Winnebago County Zoning Committee met April 25.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Z-02-19 A map amendment to rezone +/- 3.93 acres from the AG, Agricultural Priority District to the RA, Rural Agricultural Residential District, requested by Scott Fischer, property owner, for property that is generally located west of 7625 Pomeroy Road in Shirland Township.
PIN: Part of PIN: 02-23-400-015 C.B. District: 2
Lesa Rating: Very High Consistent W/2030 LRMP – Future Map: NO
ZBA Recommends: Denial (2-4)
ZC Recommends: TBD
2. V-01-19 A variation to increase the number of permitted freestanding signs from one (1) freestanding sign per street frontage to two (2) freestanding signs per street frontage requested by Samuel Darby, on behalf of Westminster Presbyterian Church, for property that is commonly known as 2821 N. Bell School Road in Rockford Township.
PIN: 12-11-401-005 C.B. District: 8
Lesa Rating: N/A Consistent W/2030 LRMP – Future Map: N/A
ZBA Recommends: Approval with conditions (5-1)
ZC Recommends: TBD
3. SU-02-19 A special use permit for an Outdoor Storage Yard in the CC, Community Commercial District, requested by AJR5 Inc. dba Rockton Mini Storage, property owner, represented by Jared Ruper, project manager, for property that is commonly known as 11954 Wagon Wheel Road in Rockton Township.
PIN: 03-26-400-002 C.B. District: 2
Lesa Rating: N/A Consistent W/2030 LRMP – Future Map: N/A
ZBA Recommends: Approval with ZBA conditions (6-0)
ZC Recommends: TBD
4. V-02-19 A variation to reduce the minimum height of a solid fence from 6 feet (per Sections 15.3.29 A. 1. and 20.9 C.) to 0 feet which will effectively waive the solid fencing (screening) requirement for an outdoor storage yard, requested by AJR5 Inc. dba Rockton Mini Storage, property owner, represented by Jared Ruper, project manager, for property that is commonly known as 11954 Wagon Wheel Road in Rockton Township.
PIN(s): 03-26-400-002 C.B. District: 2
Lesa Rating: N/A Consistent W/2030 LRMP – Future Map: N/A
ZBA Recommends: Approval with ZBA conditions (6-0)
ZC Recommends: TBD
5. COMMITTEE REPORT (ANNOUNCEMENTS) - for informational purposes only; not intended as a public notice):
• Chairman, Brian Erickson, hereby announces that a Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 8, 2019, at 5:30 p.m. in Room 303 of the County Administration Building.
• Chairman, Jim Webster, hereby announces that the next Zoning Committee (ZC) meeting is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, May 22, 2019, at 5:00 p.m. in Room 303 of the County Administration Building.