 5:00 pm, Council Chambers, City Hall by Mayor Rehl.
ROLL CALL: Present & answering to roll call were Commissioners Adleman, Fitzgerald, Hedrington, Morse, and Mayor Rehl.
City Attorney Wiktoria Goscik was present
City Clerk Tracy Patrick recorded the minutes
Department Heads in attendance:
Police Chief Adam Truman
Fire Chief Dan Zerfass
Waste Water Treatment Plant Superintendent Jeff Reininger
Street Superintendent Mike Murphy
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by Mayor Rehl and recited by all members present.
INVOCATION: Mayor Rehl asked for a moment of silence.
Commissioner Fitzgerald made a motion to approve the agenda. Commissioner Hedrington second the motion. Voice vote carried the motion.
1. Commissioner Morse made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on February 15, 2021. Commissioner Adleman second the motion. Voice vote carried the motion.
1. Finance:
Commissioner Morse made a motion to approve the claims to be paid from February 13-26, 2021 in the amount of $374,316.51. Commissioner Adleman second the motion. Roll call vote showed 5 ayes.
2. Attorney Report:
3. Commissioner’s Report:
Accounts & Finance-Commissioner Tom Fitzgerald
Health & Public Safety-Commissioner Brian Hedrington
Streets & Public Improvement-Commissioner Ryan Adleman
Public Properties-Commissioner Ken Morse
1. Discussion and/or Motion Items:
a. From the Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting held on February 17, 2021 a positive recommendation was given regarding a Zoning Variance. Commissioner Morse made a motion to approve Ordinance 2593 approving a Zoning Variance in the (R2) Residential Two-Family Zoning District for a side yard setback from the required 5 feet down to 4 feet 6 inches and a variation in the lot size from the minimum 8,750 square feet down to 6,000 square feet and the lot width from the minimum 75 feet down to 50 feet for the property located at 553 Northwestern Avenue, South Beloit, Illinois, Winnebago County, with PIN No. 04-05-306-014. Commissioner Hedrington second the motion. Roll call vote showed 5 ayes.
b. From the Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting held on February 17, 2021 a positive recommendation was given regarding a Special Use Permit. Commissioner Fitzgerald made a motion to approve Ordinance 2594 approving a Special Use Permit in the (CG) Commercial General Zoning District for a roof top sign for the property located at 280 Blackhawk Blvd., South Beloit, Illinois, Winnebago County, with PIN No. 04-05-155-005. Commissioner Hedrington second the motion. Roll call vote showed 5 ayes.
c. From the Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting held on February 17, 2021 a positive recommendation was given regarding a text amendment. Commissioner Adleman made a motion to approve Ordinance 2595 a Text Amendment to Chapter 118 – Zoning, Article IX – Off Street Parking and Loading, of the City of South Beloit Code of Ordinances. Commissioner Morse second the motion. Attorney Goscik said the text amendment cleans up the City’s Zoning Code to allow for Recreational Vehicle parking in residential areas, which previously only allowed for automobile parking. Commissioner Fitzgerald had concerns with the amended section regarding parking in the front yard in comparison to the Recreational Vehicle Ordinance that was recently amended. Attorney Goscik said there are additional changes being made to the Recreational Vehicle Ordinance. Commissioner Fitzgerald said he would like to layover the Ordinance until clarification is given, and said the ordinances need to match. Attorney Goscik will compare the ordinances. Commissioner Fitzgerald made a motion to layover Ordinance 2595 second by Commissioner Adleman. Voice vote carried the motion.
d. Commissioner Fitzgerald made a motion to approve Ordinance 2596 approving two Agreements for the sale of real properties located at 602 and 606 Ingersoll Place and 704 Salmon Avenue, South Beloit, Illinois by the City. Commissioner Hedrington second the motion. Roll call vote showed 5 ayes.
e. Commissioner Morse made a motion to approve Ordinance 2597 amending Chapter 34 Environment, Article III Nuisance, Section 34-58 of the City of South Beloit Code of Ordinances. Commissioner Fitzgerald second the motion. Attorney Goscik said the Ordinance adds an administrative fee and was recommended by the City’s Code Enforcement Officer. Roll call vote showed 5 ayes.
f. Commissioner Fitzgerald made a motion to approve Ordinance 2598 amending Chapter 18, Businesses, Article I in General, Section 18-17 of the City of South Beloit Code of Ordinances. Commissioner Morse second the motion. Council discussed the license for contractors. Commissioner Fitzgerald said the license is just to let the City know who’s doing work in the City. Waste Water Treatment Plant Superintendent, Jeff Reininger said the contractors usually get the application for working in the City’s right-of-way. Consensus was the license would not have a fee for the application. Roll call vote showed 5 ayes.
g. Commissioner Adleman made a motion to approve Ordinance 2599 amending Chapter 86 Streets, Sidewalks and other Public Places, Article I in General, Section 86-4 of the South Beloit Code of Ordinances. Commissioner Morse second the motion. Commissioner Adleman said the ordinance is regarding replacing mailboxes that have been physically hit and damaged by the City’s snow plows/vehicles. The ordinance gives residents the option to have the mailbox replaced by the City or a check issued in the amount of $37.00 for the resident to replace the damaged mailbox themselves. Temporary mailboxes would only be issued if the resident opts to have the City replace the mailbox. Roll call showed 5 ayes.
h. Commissioner Adleman made a motion to approve Ordinance 2600 amending Chapter 6 Alcoholic Beverages, Article III, Retail License, Section 6-82 of the City of South Beloit Code of Ordinances. Commissioner Hedrington second the motion. Commissioner Adleman said the Ordinance was previously bought before Council and did not pass at the time. The business owner previously requesting the amendment has asked again to change the restrictions. Commissioner Adleman said Covid has affected the gaming businesses as well as the bars and restaurants. This change would keep patrons in the establishments longer, not necessarily bring in more people. Commissioner Adleman said the gaming establishments were not given any assistance while they were closed down. Commissioner Fitzgerald believes the changes complicate the license requirements and the boutiques will begin to look more like bars. Council discussed the differences for the sales requirements between the bars and gaming establishments. Commissioner Adleman said he thinks the City should let businesses operate as how they see fit if they have the accommodations. Commissioner Fitzgerald said he is not against it, however he has concerns and believes the change allows BG establishments to operate in a capacity similar to a bar. Commissioner Fitzgerald said he has concerns regarding the increase in parking as well. Clerk Patrick reviewed concerns that were raised by the City’s Building Inspector, Steve Girard, regarding the size limits for BG establishments being too large at 1,500 square feet. Mr. Girard said his recommendation for the size would have been no more than 1,000 square feet had he been consulted at that time the licenses were put into place. Mr. Girard also said the size and use could require 2 restrooms instead of 1. Commissioner Fitzgerald questioned why any BG license would need to be issued since there are unlimited number of bar license. Clerk Patrick reviewed the cost of licenses for bars vs. gaming establishments and the required percentage revenue for each license. Roll call vote showed 3 ayes and 2 nays by Commissioners Fitzgerald and Morse.
i. Commissioner Adleman made a motion to approve letting out the Request for Proposals for a Zoning and Subdivision Code update/rewrite. Commissioner Morse second the motion. Clerk Patrick said the City has been piece mailing the Zoning Code. The recommendation is to put out RFP’s for a rewrite of the City’s Zoning Code. Attorney Goscik said the rewrite will modernize the Zoning Code. Roll call vote showed 5 ayes.
j. Commissioner Morse made a motion to hold a Public Meeting regarding hiring a City Administrator. Commissioner Adleman second the motion. Mayor Rehl said Council would like to get public opinion regarding the item. A Public Meeting will be held on March 15th at 6:30 pm via Zoom. There will not be a vote taken, only a Public Meeting. Mayor Rehl said a second meeting would be determined.
1. Business Licenses:
a. Inveniam Custom Solutions
b. JR’s
2. RLE’s:
a. Tricia Aldridge-The Wheel
b. Kristen Kline-The Wheel
c. Tina Laney-Victory Slots
d. Heather Martin-Jena’s
e. Brad McCaslin-Artisan
f. Norma Murillo-Victory Slots
g. Brittney Trauth-Artisan
h. Shawn Watters Jr-The Wheel
i. Patricia Willard-Palpables
Commissioner Adleman made a motion to approve all the licenses second by Commissioner Fitzgerald. Voice vote carried the motion.
At 6:01 pm on a motion made by Commissioner Fitzgerald second by Commissioner Adleman. Voice vote carried the motion. The purpose of Executive Session is to:
1. Discuss personnel issues as provided by 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (1) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act.
At 6:58 pm.
Roll call showed all members present at the onset of the meeting.
At 6:58 pm on a motion made by Commissioner Fitzgerald second by Commissioner Morse.
Voice vote carried the motion.