Mayor Tom McNamara, City Of Rockford | City Of Rockford website
Mayor Tom McNamara, City Of Rockford | City Of Rockford website
The City of Rockford has unveiled a new Housing Strategy Framework aimed at enhancing the availability and quality of housing in the area. The plan is designed to foster economic growth, social equity, and improve the quality of life by ensuring access to diverse housing options.
Rockford's initiative seeks to coordinate public and private resources to create and preserve between 6,000 and 9,000 housing units by 2035. This effort underscores the city's commitment to sustainable development and regional expansion.
The framework outlines several strategies. The first strategy focuses on making Rockford an attractive place for development. Actions include engaging developers through focus groups, supporting out-of-market developers interested in investing in Rockford, providing a designated point of contact for affordable property developers at the city level, and combining various funding sources with innovative financing approaches.
Another strategy emphasizes tailored approaches for specific neighborhoods to ensure that new developments benefit both existing and future residents. Actions under this strategy involve creating land use plans around key projects, revising codes where necessary, focusing development in areas with existing infrastructure, using TIFs strategically, and concentrating new housing for seniors and people with disabilities in well-connected areas.
A third strategy aims at strengthening neighborhoods by preserving existing housing stock while revitalizing vacant properties. This includes continuing programs like the Land Bank/Trustee Program, funding home rehabilitation programs for low- to middle-income households, identifying obsolete industrial sites for reuse, encouraging compliance with property registries, and implementing historic preservation plans.
Strengthening cross-sector partnerships forms another core part of the framework. It involves working with public sector groups on shared projects like facilitating homeownership pathways through collaboration with organizations such as the Rockford Housing Authority (RHA) and Region 1 Planning Council. Support will also be provided to community development financial organizations (CDFIs) along with fostering community-based organizations' growth.
Lastly, expanding public education about fair housing issues is highlighted as crucial for gaining support for housing initiatives. Efforts will include educating city council members and the public about zoning reforms among other topics while promoting engagement opportunities within communities.
Residents can learn more about this framework during a Community Relations Meeting scheduled for Thursday, February 13th at City Council Chambers or visit online. Comments can be sent via email to or by calling 779-348-7442.