
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Winnebago County Board met May 25

Winnebago County Board met May 25.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call to Order - Chairman Joseph Chiarelli

2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance - Board Member Christopher Scrol

3. Agenda Announcements - Chairman Joseph Chiarelli

4. Roll Call - Clerk Lori Gummow

5. Awards, Presentations, Public Hearings and Public Participation

A. Awards – None

B. Presentation – Annual Overview of Revolving Loan Program – Presented by John Phelps and Chris Dornbush

C. Public Hearings – None

D. Public Participation

6. Approval of Minutes - Chairman Joseph Chiarelli

A. Approval of April 27, 2023 minutes

B. Layover of May 11, 2023 minutes

7. Consent Agenda - Chairman Joseph Chiarelli

A. Raffle Report

B. Auditor’s Report

8. Appointments (Per County Board rules, Board Chairman appointments require a 30-day layover unless there is a suspension of the rule).

A. Washington Park Light District, Annual Compensation: $300

1. Bernice E. Russell (Reappointment), Rockford, Illinois, 3-year term, April 2021 to April 2024

2. Flora Williams (Reappointment), Rockford, Illinois, 3-year term, April 2022 to April 2025

3. Holly Nash (Reappointment), Rockford, Illinois, 3-year term, April 2023 to April 2026

9. Reports of Standing Committees - Chairman Joseph Chiarelli

A. Finance Committee - John Butitta, Committee Chairman

1. Committee Report

2. Resolution Authorizing Settlement of a Claim against the County of Winnebago entitled David Seitz versus Winnebago County

3. Ordinance for a Budget Amendment to Establish Sheriff E-Citation Fund to be Laid Over

4. Resolution to Expedite the Payment of Claims for Winnebago County

B. Zoning Committee - Jim Webster, Committee Chairman Planning and/or Zoning Requests:

1. Z-03-23 A Map Amendment to Rezone 5.0+- Acres from the AG, Agricultural Priority District to the RA, Rural Agricultural Residential District (a Sub-District of the RA District) for the property that is commonly known as 6875 Forest Preserve Road, Rockton, IL 61072 in Shirland Township, District 2 to be laid over

2. Resolution Authorizing the DC Estate Winery (8877 State Line Rd, South Beloit, IL) be Subject to the Jurisdiction of the City of South Beloit pursuant to a Pre-Annexation Agreement

3. Resolution Directing the Zoning Board of Appeals to Conduct a Public Hearing on Certain Unified Development Ordinance Amendments regarding Commercial Wind Power Generating Facilities / Wind Farms (aka Commercial Wind Energy Facilities) and Solar Farms (aka Commercial Solar Energy Facilities)

4. A Resolution Supporting Agriculture within the County of Winnebago, Illinois

5. Resolution Authorizing the Chairman of the County Board to Execute an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement for Building Inspection by and Between the County of Winnebago, Illinois and the Village of Cherry Valley

6. Committee Report

C. Economic Development Committee - John Sweeney, Committee Chairman

1. Committee Report

2. Resolution Granting Authority to the Winnebago County Board Chairman to Execute the Documents Necessary to Extend an Existing Loan for $419,387 from the Revolving Loan Fund to Experity

D. Operations and Administrative Committee - Keith McDonald, Committee Chairman

1. Committee Report

2. Resolution to Approve Addition of HVAC Control to Air Handlers and Replacing Thermostats for River Bluff Nursing Home Using CIP 2023 Funds

E. Public Works Committee - Dave Tassoni, Committee Chairman

1. Committee Report

2. (23-017) Resolution Amending a Local Agency Resolution of Intent to Retire General Obligation Bonds with Motor Fuel Tax Funds for Improvements to County Highways. 

Cost: $ C.B. District: County Wide

3. (23-018) Resolution Authorizing the Award of Bid for the Annual Concrete Pavement Patching (Section: 23-00000-01-GM)

Cost: $ 216,403.25 C.B. District: 6, 7 & 11 

4. (23-019) Resolution Authorizing an Agreement with Willett Hofmann & Associates, Inc. to Provide Construction Engineering Services for Guilford Road Culvert in Rockford Township. (Section 21-09119-00-BR)

Cost: $39,311 (Rockford Township) C.B. District: 16

5. (23-020) Resolution Authorizing the Award of Bid for the Second 2023 County General Letting (Section 23-00000-00-GM)

Cost: $14,346.40 C.B. District: County Wide 

6. (23-021) Resolution Authorizing Placing Orders for the Purchase of Plow/Dump Truck Chassis

Cost: $ $866,463.00 (chassis only) C.B. District: N/A

(Prices subject to change until build dates are allocated)

7. (23-022) Resolution Authorizing the Award of Bid for the Spring Creek Road Resurfacing Project (Section: 23-09000-02-RS)

Cost: $249,890.77 (Rockford Township) C.B. District: 8

F. Public Safety and Judiciary Committee - Brad Lindmark, Committee Chairman

1. Committee Report

2. Resolution Authorizing the County Board Chairman to Amend Contract for Telecommunication Services for Inmates of the Winnebago County Jail

3. Resolution Authorizing Execution of a First Amendment to the ARP Subrecipient Agreement by and Between the County of Winnebago, Illinois and Marshmallow’s Hope

4. Resolution to Extend Project Safe Neighborhoods Agreement

10. Unfinished Business - Chairman Joseph Chiarelli

11. New Business - Chairman Joseph Chiarelli (Per County Board rules, passage will require a suspension of Board rules).

12. Announcements & Communications - Clerk Lori Gummow

A. Correspondence (see packet)

13. Adjournment - Chairman Joseph Chiarelli
