
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Loves Park City Council met Jan. 2

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Loves Park City Council | City of Loves Park Website

Loves Park City Council | City of Loves Park Website

City of Loves Park City Council met Jan. 2.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Gregory Jury called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Benjamin Danielson, Manager of Chaplain Services at Mercyhealth opened the meeting with an invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Present: Mayor Gregory Jury

Aldermen Doug Allton (via telephone), Mike Owens, John Jacobson, Clint Little Dan Jacobson, John Pruitt, Mark Peterson, A. Marie Holmes, Robert Schlensker

Absent: Alderman Jim Thompson

Also Present: City Clerk Bob Burden

City Attorney Gino Galluzzo

1. Approve Minutes 12/18/23

The Journal of Proceedings for the regular meeting of December 18, 2023, was approved as submitted by the City Clerk on a motion by Alderman Schlensker. Second by Alderman Pruitt. Motion carried. 9 Ayes (Aldermen Allton, Owens, John Jacobson, Little, Dan Jacobson, Pruitt, Peterson, Holmes, Schlensker) 1 Absent (Alderman Thompson)

2. General Fund Bills

Alderman John Jacobson presented the General Fund and all other bills dated January 2, 2024, in the amount of $728,116.89, and moved that they be paid. Second by Alderman Peterson. Motion carried. 9 Ayes (Aldermen Allton, Owens, John Jacobson, Little, Dan Jacobson, Pruitt, Peterson, Holmes, Schlensker) 1 Absent (Alderman Thompson)

3. Water Department Bills

Alderman John Jacobson presented the Water Department bills dated January 2, 2024, in the amount of $122,935.76, and moved that they be paid. Second by Alderman Peterson. Motion carried. 9 Ayes (Aldermen Allton, Owens, John Jacobson, Little, Dan Jacobson, Pruitt, Peterson, Holmes, Schlensker) 1 Absent (Alderman Thompson)

4. Public Safety Report

Alderman Dan Jacobson presented the Police Department Report for January 2, 2024; presented the Fire Department Report for January 2, 2024, to be placed on file.

5. Public Works Report

Alderman Schlensker presented the Street Department Reports dated January 2, 2024; presented the Water Department Reports dated January 2, 2024, to be placed on file.

6. Finance & Administrative Committee

Alderman John Jacobson of the Finance and Administration Committee presented the minutes from the committee meeting held on December 18, 2023, to be placed on file.

7. Community Development Committee

Alderman Pruitt of the Community Development Committee presented the minutes from the meeting on December 18, 2023, to be placed on file.

8. N-Trak Group Awarded Bid for Rock Valley Parkway Creek Improvement Project

Alderman Schlensker presented the following resolution and moved for its adoption: RESOLVED, that by the adoption of this Resolution, the Street Department Manager is authorized to hire N-Trak Group, LLC, as the lowest responsible bidder, for the Rock Valley Parkway Creek Improvement Project at a cost not to exceed three hundred twenty-six thousand six hundred thirty-three dollars and forty-nine cents ($326,633.49). Second by Alderman John Jacobson. Motion carried. 9 Ayes (Aldermen Allton, Owens, John Jacobson, Little, Dan Jacobson, Pruitt, Peterson, Holmes, Schlensker) 1 Absent (Alderman Thompson)


9. ORD 4595-24 Amend Liquor License For 6108 N. Second Street

Alderman Owens presented an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 4594-23 approving a Liquor License for 6108 N. Second Street, and moved for approval. Second by Alderman Schlensker. Motion carried. 9 Ayes (Aldermen Allton, Owens, John Jacobson, Little, Dan Jacobson, Pruitt, Peterson, Holmes, Schlensker) 1 Absent (Alderman Thompson)


10. ORD 4596-24 SUP For 43XX Kellee Lane & 4305 Kellee Lane

Alderman Pruitt presented an ordinance providing for the renewal of a Special Use Permit for the property known as 43XX Kellee Lane and 4305 Kellee Lane, and moved for approval. Second by Alderman Owens. Motion carried. 9 Ayes (Aldermen Allton, Owens, John Jacobson, Little, Dan Jacobson, Pruitt, Peterson, Holmes, Schlensker) 1 Absent (Alderman Thompson)


11. Adjourn

Alderman Schlensker moved that the meeting be adjourned. Second by Alderman Owens. Motion carried by voice vote. The meeting was adjourned at 6:09 p.m.
