
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Loves Park Council met February 25

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City of Loves Park Council met Feb. 25.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

I. Call To Order

Ii. Invocation & Pledge Of Allegiance

1. Invocation given by Reverend Rod Lenzendorf of Firstborn Ministries followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Iii. Roll Call

Iv. Approval Of City Council Minutes Of Previous Meeting

V. Communications, Mayor’s Report And Announcements

1. Recognition of Harlem Girls and Boys Bowling Teams.

Vi. Approve Payment Of Bills

Vii. Officer’s Reports

1. Public Safety

2. Public Works

Viii. Committee Reports

1. Finance and Administration/Jacobson (Finance, Personnel, Buildings & Grounds, Purchasing, Recreation & Beautification)

2. Public Safety/Allton (Police, Fire, Public Safety & Health)

3. Public Works/Schlensker (Street, Water & Utilities)

4. Codes and Regulations/Peterson (Ordinances & Licenses)

5. Community Development/Frykman (Development, Planning, Zoning, Annexation, Building & Drainage)

Ix. Unfinished Business

X. New Business

Xi. Resolutions & Motions

1. Resolution authorizing the acceptance of a grant for the Single Family Rehab Program from the Illinois Housing Development Authority in the amount of $269,770.00.

2. Resolution authorizing the Bell School Road Reconstruction Project contract to be awarded to William Charles Construction.

3. Resolution authorizing Plat 3 of the Business Park at Spring Creek Lakes.

4. Resolution authorizing the Water Department Manager to hire Theresa Banta for the position of Bookkeeping Clerk in the Water Department, effective February 28, 2019.

Xii. Ordinances 2nd Reading

Xiii. Ordinances 1st Reading

Xiv. Public Comment

Xv. Executive Session

Xvi. Good Of The Order

Xvii. Adjournment
