
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Pecatonica Public Works Committee met August 7


Village of Pecatonica Public Works Committee met August 7.

Here is the agenda as provided by the committee: 

1. Call to Order 

2. Roll Call 

3. Addition and Corrections to the Agenda 

4. Approve the Agenda 

5. Public Comment 

6. Approve June 26, 2023 Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes 

7. Discuss Well #3 Change Order 

8. Discuss Lights at Well House #3 

9. Discuss Properties with Portable Water Tanks 

10. Discuss Elevated Water Tank 

11. Review Public Works Inventory 

12. Discuss Date for September 2023 Meeting 

13. Engineer's Report 

14. Adjournment
