
Rockford Sun

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Winnebago County Board Finance Committee met Aug. 15

Webp 14

Jim Webster, Winnebago County Board Member - District 2 | Winnebago County Website

Jim Webster, Winnebago County Board Member - District 2 | Winnebago County Website

Winnebago County Board Finance Committee met Aug. 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


John Butitta, Chairperson

Jaime Salgado, Vice Chairperson

Jean Crosby

Joe Hoffman

Keith McDonald

John F. Sweeney

Michael Thompson

Others Present:

Patrick Thompson, County Administrator

Steve Schultz, Chief Financial Officer

Lafakeria Vaughn, Civil Bureau Chief, State’s Attorney’s Office

Chris Dornbush, Chief Operations Officer

John Giliberti, State’s Attorney Office

Call to Order

Chairperson Butitta called the meeting to order at 6:15 PM.

Roll Call

Chairperson Butitta yes, Ms. Crosby yes, Mr. Hoffman yes, Mr. McDonald yes, Mr. Salgado yes, Mr. Sweeney yes, Mr. Thompson yes.

Approval of July 18, 2024 Minutes

Motion: Chairperson Butitta. Second: Mr. Thompson.

Chairperson Butitta called for any discussion.

Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Public Comment

Chairperson Butitta omitted reading the Public Comment Section of the Agenda because no one was present to speak.

Resolution for Approval of Distribution of Opioid Litigation Settlement Funds to the Winnebago County Coroner’s Office

Resolution for Approval of Distribution of Opioid Litigation Settlement Funds to the Winnebago County Health Department

Resolution for Approval of Distribution of Opioid Litigation Settlement Funds to the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office

Resolution for Approval of Distribution of Opioid Litigation Settlement Funds to the 17th Judicial Circuit Court

Motion: Chairperson Butitta made the motion to group Items E. through H., Resolutions for the Approval of Distribution of Opioid Litigation Settlement Funds to the Winnebago County Coroner’s Office, the County Health Department, the Sheriff’s Office, and the 17th Judicial Circuit Court into one motion.

Chairperson Butitta asked if there was any objection to grouping Items E. through H. into one motion.

Second: Mr. Hoffman.

Chairperson Butitta called for any discussion.

• Discussion followed. Before the next County Board meeting, the committee discussed amending the Resolutions and working with the State’s Attorney's office on amendment language to amend the Resolutions.

Chairperson Butitta called for any other discussion on Items E. through H.

Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

FY25 Budget Update

A Budget update for FY25 was shared with committee members.

Chairperson Butitta called for any discussion.

• Discussion followed.

Closed Session to Discuss Pending Litigation

Motion: Chairperson Butitta made the motion to enter a Closed Session. Second: Mr. Thompson. Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Roll Call

Chairperson Butitta yes, Ms. Crosby yes, Mr. Hoffman yes, Mr. McDonald yes, Mr. Salgado yes, Mr. Sweeney yes, Mr. Thompson yes.

Chairperson Butitta – No action was taken in the Closed Session.

Resolution Authorizing Settlement of a Claim Against the County of Winnebago Entitled Thomas Truitt Versus Winnebago County

Motion: Chairperson Butitta. Second: Mr. Thompson.

Chairperson Butitta called for any discussion.

Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Other Matters

• None reported.


Chairperson Butitta called for a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Motion: Mr. Thompson. Second: Mr. Sweeney.

Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
