
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Illinois far behind in background checks, ID card requests as new gun owners try to buy firearms

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A backlog in Illinois’ redundant background check system may be causing some who are now attempting to purchase firearms to have to wait longer to receive them. | Wikimedia commons

A backlog in Illinois’ redundant background check system may be causing some who are now attempting to purchase firearms to have to wait longer to receive them. | Wikimedia commons

A backlog in Illinois’ redundant background check system may be causing some who are now attempting to purchase firearms to have to wait longer to receive them.

Unlike many states where the only background check required for a firearm purchase is one run by the FBI, Illinois gun owners have to pass a duplicate background check by the Illinois State Police (ISP). The ISP has received approximately 50,000 requests for background checks since March 13, The Center Square reported.

During the current COVID-19 related buying sprees, gun store owners are experiencing an increased demand for both guns and ammunition, said Federal Firearms Licensees of Illinois Executive Director Todd Vandermyde.

Yet many of the purchasers are having to wait long periods after passing a background check by the nation’s top law enforcement agency while they wait for the Illinois State Police to catch up.

“You’ve got dealers who won’t release the firearm without the completion of a background check with an approval and so people are now waiting four, five, six, seven days, even,” Vandermyde told The Center Square.

Vandermyde said that, among other concerns related to a crisis situation, talk among some Illinois municipalities of limiting or banning firearm and ammunition sales may be creating an added sense of urgency that is leading to the increased demand.

“When you are now hearing of cities like Oak Park and others talking about lockdowns, that is putting people on edge,” Vandermyde told The Center Square.

The ISP acknowledged that they experienced a high volume of submissions but assured residents they were working on a timely basis to process the requests.

“This is where background checks turn into bans and waiting periods turn into leaving people defenseless,” Vandmyde told The Center Square.

In addition, many of those seeking firearms currently in Illinois are new gun owners. As a result, they have to first acquire a Firearm Owner Identification Card (FOID), which Illinois residents must have to even buy ammunition.

But the state already had a backlog thousands deep in granting FOID requests even before the current crisis.