
Rockford Sun

Friday, March 14, 2025

City of Rockford Code & Regulation Committee met July 24

City of Rockford Code & Regulation Committee met July 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


Attendee Name 





Tim Durkee

City of Rockford



Gabrielle Torina

City of Rockford



Gina Meeks

City of Rockford



Mark Bonne

City of Rockford



Isidro Barrios

City of Rockford




1. Project Labor Agreement (PLA) Policy

The Chair announced that she received a request to hold this item out.

RESULT: HELD OUT Next: 8/14/2023 5:30 PM

2. 2023-154-CR - Committee recommends sustaining the Traffic Commission's approval to establish a “2-Hour Parking” restriction on the east side of Indian Terrace from the end of Indian Terrace to 25 feet north of the end of Indian Terrace, thus repealing the “No Parking Any Time” restriction on the east side of Indian Terrace from the end of Indian Terrace to 25 feet north of the end of Indian Terrace. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

There was no discussion on this item.


MOVER: Mark Bonne, Alderman

SECONDER: Isidro Barrios, Alderman

AYES: Tim Durkee, Gabrielle Torina, Mark Bonne, Isidro Barrios 

ABSENT: Gina Meeks

3. 2023-155-CR - Committee recommends sustaining the Traffic Commission's approval to establish a “No Parking Any Time” restriction on the south side of Mound Avenue from the end of Mound Avenue to 65 feet west of the end of Mound Avenue. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

There was no discussion on this item.


MOVER: Tim Durkee, Alderman

SECONDER: Mark Bonne, Alderman

AYES: Tim Durkee, Gabrielle Torina, Mark Bonne, Isidro Barrios 

ABSENT: Gina Meeks

4. 2023-156-CR - Committee recommends sustaining the Traffic Commission's approval for “Official Car Parking” on the west side of Court Street from West State Street to 130 feet north of West State Street, thus repealing the “No Parking Any Time” restriction on the west side of Court Street from West State Street to 130 feet north of West State Street. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

There was no discussion on this item.


MOVER: Tim Durkee, Alderman

SECONDER: Gabrielle Torina, Alderman

AYES: Tim Durkee, Gabrielle Torina, Mark Bonne, Isidro Barrios 

ABSENT: Gina Meeks

5. 2023-157-CR - Committee recommends sustaining the Traffic Commission's recommendation that No Action be taken on the following items:

1. A request to establish “2-Hour Parking” and “Residential Permit Parking” restrictions on the east side of Indian Terrace from Mound Avenue to 45 feet north of Mound Avenue, thus repealing the “No Parking Any Time” restriction on the east side of Indian Terrace from Mound Avenue to 45 feet north of Mound Avenue;

2. A request to establish “2-Hour Parking” and “Residential Permit Parking” restrictions on the south side of Mound Avenue from Indian Terrace to 45 feet west of Indian Terrace;

3. A request to establish an all-way stop at the intersection of 13th Street and 5th Avenue, thus repealing the existing traffic control of 5th Avenue yielding for 13th Street; and

4. A request to establish traffic control at the intersection of Trenton Avenue and Hudson Street.

There was no discussion on this item.


MOVER: Mark Bonne, Alderman

SECONDER: Tim Durkee, Alderman

AYES: Tim Durkee, Gabrielle Torina, Mark Bonne, Isidro Barrios 

ABSENT: Gina Meeks

6. Committee recommends sustaining the Zoning Board of Appeals' approval for a:

a. Zoning Map Amendment from County CN to C-2, Limited Commercial Zoning District; and

b. Special Use Permit for the installation of a solar farm (freestanding solar panel racks and solar panels) in a C-2, Limited Commercial Zoning District to I-1, Light Industrial Zoning District at 6902 and 68xx Auburn Street.

Subject to conditions. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

The Chair announced that Ald. Wilkins requested that this item be held out.

RESULT: HELD OUT Next: 8/14/2023 5:30 PM

7. 2023-158-CR - Committee recommends sustaining the Zoning Board of Appeals' approval for a Modification of a Special Use Permit #099-97 for the storage, repair, sale and marketing of heavy equipment and vehicles in a C-1, Limited Office Zoning District at 4306 35th Street (Rockford PB, LLC/Applicants). Subject to conditions. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

A MOTION was made by Ald. Bonne to SUSTAIN ZBA. The motion was SECONDED by Ald. Durkee, and CARRIED by a vote of 4-0. Scott Capovilla, Planning and Zoning Manager for the City of Rockford explained that the subject property is a truck terminal and repair shop, and they want to expand their business to a property.

Approval is subject to the following conditions:

1. Meet all applicable Building and Fire Codes

2. Submittal of a Building Permits for Staff review and approval 3. Submittal of a revised site plan showing an asphalt or concrete surface replacing the gravel and bituminous base and striping of parking spaces to Staff for review and approval

4. Submittal of a landscaping plan with perimeter landscaping along US 20, interior landscaping and concrete islands, and green space along the east and south property lines with plan species and sizes to Staff for review and approval

5. The property be developed as per revised site and landscaping plan approved by Staff

6. Submittal of a Parking Lot Permit for Staff review and approval 7. Submittal of a photometric plan with fixture details and fixture specifications for Staff’s review and approval if additional parking lighting is proposed

8. Outdoor storage is limited to heavy equipment and vehicles

9. No outside storage of any auto parts, materials, unregistered vehicles or inoperable vehicles, and unregistered heavy equipment vehicles

10. Future use changes will require a Modification of the Special Use Permit

11. All conditions must be met prior to establishment of use


8. 2023-159-CR - Committee recommends sustaining the Zoning Board of Appeals' approval for a:

a. Special Use Permit for a Planned Mixed-Use Development for self-storage buildings and outdoor storage of passenger vehicles, recreational vehicles, trailers and boats;

b. Variation to reduce the required front yard setback from 30 feet to 10 feet along Cannon Street and Sewell Street;

c. Variation to reduce the required setback from the front yard setback for a 10 feet high fence;

d. Variation to eliminate interior landscaping; and

e. Variation to eliminate the required landscape Type “C” buffer in an I-1, Light Industrial Zoning District at 1902 Wills Avenue (Anthony Tarara/Applicant).

Subject to conditions. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance. Ald. Durkee asked about the elimination of the interior landscaping, and the buffer. Mr. Capovilla stated that a sight-obscuring fence is being erected, and the buildings will provide a buffer. He further explained that self-storage spaces generally don’t have interior landscaping because of the way they are set up.

Ald. Prunty asked if there was any opposition from the residents in the area. Mr. Capovilla stated that there was one neighbor who was concerned about visibility of the outside storage.

A MOTION was made by Ald. Bonne to SUSTAIN ZBA. The motion was SECONDED by Ald. Durkee, and CARRIED by a vote of 4-0. Approval is subject to the following conditions:

1. Must meet all applicable Building and Fire Codes

2. Outdoor storage of trailers, recreational vehicles, passenger vehicles shall be limited to the area shown on Exhibit D

3. Submittal of revised site plans showing vinyl site-obscuring fencing along the portion of Cannon Street north of the building screening the outdoor storage from the residential uses

4. Submittal of building elevations for Staff’s review and approval

5. Submittal of an illumination plan showing light readings at the property line and cut sheet with light fixtures for Staff’s review and approval


9. 2023-160-CR - Committee recommends sustaining the Zoning Board of Appeals' approval for a Special Use Permit for a Body Art Service in a C-2, Limited Commercial Zoning District at 5859 Forest Hills Road (Robert Nelson for Tattoo Bob’s/Applicant). Subject to conditions. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

A MOTION was made by Ald. Durkee to SUSTAIN ZBA. The motion was SECONDED by Ald. Bonne, and CARRIED by a vote of 4-0.

Approval is subject to the following conditions:

1. Meet all Building and Fire Codes

2. Submittal of Building Permits for Staff’s review and approval

3. All signage of tenants that are no longer in the center must be removed from the freestanding sign

4. The Tattoo Bob’s signage at the old tenant space must be removed 

5. The dumpster located along Pepper Drive must be relocated to the rear yard which requires submittal of a Dumpster Enclosure Permit for Staff’s review and approval

6. All conditions must be met prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy


10. 2023-161-CR - Committee recommends sustaining the Zoning Board of Appeals' approval for a Modification of Special Use Permit#010-21 for the outdoor storage of 10 U-Haul trucks in a C-3, General Commercial Zoning District at 529 and 519 West Jefferson Street and 301 North Winnebago Street (Minesh Patel/Applicant). Subject to conditions. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

A MOTION was made by Ald. Bonne to SUSTAIN ZBA The motion was SECONDED by Ald. Torina. Ald. Durkee stated that in his opinion, the nature of the request does not fit with the area. Ald. Bailey noted that he supports this request.

Approval is subject to the following conditions:

1. Must meet all Building and Fire Codes

2. Submittal of a revised site plan that shows ten (10) trucks and one (1) trailer 

3. Repair Dumpster Enclosure to bring it up to code

4. The hours of operation and days for the U-Haul rental will be 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Sunday

5. The outdoor rental and outdoor storage must be located in the north parking lot along North Winnebago Street and shall be limited to ten (10) trucks and one (1) trailer

6. The landscaping and parking shall be maintained as shown on Exhibit D 

7. The subject property must be free from trash and must be maintained at all times

8. All conditions must be met prior to establishment of use


11. 2023-162-CR - Committee recommends sustaining the Zoning Board of Appeals' approval for a Special Use Permit for a mural in a C-4, Urban-Mixed Use Zoning District at 411 7th Street (City of Rockford/Rockford Area Arts Council/Applicants). Subject to conditions. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

A MOTION was made by Ald. Durkee to SUSTAIN ZBA. The motion was SECONDED by Ald. Torina.

Approval is subject to the following conditions:

1. Submittal of mural elevation and placement of mural on building for Staff’s review and approval prior to installation

2. A sign permit shall be required including an illustration of the proposed artwork shall be submitted with permit application

3. The mural panels may not consist of a vinyl banner material within a frame The mural must be maintained to meet code


12. 2023-163-CR - Committee recommends sustaining the Zoning Board of Appeals' approval for a Special Use Permit for a mural in a C-4, Urban Mixed-Use Zoning District at 502 7th Street (City of Rockford/Rockford Area Arts

Council/Applicants). Subject to conditions. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

A MOTION was made by Ald. Durkee to SUSTAIN ZBA. The motion was SECONDED by Ald. Barrios.

Approval is subject to the following conditions:

1. Submittal of mural elevation and placement of mural on building for Staff’s review and approval prior to installation

2. A sign permit shall be required including an illustration of the proposed artwork shall be submitted with permit application

3. The mural panels may not consist of a vinyl banner material within a frame 

4. The mural must be maintained to meet code


13. 2023-167-CR - Committee recommends sustaining the Zoning Board of Appeals' approval of a Special Use Permit for a mural in a C-2, Limited Commercial Zoning District at 1007 and 1009 South Main Street (City of Rockford/Rockford Area Arts Council/Applicants) The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

A MOTION was made by Ald. Durkee to SUSTAIN ZBA. The motion was SECONDED by Ald. Barrios. Ald. Bonne voted “No.”

Approval is subject to the following conditions:

1. Submittal of mural elevation and placement of mural on building for Staff’s review and approval prior to installation

2. A sign permit shall be required including an illustration of the proposed artwork shall be submitted with permit application

3. The mural panels may not consist of a vinyl banner material within a frame 4. The mural must be maintained to meet code


14. 2023-164-CR - Committee recommends sustaining the Zoning Board of Appeals’ recommends denial for a Variation to increase the maximum allowed business identification wall signs from two (2) signs to four (4) signs, and a Variation to increase the maximum allowed sign square footage from 240 square feet to 411 square feet in a C-2, Limited Commercial Zoning District at 999 South Perryville Road (Sign Central for Delong Car Wash, LLC/Applicants)

A MOTION was made by Ald. Durkee to SUSTAIN ZBA. The motion was SECONDED by Ald. Bonne. Chairwoman Torina asked Mr. Capovilla to explain the reason for the denial by the Zoning Board of Appeals. Mr. Capovilla stated that the Zoning Board has been consistent with requests for signage, and this request does not meet the requirements.

Ald. Durkee stated that the subject property is in his ward, and he supported the denial.


15. 2023-165-CR - Committee recommends sustaining the Zoning Board of Appeals’ recommends approval for a Special Use Permit for a four-family residential unit and, a Variation to reduce the required parking spaces from eight (8) to four (4) in a C-3, General Commercial Zoning District at 3202 Kishwaukee Street (New Day Apartments, LLC-Elgin/Applicants) Subject to conditions. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

A MOTION was made by Ald. Durkee to SUSTAIN ZBA. The motion was SECONDED by Ald. Barrios.

Ald. Prunty wanted to know the reason for the change in the number of parking spaces. Mr. Capovilla explained that currently there is no parking on the site, and four (4) spaces was the maximum amount of spaces that could fit on the property. He also noted that the subject property had been a commercial site for many years, and was converted to residential.

Ald. Torina voted “No.”

Approval is subject to the following conditions:

1. Meet all applicable Building and Fire Codes

2. Submittal of a Building Permit to Staff for review and approval

3. Submittal of a Fence Permit and fence elevation to Staff for review and approval

4. Submittal of a Parking Lot Permit Application and Storm Water Management Application to Staff for review and approval

5. Any change from the four-family residential units will require a modification of the special use permit, if this special use permit is approved

6. All conditions must be met prior to establishment of use


16. 2023-166-CR - Committee recommends sustaining the Zoning Board of Appeals' approval for a Special Use Permit for a mural in a C-2, Limited Commercial Zoning District at 1025 and 1029 South Main Street (City of Rockford/Rockford Area Arts Council/Applicants) The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

A MOTION was made by Ald. Durkee to SUSTAIN ZBA. The motion was SECONDED by Ald. Barrios. Ald. Bonne voted “No.”

Approval is subject to the following conditions:

1. Submittal of mural elevation and placement of mural on building for Staff’s review and approval prior to installation

2. A sign permit shall be required including an illustration of the proposed artwork shall be submitted with permit application

3. The mural panels may not consist of a vinyl banner material within a frame 

4. The mural must be maintained to meet code


17. 2023-153-CR - 6830 Spring Creek Road

Liquor and Tobacco Advisory Board recommends approval for the Sale of Liquor by the Drink (Class L50) in conjunction with a restaurant and video gaming terminals in a C-3, General Commercial Zoning District at 6830 Spring Creek Road (Laura Renner/The Canna Café, LLC dba The Canna Café/Applicant) A MOTION was made by Ald. Durkee to SUSTAIN LTAB. The motion was SECONDED by Ald. Bonne.

Approval is subject to the following conditions:

1. Meet all applicable Building and Fire Codes

2. Compliance with all City of Rockford Code of Ordinances including Liquor Codes

3. Submittal of a revised interior floor plan that shows the location of the proposed video gaming terminals to Staff for review and approval 

4. The sale of liquor by the drink shall be in conjunction with a restaurant 

5. The hours of operation shall be limited to Monday through Sunday 9 a.m. to 2 a.m.

6. The proposed use shall not have a cover charge, dance floor or any DJs 

7. The proposed use shall not operate as a nightclub

8. Window display signage is limited to 20% of window area

9. The windows shall not be covered with bars or other devices that block the windows

10. Any pending general ordinance case(s) must be resolved prior to issuance of the license

11. All outstanding general ordinance fines must be paid prior to issuance of the license

12. All conditions must be met prior to establishment of use

13. The proposed use and facility shall be limited to three (3) video gaming terminals


18. Committee recommends approval of the Pre-Annexation Agreement for 68xx Auburn Street. The Legal Director shall prepare the appropriate ordinance.

The Chair announced that she received a request to hold this item out.

RESULT: HELD OUT Next: 8/14/2023 5:30 PM

19. Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Rockford and Rockford Public School District 205 for Police Services

The Chair announced that she received a request to hold this item out.

RESULT: HELD OUT Next: 8/14/2023 5:30 PM


Without any further business before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned.


MOVER: Mark Bonne, Alderman

SECONDER: Isidro Barrios, Alderman

AYES: Tim Durkee, Gabrielle Torina, Mark Bonne, Isidro Barrios 

ABSENT: Gina Meeks



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