
Rockford Sun

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

City of Rockford Finance & Personnel Committee met March 11

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Timothy J. Durkee, Alderman - Ward 1 | City of Rockford Website

Timothy J. Durkee, Alderman - Ward 1 | City of Rockford Website

City of Rockford Finance & Personnel Committee met March 11.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:



A. Quarterly Investment Report 12/31/2023

B. Change Order: Millennium Fountain Renovation to Stenstrom Excavation, of Rockford, Illinois.

Original amount: $ 536,293.30

Change order: $ 91,508.15

Amended amount: $ 627,801.45

While excavating and removing the lower splash pad, the 200 amp electrical service that powered the fountain was discovered embedded into the footing and was damaged during demolition. Additionally, it was discovered that the existing electrical circuitry to the lighting bases was direct-buried with a vinyl sheathing and needed to be replaced and installed properly in conduit. Lastly, damaged sidewalk is to be replaced adjacent to the fountain and the lighting circuit to Joe Marino Park was upgraded. The funding source for this change order is Redevelopment Funds ($14,424.68), and partner funding from the Rockford Park District ($77,083.45).

C. Parking Fund Presentation


A. Approval of Vouchers in the amount of $8,549,473.47.

B. Intergovernmental Agreement: City-State-Railroad Agreement for Railway Highway Grade Crossing Improvements (Burton Street & Canadian Pacific Railroad Tracks) using Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) Grade Crossing Protection Funds (GCPF). This agreement outlines the funding of this estimated $300,000.00 project shall be 100% covered by GCPF and Railroad, with no costs to the City.


A. Award of Non-Competitive Contract: Intersection Cameras to Flock Group, Inc., of Atlanta, Georgia in the amount of $99,260.00. The contract duration is one year, following a 90 day trial. The funding source is Organized Retail Crime Grant Program.

B. Award of Joint Purchasing Contracts: Heavy Duty Service Trucks to Lakeside International, of Rockford, Illinois in the amount of $1,227,460.00 and Standard Equipment, of Elmhurst, Illinois in the amount of $474,570.00. The funding source is Street Division Capital Budget $1,336,504.00 and Water Fund Capital Budget/Capital Lease Funds $365,526.00 for a combined total of $1,702,030.00.

C. Award of Bid: City-Wide Sidewalk Repairs 2024 Package #2 to TCI Concrete, of Rockford, Illinois in the amount of $258,450.50. The project is estimated to be completed by June 28, 2024. The funding source is 1% Infrastructure Sales Tax.

D. Award of Bid: Decorative Anodized Valmont Light Pole Shroud to Springfield Electric Supply, of Rockford, Illinois for an estimated annual contract value of $85,000.00 (based on unit pricing). The contract duration is through December 31, 2024 with three (3) possible annual extension options. Annual price adjustments for CPI considered at renewal only. The funding source is Traffic Division Operating Budget.

E. Award of Bid: Riverside Path and Guilford-Rural-Prospect Median to Stenstrom Excavation & Blacktop Group, of Rockford, Illinois in the amount of $210,298.50. The project is estimated to be completed by December 2024. The funding source is 1% Infrastructure Sales Tax.

F. Award of Engineering Agreement: Alpine Road Improvements to Alfred Benesch & Company, of Chicago, Illinois in the amount of $4,999,982.00. The project is estimated to be completed by August 2026. The funding source is Rebuild Illinois Bond (RBI)/Reimbursed 100% with State Funds.

G. Resolution approving the appropriation of Motor Fuel Tax funds/Rebuild Illinois Bond (RBI) Funds to be used for Phase 1 Engineering for Alpine Road Improvements in the amount of $5,000,000.00.

H. Award of Engineering Agreement: West State Street Sidewalk Gap Phase 2 Design Engineering to CES, Inc., of Belvidere, Illinois in the amount of $31,275.00. The project is estimated to be completed in 2024. The funding source is 1% Sales Tax.

I. Award of Engineering Agreement: Highcrest Multi-Use Path Phase 1 Design Addendum to Fehr Graham, of Rockford, Illinois. The project is estimated to be completed by December 2024.

Original amount: $123,050.00

Additional amount: $ 32,300.00

Amended amount: $155,350.00

The consultant prepared the design report which included substantial public engagement with the neighborhoods surrounding the proposed project. During the public engagement City staff along with their consultant heard concerns from the public that included speeding along Highcrest Road, bicycle safety concerns and support and opposition to the project. The City recommended Fehr Graham look at narrowing the roadways by moving the south side curb. This would reduce speeds along Highcrest Road and possibly reduce the need for additional right-of way (ROW) and easement from properties adjacent the multi-use path. The funding source is Motor Fuel Tax funds.

J. Award of Architectural Services Agreement: Coronado Performing Arts Center (CPAC) Architectural Lighting Study to DLR Group, Inc., of Cleveland, Ohio in the amount of $40,000.00. The project is estimated to be completed by July 2024. The funding source is Redevelopment Fund.

K. Award of Engineering Agreement: Davis Park Improvements (Phase 1) (Supplement) to SmithGroup, of Madison, Wisconsin.

Original amount: $ 540,000.00 Original agreement (approved 4-17- 2023)

Additional amount: $ 745,000.00

Total amended amount: $1,285,000.00

The revisions determined during the Validation Study with the project stakeholders and presented during the 30% plan update to Council at the January 29, 2024 Strategic Planning Session resulted in specific proposed additions to the existing agreement.

1. Replacement of the existing sea wall throughout the park extents requiring additional structural and geotechnical due diligence and design;

2. Adjustment of the stage size to accommodate a 3,000 person concert venue with 100,000 lb. roof system capacity and additional MEP requirements;

3. Universally accessible playground design;

4. Expansion of the Phase 1 project limits to Wyman and Chestnut Streets; 5. Improvements to Wyman Street north of the hotel for truck access and park use;

6. Custom skatepark design.

The funding source is DCEO Capital Grants (41%), DCEO Tap Grants (7%), Redevelopment Fund (40%), CIP Fund (11%), and RPD Foundation (1%).

L. Approval of the Grant Agreement between the City of Rockford and Rockford Corridor Improvement, Inc. for a grant application for School Crosswalk Improvements. The City will receive up to $80,000.00 in Rockford Corridor Improvements (RCI) to construct enhanced crosswalks near three (3) neighborhood schools in Rockford. The three (3) schools are (1) Gregory Elementary, (2) Lewis Lemon Elementary; and (3) Rolling Green Elementary.

