
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Rock Valley College Community College District No. 511 Board of Trustees Committee of the Whole met April 12

Rock Valley College Community College District No. 511 Board of Trustees Committee of the Whole met April 12.

Call to Order

The Rock Valley College (RVC) Board of Trustees Committee of the Whole meeting was called to order at 5:15 p.m. by Chairperson Jarid Funderburg.

Roll Call

The following members of the Board of Trustees were present at roll call:

Mr. Jarid Funderburg Ms. Lynn Kearney

Mr. Robert Trojan Mr. John Nelson

Ms. Gloria Cudia Ms. Evelyn Molina, Student Trustee

The following Trustees were absent at roll call: Mr. Paul Gorski and Ms. Crystal Soltow.

Also Present: Dr. Howard Spearman, President; Dr. Amanda Smith, Vice President of Liberal Arts and Adult Education; Dr. Patrick Peyer, Vice President of Student Affairs; Mr. Rick Jenks, Vice President of Operations; Mr. Jim Handley, Vice President of Human Resources; Ms. Ellen Olson, Vice President of Finance; Ms. Heather Snider, Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness and Communications; Mr. Keith Barnes, Vice President of Equity and Inclusion; Ms. Ann Kerwitz, Assistant to the President; Ms. Kris Fuchs, Assistant to the President; Ms. Vicki Brust, Dean of Career Technical Education; Mr.Cornell Bondurant, Dean of Non-Credit Programs; Attorney Joseph Perkoski, Robbins Schwartz.

Communications and Petitions

There were no public comments, communications and/or petitions.

Recognition of Visitors

Dr. Spearman recognized the architects presenting at the Board of Trustees Committee of the Whole tonight, and the participants from each architectural firm who would be introduced during general presentations.

Adjourn to Closed Session

At 5:18 p.m., a motion was made by Trustee Trojan, seconded by Trustee Kearney, to adjourn to closed session to discuss: 1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, specific individuals who serve as independent contractors in a park, recreational, or educational setting in accordance with Section 2 (c) (1); and/or 2) The purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body per Section 2 (c) (5); all in accordance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act. The motion was approved by a unanimous roll call vote.

Reconvene Open Session

At 5:59 p.m., a motion was made by Trustee Nelson, seconded by Trustee Kearney, to adjourn the closed session and reconvene to the open session. The motion was approved by a unanimous roll call vote. No action was taken as a result of the closed session.

Review of Minutes

There were no comments on the minutes from the March 8, 2022, Board of Trustees Committee of the Whole meeting.

General Presentations

Architect of Record Discussion:

Cordogan Clark: The representatives for Cordogan Clare are Mr. Brian Kronewitter, executive vice president; Ms. Cayce Horton, architectural designer; and Mr. Keven Graham, senior landscape architect. Mr. Kronewitter gave a brief overview of Cordogan Clark. Cordogan Clark has been in business for over 100 years and has extensive experience working with higher education. Discussion ensued.

Larson & Darby: The representatives for Larson & Darby are Mr. Andrew Macklin, project architect; Mr. Dominick Demonica, principal at DKA-Design; and Mr. Jeff Leesman, associate principal at IMEG Corporation. Mr. Macklin stated three primary reasons why Larson & Darby would be a good fit with RVC as Architect of Record: responsiveness, efficiency, and expertise. Discussion ensued. OPN Architects: The representatives for OPN Architects are Mr. Wes Reynolds, principal; Brett Rottinghaus, project architect; and Ms. Malorie Hepner, project architect. Mr. Reynolds introduced the team that will be working with RVC if hired and explained that OPN Architects has over 100 individuals working nationally for OPN. Mr. Reynolds expressed how OPN Architects would be an excellent fit for RVC and what OPN standards are for their clients. Discussion ensued.

Teaching, Learning & Communications Discussion: Board Liaison Trustee Cudia

1. Enrollment Update

Ms. Heather Snider, vice president of institutional effectiveness & communications, presented the fiscal year 2022 enrollment update. Ms. Snider stated RVC had exceeded the Summer I enrollment for fiscal year 2022, and RVC is at 97% of the budget for the annual enrollment. Discussion ensued.

2. Commencement Update

Dr. Patrick Peyer presented the commencement update. Dr. Peyer stated that RVC would host commencement ceremonies on Friday, May 13, 2022, in the Physical Education Center (PEC). There will be two ceremonies, one at 2:00 p.m. and one at 6:00 p.m. Approximately 556 graduates will be participating. The 2:00 p.m. ceremony will feature around 220 students who have earned degrees in Associate of Applied Science, Associate of Engineering Science, and Associate of Science. The 6:00 p.m. ceremony will feature about 328 students who have earned an Associate of Arts degree. Dr. Peyer stated that each student will be issued four tickets for family to attend. Trustee Trojan wanted to know why there were two ceremonies. Dr. Peyer responded that two ceremonies would allow for “elbow room,” being mindful we are just coming out of the COVID pandemic. Cap and gown pickup will be Thursday, April 21, 2022, between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

3. General Educational Development (GED) Update

Dr. Amanda Smith, vice president of liberal arts and adult education, discussed the GED update. Dr. Smith stated that the GED graduation would take place on Thursday, May 12, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. in the PEC. Trustee Kearney inquired how many students were graduating. Dr. Smith stated 70 to 80 students will graduate with their GEDs, with 40 to 50 participating in the ceremony.

4. Electric (E) Vehicle (EV) Research Report

Ms. Vicki Brust, dean of career technical education, presented information on the E-Vehicle research report. Ms. Brust stated that the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency funds the Illinois Green Economy Network (IGEN) grant project. RVC is a sub-recipient under Joliet Junior College, acting as a fiscal agent for IGEN. Awarded institutions are charged with researching and developing EV service curricula for integration into existing automotive technology programs. The IGEN award to RVC is $66,800; to date, RVC has spent $32,600 with a remaining balance of $34,200. The IGEN team members seek a budget modification to purchase instructional capital equipment. Economic Modeling Specialist International (EMSI) data suggests continued growth in the EV industry. RVC administration, faculty, and staff have visited three EV programs; Heartland Community College in Normal, IL, Ivy Tech Community College in Lafayette, IN, and Sinclair Community College, in Dayton, OH. RVC proposes three additional courses; Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Powertrain, Advanced Vehicle Chassis Systems, and Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Battery Systems. In addition, RVC recommends one hour per week of online lectures and four hours per week of face-to-face lab. Ms. Brust discussed the building and equipment needs required for the EV program and explained the next steps are to seek additional grant funding and pursue renewing the IGEN Grant for another term. Discussion ensued.

Finance Discussion: Board Liaison Trustee Soltow

1. Purchase Reports

Ms. Ellen Olson, vice president of finance, presented the purchase reports.

Purchase Report A – FY 2022 Addendums:

A. Software – (Trust & Agency Fund – Org. Sync., Other Contractual Services)

1. Verizon Wireless St. Louis, MO $ 14,500.00 (1)*

B. Other Materials – (Other Materials: Big Thunder Blvd., Belvidere)

2. Meridian Loves Park, IL $ 1,500.00 (2)*

C. Rental – (Education Fund – Learning Opportunity Center/Transitional Opportunity & Education/Adult Education Center Office, Rental – Facilities)

3. Illinois Holler, LLC Rockford, IL $ 6,000.00 (3)*

D. Maintenance Software Fees – (Education Fund – IT Administration, Maintenance Services Software Support)

4. Ellucian Malvern, PA $ 1,100.00 (4)*

Purchase Report B – FY 2022 COVID-19 Emergency Purchase:

A. Software – (Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF): General Institutional Expense)

1. Softdocs SC, LLC Columbia, SC $ 21,500.00 (1)*

Purchase Report C – FY 2022 Purchases:

A. On-Line Communications – (Instructional Software & Administrative Software: General Institutional Software)

1. Zoom Video Communications, Inc. San Jose, CA $ 26,000.00 (1)*

B. SURS 6% Employer Liability – (SURS Penalty Fund General Institutional)

2. State University Retirement System (SURS) Champaign, IL $ 11,350.76 (2)*

C. Equipment – (Capital Service Equipment: General Institutional)

3. Duplo USA Corporation Santa Ana, CA $ 32,474.00 (3)* Tompkins Printing Equipment, Co. Schiller Park, IL $ 42,900.00

D. Equipment – (Operations & Maintenance Fund – Grounds Maintenance, Other Capital Outlay)

4. Burris Equipment Company Waukegan, IL $ 75,158.00 (4)*

E. Advertising – (Print/Copy Commercial Services: Communications)

5. Meridian Loves Park, IL $ 42,500.00 (5)*

F. Contractual Services – (Other Contractual Services: Upward Bound)

6. AAMPED, Inc. Allen, TX $ 17,500.00 (6)*

G. Instructional Equipment – (Capital Instructional Equipment – Automotive)

7. Automotive Equipment Specialists Hanover Park, IL $ 18,831.91 (7)*

H. Contractual Services – (Other Contractual Services: Starlight)

8. Vertigo Cortland, IL $ 10,900.00 (8)* ZFX Flying Effects Louisville, KY $ 14,880.00 Flying by Foy Las Vegas, NV $ 15,550.00

2. Cash and Investment

Ms. Olson presented the cash and investment report through March 31, 2022. Total operating cash and investments are $63,583,011. Total capital funds are $13,360,996. Since February 28, 2022, the change in capital funds was <$155,545>. The change in the operating cash and investments since February 28, 2022, was <$4,054,040>. Ms. Olson stated that the total operating cash and investments funds were 58.46% of the fiscal year 2022 operating budget. There were no questions and no discussion.

3. Fiscal Year 2023 Preliminary Operations Budget (Funds 01 and 02)

Ms. Olson presented the fiscal year 2023 preliminary operations budget (fund 01 and fund 02). Ms. Olson discussed the revenue and expenditure assumptions, operations and maintenance restricted fund (fund 03), and all other funds (funds 04, 05, 06, 10, 11, 12, and 18). Ms. Olson explained the next steps will be to approve the preliminary fiscal year 2023 budget at the May 2022 Board of Trustees meeting. The preliminary fiscal year 2023 budget will be available for public inspection on May 25, 2022, for 30 days in the Financial Services office. A Public Hearing will be held during the June 2022 Board of Trustees meeting, along with the adoption of the final fiscal year 2023 budget. Discussion ensued.

Operations Discussion: Board Liaison Trustee Kearney

1. Personnel Report

Mr. Jim Handley, vice president of human resources, presented the personnel report for April 2022. There is one placeholder for the director of institutional research and one appointment for the director of human resources. There are six departures. Discussion ensued.

2. Resolution Honoring the Retirement of Rock Valley College Employees Mr. Handley presented the resolution honoring the retirement of RVC employees. Mr. Handley stated that there are 15 retirees for fiscal year 2022. On April 19, 2022, a celebration will be held from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Student Center Atrium. Discussion ensued.

3. 2022 Summer Flex Days

Mr. Handley explained that Board Report #7793 was approved on March 23, 2021, by the Board of Trustees to offer five summer flex days in 2021 for full-time Educational Support Personnel (ESP), Support Staff Association (SSA), Professional Staff Association (PSA), and Administrative Staff. For 2022, it is again recommended that the Board of Trustees approve five (eight-hour) summer flex days for full-time ESP, SSA, PSA, and Administrative staff for use between May 16, 2022, and August 5, 2022.

4. Donation Report

Mr. Handley stated that Mr. Dennis Anthony representing the Association of Illinois Soil and Water Conservation Districts/Winnebago County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD), has offered to donate and deliver to Rock Valley College 25 three-gallon potted oak trees with a total estimated value of $500 to be planted by Illinois 4-H. The trees were delivered and planted on April 3, 2022.

5. Barnes and Noble Contract Update

Mr. Rick Jenks, vice president of operations, provided an update on the Barnes and Noble contract. A committee comprised of Dr. Kym Blanchard, Dr. Amanda Smith, Dr. Patrick Peyer, Ms. Ellen Olson, and Mr. Jenks was formed to begin reviewing the contract Mr. Jenks stated that the committee determined several potential areas where RVC may have some new and innovative ways to secure a bookstore that may be less expensive for students. For example, RVC could have an online bookstore, an RVC-owned and operated bookstore with open educational resource (OER) materials. RVC could have a sub-contracted agreement like the current one but model it with some of the above-mentioned online resources. The committee recommends utilizing the existing contract and taking advantage of the one-year extension. This way, RVC can create a larger committee that would include Faculty, Accounts Receivable, Student Services, Financial Aid, and other Administration to explore the options. Discussion ensued.

6. Virtual Desktop Initiative (VDI) Update

Mr. Jenks presented the virtual desktop initiative (VDI) update. Mr. Jenks stated that in 2019, the RVC Board approved the purchase and setup of the AWS/Synchronet VDI solutions for $120,000 and had estimated the annual cost to be $200,000. The only area currently utilizing the AWS platform is the Engineering Department for programs like Auto Cad and MatLab. RVC also uses the Office 365 platform to access programs like Word, Excel, Outlook, Share Point, with one-Terabit drive storage for all users. Azure, a part of Microsoft, is also currently utilized by RVC. The Azure platform is part of Microsoft’s educational discounts for Higher Education. The IT department has researched building out a VDI solution using Azure (Microsoft) or AWS (Amazon Web Services). Now would be a good time to consolidate software as RVC rolls out new hardware. Under the Microsoft Educational VDI solution, RVC would need to pay only for storage usage and could update all student access on campus to a VDI solution. Microsoft will assist with VDI setup at no additional cost, and the Microsoft VDI solution may save RVC approximately $400 a month. Mr. Jenks explained the timeline and what additional equipment was needed to switch from the AWS platform to the Azure platform. Discussion ensued.

7. Tech Bus Update

Mr. Cornell Bondurant, dean of non-credit programs, discussed the Tech Bus update. Mr. Bondurant reviewed the scheduled engagements that took place in fall of 2021. Mr. Bondurant stated that the bus is mobile and operational from April through December. In addition, in December 2021, the bus received its annual maintenance. Trustee Trojan inquired if Mr. Bondurant had events in Boone County. Mr. Bondurant stated some events had taken place in Boone County at the Belvidere YMCA. Discussion ensued.

8. RVC Events Calendar

Mr. Handley presented the RVC on-campus events calendar. Discussion ensued.

9. RVC Athletics Update

Dr. Patrick Peyer presented the RVC Athletics update, including the RVC Softball, RVC Baseball, and RVC Golf teams. Dr. Peyer announced that the 23rd Annual Rising Stars All-Star Basketball Classic would be held at the RVC Physical Education Center (PEC) on April 16, 2022. On April 8, 2022, Misty Opat, Craig Doty, and former student-athletes, LT Davis, Vivi Marquez, and Natalie Olsen, were inducted into the 2022 Hall of Fame class for athletics.

10. Advanced Technology Center (ATC) Update

ATC Cost Summary: Ms. Olson presented the ATC cost summary. There were no additional change orders at this time. Invoices are being paid as they are received, and one more draw from Stenstrom Construction is expected. Ms. Olson stated the $800,000 remaining in the budget would not change that much.

ATC Punch List: Mr. Jenks discussed the punch list for the ATC. RVC is still awaiting arrival of four machines; the interior garage door should be installed in June, and there are minor items that Stenstrom Construction will repair while on-site for the garage door installation. Discussion ensued.

New Business / Unfinished Business

New Business: Dr. Spearman stated that AAR will be donating a 50-passenger Bombardier CRJ200 aircraft to the College. AAR has sent over a grant donation agreement to be signed. Dr. Spearman said he anticipates the aircraft to be delivered to RVC soon.

Unfinished Business: There is no unfinished business.

Adjourn to Closed Session

At 8:33 p.m., a motion was made by Trustee Trojan, seconded by Trustee Kearney, to adjourn to closed session to discuss 1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees specific individuals who serve as independent contractors in a park, recreational, or educational setting in accordance with Section 2 (c) (1); and/or 2) Collective negotiating matters per Section 2 (c) (2); and/or 3) The purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body per Section 2 (c) (5); and/or 4) Litigation has been filed, is pending, or probable per Section 2 (c) (11), all in accordance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act. The motion was approved by a unanimous roll call vote.

Reconvene Open Session

At 8:57 p.m., a motion was made by Trustee Funderburg, seconded by Trustee Nelson, to adjourn the closed session and reconvene to the open session. The motion was approved by a unanimous roll call vote. No action was taken as a result of the closed session.

Next Regular Board of Trustees Meeting

The next Regular and Reorganization Board of Trustees meeting will be held on April 26, 2022, at 5:15 p.m. remotely via teleconference.

Next Committee of the Whole Meeting

The next Committee of the Whole meeting will be held on May 10, 2022, at 5:15 p.m. virtually via teleconference or in-person in the Performing Arts Room (PAR, Room 0214) located in the Educational Resource Center (ERC) on the main campus, when Illinois statute permits.


At 9:00 p.m., a motion was made by Trustee Kearney, seconded by Trustee Funderburg, to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved by a unanimous roll call vote.
