Aprel Prunty, Alderman - Ward 6 | City of Rockford
Aprel Prunty, Alderman - Ward 6 | City of Rockford
City of Rockford Traffic Commission will meet Feb. 14.
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
I. Call To Order
II. Acceptance Of Minutes
III. Traffic Requests
A. New Business
1. Request in the 1st Ward, by Alderman Timothy Durkee, to establish “No Parking Any Time” restriction on the north side of Barrick Drive from Ware Road to Reid Farm Road.
2. Request in the 1st Ward, by Alderman Timothy Durkee, to establish “No Parking Any Time” restriction on both sides of Wishart Drive from Barrick Drive to 50 feet north of Barrick Drive.
IV. Adjournment
The City Of Rockford Intends To Comply With The Intent And Spirit Of The Americans With Disabilities Act. If A Sign Language Interpreter, Personal P.A. System, Or Other Special Accommodations Are Needed, Please Call The Legal Department At (779) 348-7391 At Least 48 Hours In Advance, So We Can Be Prepared To Assist You