
Rockford Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Carlyle City Council met July 22

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Jim McClaren - City Council Member – Ward 1 | City of Carlyle Website

Jim McClaren - City Council Member – Ward 1 | City of Carlyle Website

City of Carlyle City Council met July 22.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Carlyle City Council was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem, John Hodapp at 7:00 p.m. at the Case Halstead Library, 550 6th Street, Carlyle, IL.

The meeting opened with the pledge of allegiance.

Aldermen present were Tammy Peters, Jim McClaren, Scott Diekemper, John Hodapp, Jeff Taylor, Mike Jansen, and Bruce Hilmes. Alderman Jeremy Weh was absent.

City employees present were City Administrator Brad Myers, Officer Drew Johnson, and City Clerk Rita Jurgensmeyer.

Others present were Kelly Ross, Mike Warren, Kathy Warren, Don Horrell, and Caley Meyer.

Alderman Jeff Taylor made a motion to approve the minutes from July 8, 2024, regular meeting. Alderman Tammy Peters seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved by roll call vote. Aye: Tammy Peters, Jim McClaren, Scott Diekemper, John Hodapp, Jeff Taylor, Mike Jansen, and Bruce Hilmes. Nay: none.

Alderman Jeff Taylor made a motion to approve the transfers from Fund 1 General Fund to Fund 4 Police for $110,000.00, Fund 11 Economic Development for $20,000.00, Fund 17 Parks for $35,000.00, Fund 18 Playground for $10,000.00, Fund 19 Social Security for $10,000.00, and Fund 20 Library for $10,000.00 for a total of $195,000.00. Alderman Scott Diekemper seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved by roll call vote. Aye: Jim McClaren, Scott Diekemper, John Hodapp, Jeff Taylor, Mike Jansen, Bruce Hilmes, and Tammy Peters. Nay: none.

Alderman John Hodapp made a motion to pay the claims against the city. The motion was seconded by Alderman Jeff Taylor it was unanimously approved by roll call vote. Aye: Scott Diekemper, John Hodapp, Jeff Taylor, Mike Jansen, Bruce Hilmes, Tammy Peters, and Jim McClaren. Nay: none.

City Clerk Rita Jurgensmeyer informed everyone that petitions for the April 2025 election may be picked up from city hall on August 20, 2025. The first day for filing petitions is November 12, 2024. The following positions will be open, mayor, city clerk, and one alderman in each ward.

City Clerk Rita Jurgensmeyer also informed the council that it will be time to approve and review executive session minutes. Because of moving city hall this will be done at the second meeting in August. The packets will be ready for review prior to the second meeting in August.

City Administrator Brad Myers reported that Monday, July 29th is moving day for the new city hall. There will be an open house on July 26th from 2:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Caley Meyer spoke during public comments. He wants everyone to know he is doing everything he can with the State of Illinois concerning the drainage issue at the intersection of 1st and Franklin Street. He has done a landscape project and cleaned up the area. He said in the past year he has reached out twice to the Street and Alley Department, the county highway department, and the state. He said everyone involved told him to do what he sees fit for the situation. He said City Administrator Brad Myers has been out and shared his thoughts on the situation. He said he has moved forward with the State of Illinois and they advised him not to touch anything. Caley Meyer asked if anyone would like to see the property pin. It is by a boulder and a small tree that is on his property. He said City Administrator Brad Myers told him that it all needs to be torn out. He said he talked to IDOT and he also has an updated copy showing his property line from H. M. & G. He added that the gentleman from the state that came out ranks second in the state and he advised him not to touch anything. Caley Meyer said that the man from the state is filling out paperwork and he will be filling out any paperwork that he needs to. He added that there is a drain on the inside of the corner that will need to be cut out and put back in to state code.  Then it would be up to the Street and Alley to install the curb from the alley all the way to the storm drain inlet. Alderman John Hodapp asked if the state was going to be doing the work and Caley Meyer said that, yes, they would be doing it. He said that he received an email from Brad Myers asking him to provide drawings and a list of how he was going to approach the process. He added that the gentleman from the state told him to sit tight until they get specs and what they will need and how they will move forward with the drain. Alderman John Hodapp asked if he had a phone number for the man from the state that he could contact. Caley Meyer said he would get ahold of him and tell him to reach out to someone with the city.

City Administrator Brad Myers reported that the TIF 4 progress is starting and letters have been sent out to landowners that have property within 750 feet of the TIF 4 area. The hearing will be on August 26th. Moran Development will be here that night to answer all questions.

City Administrator Brad Myers said that the Finance Committee discussed the possibility of using online bill paying to save time and cut down on the number of checks that have to be printed and signed. A discussion was held concerning security and he said that it would be going through the bank and they have security as well as the security the city has. He is asking for authorization to initiate the process to see what bills could actually be paid online.

Alderman Jeff Taylor made a motion to give City Administrator Brad Myers authorization to initiate the process to see what bills could be paid online. The motion was seconded by Alderman Tammy Peters and it was unanimously approved by roll call vote. Aye: John Hodapp, Jeff Taylor, Mike Jansen, Bruce Hilmes, Tammy Peters, Jim McClaren, and Scott Diekemper. Nay: none.

City Administrator Brad Myers thanked the Electric Department for their quick response when power lines were taken down during a storm. They had help from the City of Breese electric department, which he also thanked.

City Administrator Brad Myers explained a maintenance agreement for submersible pumps. He said Brandon Pieron had come to him with a quote to provide maintenance and inspection of lift station pumps. The quote was from Municipal Equipment in the amount of $13,894.00. The quote covers pulling and inspecting 11 sets of lift station pumps and pulling and inspecting two Barnes backwash pumps at the water plant, the necessary equipment, and the crane truck. City Administrator Brad Myers felt it was a good deal.

Alderman Jeff Taylor made a motion to approve the quote from Municipal Equipment in the amount of $13,894.00 for the inspection of the lift station pumps. The motion was seconded by Alderman Mike Jansen and it was unanimously approved by roll call vote. Aye: Jeff Taylor, Mike Jansen, Bruce Hilmes, Tammy Peters, Jim McClaren, Scott Diekemper, and John Hodapp. Nay: none.

City Administrator Brad Myers said that the Street and Alley Department is waiting for weather to cooperate to finish the corner at the new city hall. He said there will also be a drive-up payment box and a flagpole will also be mounted.

City Administrator Brad Myers reported that soccer season will be starting soon.

At 7:14 p.m. Alderman Jeff Taylor made a motion to go into executive session to discuss 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5) The purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body, including meetings held for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired. The motion was seconded by Alderman Mike Jansen and it was unanimously approved by roll call vote. Aye: Mike Jansen, Bruce Hilmes, Tammy Peters, Jim McClaren, Scott Diekemper, John Hodapp, and Jeff Taylor. Nay: none.

At 8:06 p.m. the council returned to regular session.

At 8:07 p.m. a motion to adjourn was made by Alderman Jeff Taylor. Alderman Jim McClaren seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved by roll call vote. Aye: Tammy Peters, Jim McClaren, Scott Diekemper, John Hodapp, Jeff Taylor, Mike Jansen, and Bruce Hilmes. Nay: none.
