Aaron Booker, Winnebago County Board Member - District 1 | Winnebago County Website
Aaron Booker, Winnebago County Board Member - District 1 | Winnebago County Website
Winnebago County Board Public Works Committee met Dec. 3.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Public Meeting for Winnebago County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update
a. Presentation by Winnebago County and Region 1 Planning Council
b. Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan
4. Approval of October 17, 2024 Minutes
5. Public Comment
This is the time we invite the public to address the Public Works Committee with issues and concerns. We ask you to limit your comments to three minutes. Personal attacks or inappropriate language of any sort will not be tolerated. A maximum of five speakers will be heard on a first come basis with sign up at the meeting. Speakers may not address zoning matters which are pending before the Zoning Committee, Zoning Board of Appeals, or the County Board. Personnel matters or pending or threatened litigation may not be addressed in open session. An individual may speak a maximum of three times per calendar year on the same topic. This prohibition shall include the repetition of the same topic in a statement on what is purported to be a different topic. After acknowledgement by the chair, please stand and state your name. Thank you for your cooperation.
6. Legislation
(24-045) Resolution Authorizing a Structural Engineering Services Agreement with IMEG Consultants Corp. for the Rehabilitation of the Roscoe Road Bridge Over the Rock River and for the Appropriation of MFT Funds (Section 18-00661-00-BR)
Cost: $256,383 (not to exceed)
C.B. District: 3
(24-046) Resolution Authorizing the Award of Bid for the Maintenance of Traffic Signals on the County Highway System and for the Appropriation of MFT Funds
(Section: 24-00734-00-TL)
Cost: $488,167.50 (total for 2025 & 2026)
C.B. District: County Wide
7. Other Matters
Budget Amendment
Change Order(s) for Information Only –
8. Reports
a. PWC Chairman Tassoni –
b. County Engineer Molina –
9. Adjournment