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City of Belvidere City Council met November 4

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City of Belvidere City Council met Nov. 4.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Convened in the Belvidere City Council Chambers, 401 Whitney Blvd, Belvidere Illinois at 7:00 p.m.

Call to order by Mayor Chamberlain.

1) Roll Call: Present: R. Brereton G. Crawford, W. Frank, M. McGee,

T. Porter, T. Ratcliffe, D. Snow and C. Stevens. Absent: M. Borowicz and M. Freeman.

Other staff members in attendance: Budget and Finance Director Becky Tobin, Public Works Director Brent Anderson, Community Development Planner Gina DelRose, Fire Chief Hyser, Police Chief Woody, City Attorney Drella and City Clerk Arco.

2) Pledge of Allegiance:


3) Public Comment:

4) Approval ofMinutes:

A) Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of the Belvidere City Council of

October 21, 2019; as presented.

Motion by Aid. Porter, 2nd by Aid. McGee to approve the minutes ofthe regular meeting of the Belvidere City Council of October 21, 2019. Roll Call Vote: 8/0 in favor. Ayes: Brereton, Crawford, Frank, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow and Stevens. Nays: None. Motion carried.

5) Public Hearing: None.

6) Special Messages: None.

7) Approval of Expenditures: None.

Belvidere City Council November 4, 2019 2

8) Committee Reports & Minutes of City Officers:

A) Belvidere Police Department Overtime Report ofOctober 8, 2019 through October 21, 2019. B) Belvidere Fire Department Overtime Report of October 9, 2019 through October 22, 2019. C) Minutes of City-County Coordinating Committee of September 11, 2019.

Let the record show these reports and minutes were placed on file.

D) Minutes of Committee of the Whole— Public Safety and Finance and Personnel of October 28, 2019.

Motion by Aid. Crawford, 2nd by Aid. Brereton to approve the minutes of Committee of the Whole —Public Safety and Finance and Personnel of October 28, 2019. Roll Call Vote: 8/ 0 in favor. Ayes: Crawford, Frank, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow, Stevens and Brereton. Nays: None. Motion carried.

9) Unfinished Business:

A) Ord. # 471 H —

2nd Reading: An Ordinance Granting a Special Use to Permit a Planned Development within the CB, Central Business District ( Container Park— 300 South Main Street).

Motion by Ald. Snow, 2"d by Ald. Crawford to pass Ord. #4711. Roll Call Vote: 8/0 in favor. Ayes: Frank, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow, Stevens, Brereton and Crawford. Nays: None. Motion carried.

B) Motion to approve city attorney drafting an ordinance for gas use tax and an agreement with NICOR to collect tax. Tabled October 7, 2019.

10) New Business:

A) Ord. # 472H— Ist Reading: An Ordinance Authorizing the Sale ofCertain Personal Property ( Police Department Vehicles and Seized Vehicles) and Approving the Purchase ofNew Vehicles.

Let the record show Ord. 9472H was placed on file for first reading.

B) Res. # 2102- 2019: A Resolution Detennining a Vacancy in the Office of Alderman for the 2"d Ward Alderman Seat Expiring April 30, 2021.

No action taken on Resolution).

Motion by Ald. Ratcliffe, 2ud by Ald. Crawford to accept the resignation of Michael Borowicz, Ward 2 Alderman, effective November 4, 2019. Roll Call Vote: 8/ 0 in favor. Ayes: McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow, Stevens, Brereton, Crawford and Frank. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Motions forwarded from City-County Coordinating Committee ofSeptember 11, 2019.

A) Motion to pay invoice number 372839R ( TRC) in the amount of$ 3, 122. 19 with a 50/ 50 split with the City of Belvidere and County. Roll Call Vote: 8/ 0 in favor. Ayes: Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow, Stevens, Brereton, Crawford, Frank and McGee. Nays: None. Motion carried.

B) Motion to pay invoice number I9381205 ( PDC Laboratories) in the amount of 10, 851. 71 with a 50/ 50 split with the City of Belvidere and County. Roll Call Vote: 8/ 0 in favor. Ayes: Ratcliffe, Snow, Stevens, Brereton, Crawford, Frank, McGee and Porter. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Motions forwarded from Committee of the Whole— Public Safety and Finance and Personnel of October 28, 2019.

A) Motion to approve the expense for Ballistic Gear for Paramedics performing Rescue Operations in the event ofan active shooter. The cost is $ 6,217.52 with a split between the city (account 01- 5- 220- 8200) and the 2% Foreign Fire Insurance Tax Fund. Roll Call Vote: 8/0 in favor. Ayes: Snow, Stevens, Brereton, Crawford, Frank, McGee, Porter and Ratcliffe. Nays: None. Motion carried.

B) Motion to approve the low bid from AFC International Inc. in the amount of 4,782. 12 for a MiniRAE 3000 Air Monitor. This purchase will be made by utilizing the safety grant monies from General Mills. Roll Call Vote: 8/0 in favor. Ayes: Stevens, Brereton, Crawford, Frank, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe and Snow. Nays: None. Motion carried.

C) Motion to approve the renewal with Blue Cross Blue Shield for medical and self-funding dental for CY20. Roll Call Vote: 8/0 in favor. Ayes: Brereton, Crawford, Frank, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow and Stevens. Nays: None. Motion carried.

D) Motion to appoint Dawn Brooks to the Ida Public Library Board of Trustees.

Roll Call Vote: 8/ 0 in favor. Ayes: Crawford, Frank, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow, Stevens and Brereton. Nays: None. Motion carried.

E) Motion to approve the Boone County Belvidere Courthouse Square Survey Project with the Lakota Group with a reimbursement match of$4,500. Roll Call Vote: 8/ 0 in favor. Ayes: Frank, McGee, Porter, Ratcliffe, Snow, Stevens, Brereton and Crawford. Nays: None. Motion carried.

11) Adjournment:

Motion by Ald. Crawford, 2"d by Ald. McGee to adjourn meeting at 7: 17 p.m. Aye voice vote carried. Motion carried.
