
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Belvidere City Council met September 16

Webp meeting8213

City of Belvidere City Council met Sept. 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Convened in the Belvidere City Council Chambers, 401 Whitney Blvd, Belvidere Illinois at 7:00 p.m.

Call to order by Mayor Chamberlain.

1) Roll Call: Present: R. Brereton, G. Crawford, W. Frank, M. Freeman,

M. McGee, T. Porter, T. Ratcliffe, D. Snow and C. Stevens. Absent: M. Borowicz.

Other staff members in attendance: Budget and Finance Director Becky Tobin, Director of Buildings Kip Countryman, City Treasurer Thornton, Public Works Director Brent Anderson, Fire Chief Hyser, Police Chief Woody, City Attorney Drella and City Clerk Arco.

2) Pledge ofAllegiance:


3) Public Comment:

4) Approval of Minutes:

A) Approval ofminutes of the regular meeting of the Belvidere City Council of September 3, 2019; as presented.

Motion by Ald. Crawford, 2nd by Ald. Porter to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of the Belvidere City Council ofSeptember 3, 2019. Roll Call Vote: 9/0 in favor. Ayes: Brereton, Crawford, Frank, Freeman, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow and Stevens. Nays: None. Motion carried.

5) Public Hearing: None.

6) Special Messages: Proclamation for Constitution Week presented to Kathy Hughes. 

7) Approval of Expenditures: General & Special Fund Expenditures: $ 1, 563, 442. 58

Water& Sewer Fund Expenditures: $ 349, 764. 37

Motion by Ald. Snow, 2nd by Ald. Ratcliffe to approve the General & Special Fund Expenditures in the amount of$ 1, 563,442.58. Roll Call Vote: 9/0 in favor. Ayes: Crawford, Frank, Freeman, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow, Stevens and Brereton. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Motion by Ald. Porter, 2nd by Ald. Crawford to approve the Water& Sewer Fund Expenditures in the amount of$349,764.37. Roll Call Vote: 9/ 0 in favor. Ayes: Frank, Freeman, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow, Stevens, Brereton and Crawford. Nays: None. Motion carried.

8) Committee Reports & Minutes of City Officers:

A) Belvidere Police Department Overtime Report ofAugust 27, 2019 through September 9, 2019. 

B) Belvidere Fire Department Overtime Report ofAugust 28, 2019 through September 10, 2019. 

C) Monthly Treasurer' s Report for August 2019. 

D) Monthly Water/ Sewer Fund Report for August 2019. 

E) Monthly General Fund Report for August 2019. 

F) Monthly Community Development/ Planning Report for August 2019. 

G) Monthly Building Department Revenue Report for August 2019.

Let the record show these reports were placed on file.

H) Minutes of Committee ofthe Whole— Building, Planning and Zoning and Public Works of September 9, 2019.

Motion by Ald. Frank, 2nd by Ald. Brereton to approve the minutes of Committee of the Whole— Building, Planning and Zoning and Public Works of September 9, 2019. Roll Call Vote: 9/0 in favor. Ayes: Freeman, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow, Stevens, Brereton, Crawford and Frank. Nays: None. Motion carried.

9) Unfinished Business:

A)Ord. #469H— 2nd Reading: An Ordinance Amending Section 110- 9, Penalty of the City of Belvidere Municipal Code.

Motion by Ald. Freeman, 2nd by Ald. Crawford to pass Ord. #469H. Roll Call Vote: 9/0 in favor. Ayes: McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow, Stevens, Brereton, Crawford, Frank and Freeman. Nays: None. Motion carried.

10) New Business: Motions forwarded from Committee of the Whole - Building, Planning and Zoning and Public Works of September 9, 2019.

A) Motion to approve the proposal from Davidson& Associates, in the amount of $6,600 to complete six appraisal reports for the Logan Avenue Rehabilitation Project. This work will be paid for from the proceeds of the Local Motor Fuel Tax. Roll Call Vote: 8/ 1 in favor. Ayes: Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow, Brereton, Crawford, Frank, Freeman and McGee. Nays: Stevens. Motion carried.

B) Motion to approve the proposal from Engel Electric for the outdoor LED lighting upgrade at the WWTP, subject to receiving the ComEd incentive for outdoor lighting, for a net cost to the City of$7,970. Roll Call Vote: 9/ 0 in favor. Ayes: Ratcliffe, Snow, Stevens, Brereton, Crawford, Frank, Freeman, McGee and Porter. Nays: None. Motion carried.

C) Motion to approve the proposal from Illinois Pump, in the amount of$ 15, 386 for rebuilding RAS pump 93 at the WWTP. This work will be paid for from line item# 61- 5- 820- 6010, Plant Repairs & Maintenance. Roll Call Vote: 9/0 in favor. Ayes: Snow, Stevens, Brereton, Crawford, Frank, Freeman, McGee, Porter and Ratcliffe. Nays: None. Motion carried.

D) Motion to approve purchasing ( Street Department Garage— Lift Replacement) from O' Reilly at a quoted cost of$5,210. Roll Call Vote: 9/0 in favor. Ayes: Stevens, Brereton, Crawford, Frank, Freeman, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe and Snow. Nays: None. Motion carried.

E) Motion to approve the Construction Engineering Services Agreement from CES Inc. in an amount not-to-exceed $39, 192 for the Bellwood/High School Storm Water Detention Project. This work will be paid for from Capital Funds. Roll Call Vote: 9/0 in favor. Ayes: Brereton, Crawford, Frank, Freeman, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow and Stevens. Nays: None. Motion carried.

F) Motion by Ald. Crawford, 2nd by Ald. Porter to waive Rule 2- 88, Referral to Committee for October 6, 2019 Fire Department Street Closure. Roll Call Vote: 9/0 in favor. Ayes: Crawford, Frank, Freeman, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow, Stevens and Brereton. Nays: None. Motion carried.

G) Motion by Ald. Frank, 2nd by Ald. Crawford to approve the street closure for Fire Department Open House on October 6, 2019. Roll Call Vote: 9/0 in favor. Ayes: Frank, Freeman, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow, Stevens, Brereton and Crawford. Nays: None. Motion carried.

H) Motion by Ald. Brereton, 2nd by Ald. McGee to reconsider Ord. #468H— An Ordinance Amending Section 118- 34, Dangerous, Dead or Diseased Trees of the City of Belvidere Municipal Code. Roll Call Vote: 8/ 1 in favor. Ayes: Freeman, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe, Stevens, Brereton, Crawford and Frank. Nays: Snow. Motion carried.

11) Adjournment:

Motion by Ald. Crawford, 2nd by Ald. Brereton to adjourn meeting at 7: 22 p.m. Aye voice vote carried. Motion carried.
